First Time Out

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I was in the car with my dad (Sam), Greg, and Clark. We were doing a little ride-along for a day, but for Clark, it was just a way to get out of school. He didn't really care about the whole cop thing. Dean went too, but he was in the car with my mom (Jules) and Ed. It took me months to convince my parents to let me do something like this, dad kept saying that it was dangerous, but I got lucky and managed to convince him to let me do a ride-along when they had to transfer a criminal.

"Any questions Lauren?" Greg said sitting in the passenger seat looking back at me. Greg was practically family to me. 

"No, I just think that it's strange that we are going through all of this trouble for some douche that ruined people's lives. " I had always thought that it was weird that they had to protect the people that they are trying to keep off the streets. 

"It's our job," Dad said looking at me through the mirror. 

"I know, I just think it's weird." I looked up and saw Greg grinning a little. Probably at my ignorance towards something like this. 

We arrived at the guy's "drop off building" and I got out of the truck with Clark seeing Dean walking over towards us. I looked around and watched as all of the people worked to get the guy to where ever it was they were taking him. 

"Okay, so if this is a high-risk scenario the most likely place for an attack is right here, the transfer point between a vehicle and a building. Can you tell me why?" Ed glanced at the three of us. 

"We are more exposed here," I said after looking around for a second. 

"Right, good. Can you be more specific, what else do you see?"

"Parking garage. Could be a sniper perch."

"Right. Now what we do is take a diamond formation around the subject, we would have a spotter overhead to check for threats. What else?"

"Uh... Those garbage cans could be concealing an IED."

Greg pitched in on this little lesson, "This hospital conserves the prison, they've got a bomb unit doing regular sweeps."

"Then we clear all that stuff out ahead of time. The garbage cans, mailboxes, all of it. What else?" I started looking around. "Clark wanna chime in here?"

"On what," Clark said with his arms crossed sounding a little bored. 

"Well, threat assessment?"

"Threat assessment? Like from here to the door?" 

"That's right." 

"Uh... Shin spins?" He chuckled a little. I smiled and chuckled a little too. 

Then I heard Winnie over the intercoms saying something about gunshots. Ed almost immediately stopped smiling and told her that we were on it. Greg told the three of us to get in his truck with him so we did, I could tell Dean was a little disappointed and honestly, I was too. Dad got in the passenger seat of the truck and Greg started to drive off. He and my dad were talking, I couldn't hear what about. After we got a little close to the scene Greg said "Team let's hold off here. " Everyone stopped their trucks and Greg and dad got out. 

"Ok, stay in the truck. Lock the doors." Greg said getting out and getting ready to shut the door. 

"Oh come on. Dad please just let me go with you guys." I said looking at Sam. 

"Don't move Lauren, you hear me? You need to stay here." he shut the door and got in another truck and they all drove off. A little time passed and all three of us were sitting in the back seat of the truck when Clark started to toss and turn. "Hey, we should move up, see what is going on. "

"No way. You heard what Greg and my dad said. We were told to stay."

"No, we were told we were going for a ride-along today. I'm pretty sure this doesn't feel like a ride-along." He turned and looked at me and Dean.  "Well no but, they couldn't exactly bring us to a scene where there may be open fire." I said calmly. 

"Yeah, and what do you care? This is just a day off of school for you. " Dean looked at Clark with almost a glare. "Exactly so shouldn't it suck a bit less than school?"

"Clark it's not-"

"You said you wanted to see police work up close right?" Dean and I both nodded. "Right so you see, there are 2 types of people in this world. There is the sitting in the truck type and the other type. And you know, I don't think either one of you is the sitting in the truck type." 

I looked at Dean not really knowing what to do at that point. "We have to keep a safe distance. And be back before they are. "

"Absolutely," Clark said with a smile. He had won and he knew it. I reached down under the seats and grabbed a black box and opened it revealing their intercoms. "Here. We will need these so we can hear what is going on. " I gave one to both of the guys then grabbed mine. "Make sure you turn off transmit, so they can't hear us though. "


Hi. I know I haven't posted in a while. I also know that there probably isn't a lot of you out here that know about Flashpoint. If you do, you are now my favorite human being. 

Anyway. I hope you enjoy this part one. I will TRY to continue writing this one. I really like flashpoint and I think I could take this a few different ways. SO yeah. BYEEEEE

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