Advent Calendar - Dec 07

710 28 5

*Picture Source:,online_chips:reindeer&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwii1q7uuITfAhVSmbQKHaf7APoQ4lYIKCgC&biw=1600&bih=767&dpr=1#imgrc=gIbY7HZH3TzyEM:*

Words: 714

"When I said ugly, I didn't mean 'so ugly that I wanna throw up'," you laughed as you pulled the two sweaters Joe had just bought out of their bag.

Joe looked at you wide eyed.

"I thought they were nice," he stated, the sarcasm in his voice unmissable.

It was a stupid tradition, but also the most hilarious one you knew. Every year in December Joe and his bandmates met for a small party together with a few of their friends, and of course their partners. It was always a lovely get together, and all of you had loads of fun, but there was one thing that made it far more hilarious than any other party you had ever been to. And that was the rules on clothes, decorations and food. Everyone had to wear their worst Christmas sweater, the decorations were a terrible mixture of classical red and white, cool blue and silver and bright, neon colors. The food was really delicious, but looked far from it. Originally it had been the band's way of getting rid of cookies that had turned out so badly that they deemed them inappropriate to present to their families, but by now everyone made an effort to keep the food on the terrible looking side, just for the sake of the laughter.

This party was probably your favorite part of the time leading up to Christmas. In your opinion it was a welcome distraction from all the forced peace and harmony.

You inspected the sweaters a little more closely. One was dark green and had the head of a reindeer on the front that somehow looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. Its antlers were weirdly placed on the head, and the eyes were different sizes and heights. All around the reindeer small, colorful balls of fabric were sewn onto the sweater, giving the already strange piece of clothing an even weirder, happy flair.

The other sweater was of a light blue with bright red hems, which really did not match the rest of the colors. The front was embroidered with Santa and Mrs. Clause who were holding hands. Both of them wore red clothes, a red that differed strongly from the color of the hems, and their faces were strangely deformed. Whoever had designed this probably should have taken a look at a human face before giving it into production. You turned the sweater around, and sighed.

"Did you see that," you asked, showing the backside to your husband, who watched your expression in amusement.

He nodded happily.

"I knew you'd disapprove," he giggled as you took another look at the back, raising your eyebrows at the picture of the two figures, which were displayed from behind. Naked.

"I think I'm gonna take this one," you lifted the terrible Santa sweater, "Just so I don't have to gag every time I see your back."

Joe laughed and strode over to you, taking the sweater from your hands.

"This isn't even the worst they had," he laughed, throwing the fabric aside and pulling you close by your waist.

"I really don't wanna know how something can be worse than this, please don't tell me," you giggled and ran your fingers down his chest before looking at him with a smile.

"Yeah, you should be thankful I went to buy the sweaters, you totally would have died seeing all the others."

You nodded in agreement.

"You are my hero," you mocked, making Joe roll his eyes.

"If you say so..." he mumbled.

"Aww, now I hurt his feelings," you joked. "Just tell me how I can make up for it."

Joe chuckled quietly, pulling you a little closer.

"I do have an idea."

"And that would be," you asked, already suspecting what he was hinting at.

"How about you make up for it with a kiss," he suggested, confirming your suspicion.

"Hm, I gotta think about that first," you smirked before you leant forwards to place your lips gently on his. Before Joe even had the time to respond, you quickly pulled away again. "But seriously, I'm gonna wear the Clause sweater, I don't wanna see Santa's butt cheeks all evening long!"

"Whatever pleases you," Joe laughed, "Now kiss me."

And so you did.

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