[43]: An Unexpected Visitor

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I shout at Charlie, pulling the door on the latch behind me and stepping out into the corridor.

"I thought I told you why I was here."

"You actually came all the way out here just to get me back?" I say with a chuckle. He couldn't be serious.

"Yes."he grinned at me, looking proud of himself.

"That is honestly the most stupidest idea you've ever had. I don't care that you're here Charlie. I don't care that you want me back. I don't care about you. You need to leave and I don't just mean my hotel...I mean L.A."

"You don't mean that, I know you care about me."

"But I do mean it, I don't care about you anymore. And that's your own fault."

"But I came out here for you." He smiled stepping forward towards me making me take step back.

"I don't care. Get that into your head."

"I love you though, that's why I'm here."

"No you don't. You don't love me. You never did. You're only here because you don't want me to be happy. You don't like that I'm happy without you. You want me to be sat in my room upset and crying over you breaking up with me, begging for me to ask you to get back together." I snipped at him. I saw a sly smile appear on his face –knowing what I was saying was true - as he took another step towards me. And I took another step back.

"That'snot the reason I came out here. I came out here to show you how much you mean to me. I love you and I know you still love me. You want me.You can't just replace me. I know you're meant to be with this Jake guy..."

"Blake. Blake is his name and yes I'm with him. I love him Charlie"

"You love me."

"No I don't. I told you that you weren't welcome out here, that no one wanted you, including me and I wasn't lying."

"Don't you find this all romantic? Me flying out here to proclaim my love for you...to get you back?"

"NO!"I screamed at him


"No.What is it about that word you don't understand. No, I don't care that you flew out here. No, I don't care about you. No, I don't give two flying fucks what you say anymore. Charlie, you broke my fucking heart. We used to be so close as friends and then took things further, only for you to cheat on me with my other friend."

"It wasn't like that."

"It's exactly like that. You cheated on me with her...and seemed to be so happy that you'd replaced me...so what happened huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you out here? Something must have happened with Jade for me to pop back up on your brain."

"Nothing's happened with her." He replied hesitantly.

"So you're still dating her?" I asked crossing my arms. "She knows you're out here attempting to win me back?"

"No, we broke up. I'm not a cheater Maddie."

"Oh I disagree with you there. You cheated on me...with Jade."

"Once and it was a mistake, that's hardly cheating. I miss you...I miss what we had."

"Exactly,what we HAD Charlie. HAD being the operative word here. You had me and you lost me. I have moved on and I'm in love with someone else who actually appreciates me and wouldn't hurt me."

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