☆ || when you fall on top of eachother.

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I say that I'm different from others
But only greed fills up my empty glass
- 트와이스



방찬 (Chan)

probably be blushing mad hard because he fell on top of you. (cant be the other way around because he is small and will most likely be crushed nomatter what) Both of you don't even try to get up. He will just look at you with a shy smile like "are u ok...?" he will have cute pink cheeks too

이민호 (Minho)

you sort of fell and dragged him down with you on accident. the type to fall on top of you but fall in a sort of a hugging form where his hands are around you to lessen the blow. He will probably grin and say "hi."

서창빈 (Changbin)

"I'm so sorry!" Gets you up right away. Gets so worried and blames himself as he rubbed the back of his neck even though your the one who tripped on air and fell on him. "Ah, what do I do. Do you want me to take responsibility?"

황현진 (Hyunjin)

You fall right on top of him and your faces are inches apart.The gentlemen he is, he will hold you as if he's your boyfriend and look you in the eyes, all worried."Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Be careful love."

한지성 (Jisung)

You accidentally slipped because of the wet floor and coincidentally Jisung is infront of you. Aaanddd you fall on top of each other. "You should be careful next time miss. And it's okay, no need to say sorry"

이필릭스 (Felix)

You fall right on top of his chest. Poker face but inside he's fanboying df out like omygod she's on top of me what do I say. Probably smirking as he lifts one of his eyebrows. "Lovely day to fall into each other isn't it?"

김승민 (Seungmin)

Would be in pain. He wouldn't show it at first that he is in pain but when you got out of the room he immediately sighs and went to the hospital to have a check up. Good thing it wasn't ver serious.

양정인 (Jeongin)

doesnt even fall on top of eachother. You tripped and he catches you midair k-drama style, u both stare into each other's eyes and everything is in slow mo. An ost plays in the backround.

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