[2]: Female Company

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Suitcase packed – check

Passport – check

Wallet and money – check

iPhone, headphones and charger – check

iPad – check

I scanned around my bedroom making sure I had everything packed with me. I grabbed my carry-on bag and put everything important in ready for the plane. Rummaging through my bedside draws for my watch, eventually finding it I put it on. Catching my eye was the boxes of condoms I kept in there, I hadn't packed any yet...but there's no harm in putting some in...just in case. No glove, no love after all. Grabbing them I re-opened my suitcase and throw them in before closing it again. Done.

I heard a car beeping from outside, my lift was here. I grabbed my bag and suitcase and legged it downstairs. Grabbing my snapback and jacket off the sofa I throw them on before getting my keys off the side. Popping my suitcase on the top step, I turned to lock up my house. I passed my suitcase to our security guy, Gav before climbing into the car.

"Alright lads." I grinned at the other three boys.

"You ready?" Josh asked

"Yup...let's go."

Thirty minutes later we were parking up at Heathrow, before stopping for pictures with a few fans who were waiting outside to meet us. We got checked in quickly before heading through to security and passport control. I walked through the body scanner, being quickly frisked by security before collecting my things on the other side. Along with the other boys we headed through the airport stopping briefly a couple of times to have a few photos with fans who had spotted us. It's meeting them that make everything we do worthwhile, I love making their day when they see us.

Before we head onto the plane, I quickly stop off in WHSmith with the lads looking for some treats to eat. I know we get complimentary snacks and food on the plane, but there's nothing better than having your own bag of goodies to munch on.

We found our gate, number thirty six and got escorted onto the plane early. We got taken into first class as we usually did before getting comfy in our seats. There were only eight seats in first class on this plane, usually there were a lot more.

"I wonder who our company will be this time." Will asked nodding towards the empty seats in front of us.

"Hopefully some nice, normal people." Tom laughed, whilst pulling a face. I chuckled remembering on our last flight back home from L.A. he got stuck next to an older woman to who rather took a shine to him and wouldn't leave him alone. Bless, think he's still scarred from the experience.

"I'm hoping for some female company." I grinned winking at them.

"As you always do." Will laughed at me.

"Blake try and keep it in your pants this time yeah...at least for the duration of the flight." He winked over at me

"Now where is the fun in that? That hostess on the last was banging."

"You mean yu gave her a banging." Tom added quickly.

"Too right, she was all over me...what else was I meant to do? You're all just jealous that I've made it to the mile high club."

"Whatever." Josh laughed but I knew it was true.

Conversation settled down after that, to what we were planning on doing once we got to LA and what we wanted to accomplish when we were out there. Then we heard the cabin doors open and people boarding the plane.

We were sat waiting for take-off, from what I could gather everyone else was pretty much on the plane and we were almost ready to go. I couldn't wait to get back out to LA to record our third album.

"Do you need any more food with you Blake?" Josh laughed looking at me as I put all my food on the table in front of me.

I had three bags of haribo, two bags of murray mints, two bars of dairy milk caramel, a bar of galaxy caramel and a large packet of tooty fruities; also a huge bag of chilli sensations and a big bottle of water. I knew I was going to get hungry on this flight and all they offer you is those shitty small tubs of pringles, no thanks.

"Na, I'm good with what I've got thanks." I replied sarcastically and he rolled his eyes amused at me.

I bent down and rummaged through my bag for my phone before putting some of my food away. I planned on sleeping for most of this flight, well at least attempt to, but knowing me, I'll be too hyper to sleep. Especially with all the sweets I'll be eating.

"This way is first class ladies." I heard the male attendent say, finally some company...female company. I glanced at the lads and winked with a cheeky smile. I hope they were nice. "These will be your seats for the flight," he continued.

I saw four girls walk past all giddy, they didn't even see us sat here. They were fully focused on where they were going to be sitting. I looked at each of them as they walked past, they were all gorgeous, very pretty girls. But only one of them caught my eye over the others. She was beautiful. They were all giggling and chatting away but I couldn't help but look at this girl.

She had long chocolate brown hair; it was slightly curled at the ends, hanging loosely down her back. Nice and natural make-up, she had on a pair of jeans that showed off her curves very nicely, a tight vest top, a jacket and a pair of white pumps. I bit my lip unconsciously watching her as she sat down in the chair in front of me.


"If you need anything at all, just press this button here on your TV screen and I'll be right with you." The hostess finished, smiling at the girls and walking away.

"Thank you." One of the girls replied before taking her seat.

They all began gushing to one another about how they loved being in first class before I saw one of them pull out a bottle of vodka. Looks like this is going to be an interesting flight. These girls like to party from the looks of it.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I got it out, I'd not turned it off yet.


It was a message from Josh.

[Put your tongue away man! :P]

[Can't help it mate, she's well fit ;)]

He laughed slightly and I looked over at him and he rolled his eyes at me. I opened up twitter to tweet for the last time before this long thirteen hour flight.

@4StarOfficial – Sat on the plane with the boys, waiting to head off to L.A. 3rd Album here we come :D Bx

Instantly my tweet was re-tweeted and favourites, with hundreds of replies came through. I did love our fans, they followed everything we did, they were so loyal, another reason I loved them.

"Maddie get off your phone, we're about to take off." One of the girls says but I couldn't catch which one spoke and to whom.

So one of the girls was called Maddie....which one?

"I'm just checking facebook and twitter before I have to shut it off." The girl sat in front of me replied.

So...the really hot one was called Maddie.

That was good to know.


So here's the 2nd chapter, and an introduction to Blake :)

Let me know what you think!

Updates should be daily as it's all pretty much written out, just needs editing slightly :)

*Thank you @xEm03x for the lovely banner*

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