[16]: The First Date

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It was now seven forty five. Blake was picking me up from my room at eight. I had the biggest butterflies ever. I was so nervous. We'd spent the rest of the day together on the beach, flirting even more and having the odd kiss or two. I was really beginning to like him; I couldn't help but smile when I was around him or stop the excited feeling I got whenever his lips touched mine.

"Do I look okay?" I panicky asked the girls as I walked out my bedroom.

"Mads you look stunning, seriously." Robyn smiled pulling me into a hug.

"You sure I don't look too overdressed?"

"No, now stop worrying."

I had on my black dress that was low cut down the front, so I couldn't wear a bra. Thank god for tit tape. I had straightened my hair and put it into a middle parting and French platted each side slightly, clipping them in place. I kept my make-up quite natural, and teamed my outfit with black heels and bag.

"Drink this." Sabrina says handing me a sex on the beach cocktail.

I downed the drink as there was a knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat, but I was smiling.

"You look gorgeous, don't worry. Just go and enjoy your evening." Fern smiled handing me my bag.

"I was about to put some condom's in there for you...but I saw that you already put some in." Robyn winked at me.

"I'm not planning on sleeping with him, it's our first date." I say laughing... "They're always in there, I'm just being prepared."

"I know, but just in case."

"Go get him girl." Sabrina smiled

I opened the door and grinned. He was stood there in dark denim jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a white and blue chequered shirt, teamed with smart black boots. He looked lip biting, mouth wateringly gorgeous.

"Wow. You look incredible." he smiled taking my hand, pulling me lightly towards him and kissing my cheek.

"You look pretty good yourself." I grinned as he moved away.

"Shall we?" he smiled and I nodded closing the door behind me.

"So where we going perv?" I ask him grinning

"You'll see." he smiled as we got into the lift, linking our fingers together.

We stepped into a taxi waiting for us outside my hotel and it dropped us off outside a quiet little Italian Restaurant. The journey here was rather quick, we couldn't have been in the car for more than ten minutes and not once did we stop talking. One topic flowed straight into the next to effortlessly.

"You do like Italian don't you?" Blake asked me as we walked hand in hand to the entrance.

"Who doesn't...but no garlic bread." I grin and he laughed. "No garlic bread."

Blake being the gentleman opened the door and smiled "Ladies first"

"Thank you." I smiled taking a step inside. There was a little desk just as you walk in and we were greeted by a lady.

"Table for two?" she asked


"Just this way sir." She smiled leading us to a table in the corner.

"Thank you." I smile as she places the menu's in front of us.

"Someone will be over in a couple of minutes to take your order."

I look around the small restaurant and smiled, it was so cute and so different. There was a giant tree in the middle of the room, obviously fake but it looked amazing, it was covered in tiny fairy lights, which then extended out over the restaurant roof and on our table was a small candle flickering away, it was so romantic.

"This place is amazing Blake." I smile and he takes my hands from across the table, linking our fingers together.

"I'm glad you like it."

I leaned over and pecked his lips lightly and smiled. I picked up my menu, looking at what to eat. "What you fancy?" Blake asked peaking over the top of his menu.

"Everything looks so good here, I'm not sure."

"Me and the boys came here last time we were in L.A...the pizza is good, so is the lasagne."

"Not a huge lasagne fan."

"Pizza then?" he laughed and I shook my head.

"I'm going to go with spaghetti bolognaise I think. One of my favourites."

"Well I don't know what that's like but I'll have the same. I love it too." He grinned. I know it's not the most elegant food to eat but it was one of my favourites. A couple of moments later the waitress came over and took our order. Blake ordered a bottle of wine for us to drink over dinner.

As we waited for our food to arrive our conversation flowed easily, talking about our friends back home, being in L.A. and god knows what else. Everything with him was just so easy, like I didn't have to constantly think 'was he enjoying himself' because I could see that he was. Soon enough our food arrived and our talking subsided as we ate. We decided to share a desert of chocolate fudge cake and vanilla ice cream before leaving. There was a slight discussion of how we were paying but Blake insisted on paying due to him asking me out so it was only fair.

"'Where do you fancy going now?" He asked me. I'm glad our night wasn't ending here.

"I don't mind, you fancy a drink?" I ask

"Sure." he grinned grabbing my hand, linking our fingers together as we walked down a couple of streets till we reached a bar and sat down inside. Blake got us a couple of cocktails from the bar as I sat down in the booth.

I pulled out my phone to see a message from Robyn. [Hope you're enjoying yourself babe. me and the girls are off out dancing...room is empty ;) love you xx]

I laughed before hitting reply [Having a great time babe, he's so sweet. I really like him...ps. I'm not sleeping with him tonight. Have fun dancing xx]

I glanced up to where Blake was stood at the bar to see a skinny blonde flirting with him. Her hand was grazing his arm as he smiled at her nodding away; I felt my heart sink as I watched them. Was Blake seriously flirting with another woman whilst on a date with me?

I was about to grab my stuff and leave him when I saw him firmly remove her hand off his arm and place is on the bar. I obviously couldn't hear what he was saying but his face wasn't as happy as it was seconds earlier; and he nodded slightly in my direction. I watched as the girl looked over to me and the back at Blake before squeezing his arm again, leaning to say something in his ear, pecking his cheek before walking away, smirking at me. Bitch.

I didn't know what to do...Blake looked over in my direction, a glum expression on his face. He quickly paid for our drinks before coming over.

"It's not what it looked like." He sighed sitting down next to me.

"That's what they all say." I whisper sadly grabbing my bag and moving to leave.

"Please..." Blake says grabbing my arm gently... "Maddie let me explain. I promise it's not what you think."

I glanced up into his eyes to see the panic there...do I stay, hear him out and enjoy the rest of our time together? 

Or do I bolt for the door now...not allowing to let myself get in too deep and end up with my heart broken again....


Short but sweet part up tonight, let me know what you think?

Who's the blonde?

Is Blake being honest?

*Thank you @secretlynotsecretly for the lovely banner*

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