Ray Toro x Reader - How Much a Crayon Picture Can Solve

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Being married to the love of your life and having a child together was the best thing that could have ever happened to you. But considering Ray, your husband, was lead guitarist in a famous band and therefore often on tour, had its downsides. When Daisy, your daughter, had still been a baby it had been easy. You had very little sleep some nights, but over the day she had been laying in her crib or crawled around in the living room. Now that she was three years old, she wanted to be entertained the entire time. In the beginning you had managed. But you also had to do household chores, so she started to do the most destructive things she could think of. Not that she intended to be bad, she was just curious and accidently destroyed some things on the way.

Once she emptied out the cupboard where all the plates where stacked. She had taken out a few of the plates already and had carefully put them aside when she had dropped one. You had not heard the first plate breaking, but you heard the second and third. Like a maniac you had come sprinting out of the bathroom, which you had been cleaning, and saved your child from the shards. Daisy knew you had been angry. She thought it was because of the broken plates. Of course you were not happy about that either, but mostly had you been worried that she might cut herself. After that incident, you put the plates in a higher shelf and kept the plastic bowls closer to the floor instead. This way Daisy was able to empty out the cupboard without breaking something or hurting herself.

Another time she had been playing peacefully in your bedroom, or so you thought. In the twenty minutes in which she had been calm, she had spread your entire tube of face cream on your bed sheets. She had only started crying after she had rubbed some of the cream into her eyes. You had suppressed your annoyance and instead helped her rinse her eyes out (of course). You had told her that you did not want her to do that again and she had nodded and ran off to play with some of her toys. The whole thing would have been no big disaster, if the cream would have washed out when you put the sheets in the washing machine. But it did not. Even after three times washing, the sheets were still greasy and you had to throw them away.

Soon your friends started to notice that you were stressed out and offered to help. Every now and then a few of your school friends dropped by for coffee and played with Daisy, but in the end it created more work than if they had not dropped by at all.

Until Patrick offered to help out. Patrick was in a band as well, but they were off tour so he had loads of time and because he was bored, he offered his help. Patrick was one of your best friends. You had wanted him to be Daisy's godfather but in the end Ray and you had agreed on making Gerard her godfather instead.

In the beginning Patrick just stayed for the days. He stayed longer than your other friends, who only had dropped by for coffee. He helped you with the dishes and vacuumed the house if you were too busy cleaning up the mess Daisy had made. But he also spent a lot of time with the little girl. He drew pictures and played guitar for her. They built towers of Lego together that she was allowed to tear down again and they went for long walks, or to the playground, so you had some off time. After some weeks Patrick started to stay overnight sometimes as well. Usually he fell asleep on the sofa while watching a movie together with you after Daisy had been brought to bed.

Under different circumstances you would not have been a big fan of a friend almost moving in with you, but Patrick helped a lot and he made coffee for you in the morning. Of course he also spent nights at home but you almost felt like you were living with him. You were definitely living more with him than with Ray at this point.

Every time you thought about that, you felt guilty, as if you were cheating on Ray, which you were not. You hugged Patrick, yes, but you never kissed him, slept with him, and you never had romantic feelings for him. This made it easy to draw a line. Sometimes you talked to Patrick about it, like right now, and he always assured you that he would be gone the moment Ray came back from tour. Unless you needed him as a babysitter of course.

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