[37]: Those Three Words - Round 2

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I eventually made it back to the hotel room. I'd spent all day on my own; it was nice for a change. I'd just strolled around here, there and everywhere, enjoying my own company. L.A was such a beautiful city.

I also turned my phone onto 'do not disturb' as well, just needing some space from everyone. I knew the girls would be trying to contact me but I just needed time on my own to think things over; and if there was an emergency at all, my phone would ring. I only had just over a week left here before I had to go back and face reality; face all the shit from everyone, especially from the press. I just wanted to enjoy the time I had left here in beautiful L.A. Whether that be with...or without Blake.

As I got to my room, I noticed there was a red rose attached to the door with a note,

'I'm so sorry, B xxx'

I smiled a little, picking it up and smelling it. Blake had been here.

I opened the door and there were rose petals scattered on the floor in a path leading from the door to the sofa. I followed them to where another rose was lay, with another note.

"For rose number three, follow me!"

My heart picked up knowing that Blake had been in here and done all this for me. He was so sweet, even after I was such a bitch to him.

There was a petal attached to the note, follow the petals then I guess. I followed them to my bedroom. On the bed was a love heart shaped in petals with another rose lay in the middle. I carefully picked it up not wanting to ruin the heart.

"For rose number four open the 5th door"

The fifth door, what was he on about? I opened up my wardrobe doors but there was nothing there, so I walked out my bedroom and looked around the room. Each of the bedroom doors had been labelled one to four, including mine. How had I not seen this? The bathroom door had five on it so I walked inside.

My heart rate picked up again as I saw there was another rose placed by the sink with a note. "Baby girl, rose's five to twelve are still hidden...Now look up, am I forgiven? B xxx"

Huh? I looked up into the mirror and Blake was stood there holding the other red roses.

I gasped staring at him; I didn't expect to see him here. I spun around hoping it just wasn't my imagination playing tricks on me. He was really here. My eyes began to fill with tears as he slowly walked over to me, smiling shyly.

He handed me the bunch of roses and smelt them before I placed my others with them. "They're beautiful Blake, thank you." I smiled placing them down onto the side.

He just looked at me and smiled, I don't know why I looked a state. My hair was shoved up into a messy bun, and I had shorts and a bikini top on. My eyes still red from crying. He took my hands in his and locked our fingers together.

Once again my heart picked up. I never thought I'd get to do this with him again.

I stared down at our interlinking fingers as emotion flooded through me, for two reasons...

One...I realised how perfectly they linked together, like two jigsaw pieces and two...to stop him from seeing me cry. He removed one of his hands from mine and lifted up my chin, making me look him in the eyes. The one thing I had learnt I couldn't resist, that melted me instantly. "Can you forgive me baby?" He whispered, his face incredibly close to mine.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Blake." I replied softly.

"Mads, I said that this...that us...that everything that had happened between us had been a mistake. I was wrong."

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