[35]: Heartbreak Sucks

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I stormed out of Maddie's hotel and got in the first taxi I could back to mine. I was so angry but more than that I was hurt. I mean where did she get the idea that this was just a holiday fling. I'd not mentioned to her that this thing we had going on was going to end...but I suppose we hadn't really spoke about it carrying on either. But for her to just say that, I mean I've fallen for her. I've fallen hook...line...and sinker for her and I feel like she's just ripped my heart from my chest.

I threw some money at the driver and walked into the hotel. As I got to the lifts I saw Josh walking towards me. I was not in the mood for this right now. "Blake you alright? Why aren't you still with Maddie? Thought you's were having the day together?"

"Just fuck off Josh and leave me alone yeah, I'm obviously not with Maddie, in any meaning of the word." I snap, hitting the close button on the lift and going up to my floor. I needed time alone. As soon as I got into my room, I locked my door and sank onto my bed covering my hands with my face.

What the hell had happened?

This morning had actually been perfect. I thought I'd surprise her with a good breakfast seeing as she'd been out with the girls the night before and that had actually gone to plan. Minus her thinking she'd brought another lad back and then us making love. I swear the girls body is flawless, she's just perfect...perfect for me. Ahhh...why has she done this?

Another thing I didn't understand...if she only saw this as a holiday fling, why would she be so upset about waking up with another lad? If she had hooked up with another lad last night. I mean, I'd be beyond pissed if she had slept with another guy and hurt but seeing as we're not officially dating and we've never said anything about being exclusive...this is all my fault.

Why didn't I just tell her how I felt?

I felt my phone go off in my pocket, pulling it out to see Maddie ringing me. I'd only recently changed my setting so that when she rang me a picture of us would come up. It was from the day of the booze cruise, we were sat on the deck of the boat enjoying each other. She was sat in between my legs leaning back on me as we drank the free champagne we'd won after winning Mr and Mrs LA. She was looking up at me laughing and I was cheekily grinning back at her. We looked like a young couple in love...

In love.

That's when I realised it. Looking at that picture of us, I knew I loved this girl. I loved her so much. It's happened so fast but it's happened and it's real. Now I'm heartbroken.

I wasn't ready to talk to her yet, so I let it go to voicemail before turning my phone off.

Did I mean anything to her at all?

I spent the rest of the day locked in my hotel room. I didn't want to see or speak to anyone. I was breaking apart, I had fallen in love with this girl and she said that whatever this was between us didn't mean anything.

Thinking back over our arguement this morning, I think I may have over reacted slightly but she hurt me with her words so I wanted to hurt her back. And from the look on her face and the pain in her eyes as I left, I succeded.

I turned my phone back on expecting a message to appear from Maddie but nothing came through. A few from the boys asking if I was okay and just to let them know what was going on. Then a message from Will saying they knew about me and Maddie and that they'd be there for me when I wanted to talk about it, which wasn't now.

I clicked onto twitter instead, posting a tweet to our fans.

*@4StarOfficial Raining in L.A? WHAT? Missing everyone back home but the songs we're writing are SICK! Can't wait for you guys to hear them! Bxx*

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