[24]: An Unexpected Invite

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Me and the lads have spent the past few days working in the studio, writing some more songs and improving ones we've already finished. I was buzzing for this next album; I had a great feeling about it, and our new single. It is definitely one our female fans would love.

Speaking of females, there's one girl that hasn't left my mind at all lately. She was just a breath of fresh air into my life, she was so much fun to be around and damn...she was sexy as hell. I was really beginning to get feelings for her, which was crazy since I'd only known her about two weeks but I couldn't help myself. She had me hooked from the second I saw her walk onto the plane. We'd been on a few dates now, getting to know each other more and more. The more I found out about her, the more I liked and the more I wanted to know. As soon as I dropped her off at her room I wanted to see her again, it's like our time together is never enough, I always want more. Our date last night was so much fun. We didn't do anything special just out for dinner, drinks and dancing but she seemed to love it. I loved that about her, she was so down to earth and appreciated the simple things and the small gestures. I didn't need to do anything extravagant to keep her attention like I would have to with some girls.

This morning we got a call of our management saying we'd got an invite to a garden party that we had to go to. Luckily we didn't have to head over there till the afternoon, giving me plenty of time to get over the dull head ache I had after last nights drinks. Heading in the car to the party we had no idea where we were going.

"Anyone know where we are?" Will asked as we got out the car

"Not a clue, but Steve said this morning that we had to go." Tom replied

"Party is still a party though boys. And by the looks of this place it's going to be a good one." I grinned.

"Hell yes Blake. Now come on let's get the drinks flowing." Josh smiled putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What time are Emily and Lucy coming over?" I asked.

"Soon, they're shopping right now. Said we could find out who's party it is then they'd come join us."

"More like, you scope it out, and if it's worth us coming call us." I laughed and the boys nodded smiling.

We headed up to the front door where two men were stood. "Names"

"Blake, Josh, Will and Tom from 4 Star." I replied. He nodded and crossed us off before letting us in.

"Still no clue to where we are lads?" Tom laughed

"None what so ever. Guess we'll soon find out." Josh replied as we walked out the back door.

I was gob smacked, this party was full of people who me and the boys idolised. There were writers, producers, singers, actors, from all over the world here just chilling out drinking and enjoying the sun. How had we been invited to this?

"Hey guys."

We turned around to see our old friend and international singer from back home - Jenna Lewis walking towards us. "Hey babe." Will smiled hugging her.

"How you doing?" I asked hugging her.

"Good." She smiled back and we walked further into the garden. After catching up we found out that it was Crista Williams' birthday party we'd been invited to, not entirely sure how management had got us here but we were grateful. We pulled up some chairs not too far away from the bar and began enjoying ourselves.

"Hey boys." A female voice shouted over to us

We looked over to see Crista herself walking over, after hugging and saying hey. She sat down with us.

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