Advent Calendar - Dec 15

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I was away for a concert of one of my favorite bands of all time, the first band I ever started liking. I love these guys very much, and they, as always, put on a breathtaking show. I think all of you can understand that this was very important for me and forgive me for the late update. If not... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
: 670

Smiling you remembered how Jon had insisted on having a fireplace in the living room. To you it had not really mattered, you never had had a fireplace before, and you had never missed it, but Jon had made it a condition for your new home. And now you knew why.

Outside a winter storm raged on, the wind that carried dead leaves and tiny twigs crashed against the walls of the old house, rain lashed against the windows and sometimes a bright flash raced over the sky.

It was only four pm, but outside the landscape was wrapped in darkness. The last sunbeams of the day got swallowed by thick clouds; the only steady light outside was the street lantern in front of your house.

The fireplace looked like it was ancient, like it was older than the rest of the house. It was build out fieldstones, and had a fire screen made out of elegantly bent iron. You had started the fire a while ago, making sure it burned hot and steady. Now you sat on the sofa, a book in your lap, and waited for Jon to come home. In the kitchen you had prepared a pot with chocolate milk that only needed to be heated up, and a plate with Christmas cookies.

The familiar sound of the front door made you jump up from the couch, and you hurried into the hallway where Jon had just taken off his dripping wet rain coat. While he dried his hair with the towel you had wisely placed next to the door, you fetched a set of dry clothes for you husband from upstairs, before heading into the kitchen, and turning on the stove to heat up the cocoa.

A while later, the delicious smell of hot chocolate filled the house. When you had come out of the kitchen, you had found Jon already sitting on the sofa. He was wearing his dry clothes, but his skin and hair were still damp from the cold rain. You placed a tray with cups, the pot, and the plate with cookies on the living room table. Jon shot you a thankful smile as he reached for the sweets you had baked together last weekend.

With a little sigh you crawled up next to him and covered both of you with one of the fluffy blankets you had gotten as a housewarming gift from his mother. Jon's skin was still cold from his bike ride through the winter storm, but the fire, the hot chocolate and your body cuddled so close to his quickly warmed him up, and even his hair began drying.

After both of you had finished the hot drinks and most of the cookies, Jon leant to the side until he was lying with you snuggled against his chest. Softly he massaged soft circles into your back and pressed a few butterfly kisses against your forehead, the hair of his beard tickling slightly. The sound of the rain and wind outside, mixed with the calming cracking of the fire and Jon's heartbeat made you sleepy, yet you resisted the urge to close your eyes. Instead you stared into the orange flames, while drawing shapes on the soft and now warm fabric of his thin shirt. When you felt his warm brown eyes scanning your face, you turned your head to look up at him. He smiled gently, and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen into your face, away. Even though you were incredible comfortable the way you were laying, you pushed yourself up, and inched forward until your lips met his in a warm, calm kiss.

Jon hummed quietly as you pulled away, his eyes now closed. You scooted back down a bit so you could nuzzle your head against his chest again. The fire in the fireplace had begun to die down, and was no more than a pile of ashes and embers when your eyes fluttered closed and you fell asleep to Jon's steady breathing.

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