Advent Calendar - Dec 23

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Words: 749

The only thing that gave Mikey's presence behind you away was the slight chuckle that escaped his lips, as he watched you trying to put the golden star on top of the Christmas tree.

"Seeing something funny," you asked, turning around, the star still in your hand.

"Not at all," answered Mikey, a shit-eating grin on his face.

You turned back to the tree, knowing fully well that Mikey was still watching as you got on your tip toes, stretching to reach the top branch of the tree, but you were too short by about an inch.

Mikey giggled, his arms crossed in front of his chest, amused that you were too stubborn to ask him for help.

"Come on let me," he offered, stepping behind you, placing his hand gently on your waist, and took the star out of your hand.

"What are you doing," you asked, as he pulled away, placing the star back in the box it had been wrapped in over the year.

"We're using another topper this year," he explained with a mysterious smile, and disappeared in his study.

"What do you have planned now," you mumbled more to yourself than anyone else.

You had spent the last hour decorating the small Christmas tree that Mikey and you had bought yesterday and propped up on the corner table between the sofas in the living room. Since most of the decoration around the house was already held in classical red and gold, you had decided on the same colors for the tree. Now, sparkly baubles in different shades of gold and red were evenly hung at every branch. Tiny electric lights, once turned on, would glimmer between the pine needles, and gently shimmering ribbons were dragged around the tree. To bring a little bit of variety into the decoration, you had added a few small figures like angels, sleighs and snowmen out of wood. Whatever Mikey had planned for the tree topper better not ruin the whole ensemble you had put so much thought into!

He came back out of the study, carrying a small carton box, which top was out of see through plastic. Curiously you tried spying into the box to see what Mikey had chosen, but he turned so you could not see it.

"Patience," he reminded with a wink, before he lifted up the top and pulled out the topper to present it to you. "Tada!"

He held up a golden colored figure which was about the size of your hand, shaped into what looked like...

"A bass guitar," you asked surprised, honestly having expected something far worse, like the neon colored Christmas stocking he had insisted on putting on top of the tree last year.

"Brilliant, isn't it," he asked excitedly. "Ray gave it to me as an early Christmas present. Please, can we use it?"

He looked at you pleadingly, his dark eyes begging for your permission. You laughed quietly at his behavior, and nodded in agreement.

"Go on," you instructed, glad that he had found something that was a little more original than a simple star.

Mikey smiled brightly, and got on his tip toes, just like you had done a few minutes ago, finally installing the topper.

When he stepped away, he proudly looked at his work, or mostly your work really.

"It looks great," he complemented, and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his chest.

"Let's turn on the lights," you suggested, suddenly excited to see how everything had turned out.

Since heavy clouds covered the sky outside, the room was not very bright, so once you had flipped the switch, the Christmas tree lights sparkled beautifully.

"It's perfect," Mikey repeated, and sat down on the sofa, pulling you down with him, into his lap. "You did great, as every year."

"Well, thank you," you smiled, and pressed your lips against his, making him smile as well.

"We should take a picture later, and send it to Ray," Mikey thought, glancing at the tree.

"Later," you agreed, "for now, how about we just sit here, and enjoy the peace?"

Mikey nodded and kissed your forehead lovingly, before he relaxed back against the cushions of the couch, pulling you tightly into his calming embrace. The lights on the Christmas tree shed a soft, orange glow through the room, and outside heavy, cold winter raindrops drummed against the window, but you could not care less, not while you were safely wrapped in Mikey's warm, protective arms.

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