book update

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so as you all know in the last 4 months I haven't updated a single chapter. Im so sorry for those who waited for a long time 😭 tbh I wasn't active with wattpad unlike the past few years bcs I don't feel like using it. A lot changed like a lot. When you're just reading the ads pop up like EVERY end of the chapter and it annoyed me. Another reason is i kind of lost passion for writing bcs of the stress and wtvr that is going on. But trust me, im doing my best to come up with scenarios in order to update for you guys. Im still currently on progress where im reading some books in order to gain my knowledge in writing again. And also it's bcs english is not my first language, im scared what if I messed up a paragraph and someone will make fun of me.....

I really don't want to disappoint you guys.

And last thing, I always say "im trying to update" "new update next week" yet I haven't done anything to update. Im sorry

I hope y'all forgive me :(

im not sure when's going to be the next REAL update but hopefully next week when I finally feel like it.

anyway to all who said to take my time tysm.
I appreciate you all <3

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