I'll always be there ❤️

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"S..so..sorry Naruto-kun" Aina stuttered out breaking the awkward silence. Her face red. Eyes locked firmly on the ground. Slightly trembling worried he would be upset.

Naruto raised an eyebrow "it's fine Aina-chan" he commented no embarrassment shown on his face or heard in his voice.

The unknown man Naruto spotted earlier coughed breaking the remains of the awkward atmosphere.

All eyes looked onto to him as he prepared to speak. "Well, onto why you are here..." before he could finish he was interrupted

"The only reason we are here is because of Naruto otherwise we would have abandoned the mission once we found out about the lie in rank" Anko stated firmly glaring fiercely at the man.

"And I once again apologise for the lie but we were in urgent need of help" the man responded somewhat afraid.

"But my daughter was in danger and we could not afford a higher ranked mission" he carried a little bit of pleading in his voice.

"Tell us why your daughter has high ranked ninja after her" Anko asked the man trying to gauge the situation.

"She is being hunted by gato of gato shipping company..." he paused taking a deep breath "he has taken over most of wave except this part. He plans on becoming daimyo but to do this the current daimyo needs to be dead with no heirs. Me and my wife are already dying from diseases." He finished.

"We'll protect your daughter, but since your already dying we can't protect you or it will be harder to protect Aina understand?" Anko spoke once more ending with a question.

The two nodded more concerned about Aina then themselves. They both understood that it was the parents job to protect their children from all danger. And they were practically dead already with the disease that they had caught.

"Good, alright since it's night we should all get some sleep and tomorrow we'll plan" Anko stated feeling tired herself.

Time skip-midnight-Naruto's mindscape
Naruto had actually fell asleep this time and he had expected another dreamless sleep but no instead he was graced with the beauty that was his mindscape.

He had changed it from what used to be a sewer to a beautiful meadow filled with exotic flora. Surrounding the meadow was a forest made of sakura trees (don't worry they don't make any noise).  Many animals roamed to the place most being foxes.

In the middle of the meadow was what looked to be a very large dog bed on which laid kyuubi eyes closed relaxed. And although she looked to be asleep Naruto knew she was the one who called him here.

Walking towards her he watched as she opened her eyes and stepped out of the bed. A red light absorbed her as she shrunk to her human form.

In her human form she had long, red hair that reached her waist with matching red eyes. Her face was delicate. She had a cute button nose and pink pouty lips. D cup breasts adorned her chest.

She wore a elegant red dress that looked to be almost skin tight. It showed of both her breasts and her bubble but. A red chocker was sen around her neck with the kanji for seal on it.

Slowly, she walked over to Naruto seductively shaking her hips. A smile forming on her lips. When she reached him she stooped hands on her hips and cleared her throat.

"Its been a long time since you've come here i was beginning to feel lonely" she said her voice regal yet playful.

"You know I have been busy lately but,
if you do become lonely I hope you know you can always talk to me" he said kindly a smile smile on his lips

"Really, i thought you'd be spending your time with blueberry" the jealousy was clear in her voice.

"Ok first her name is Aina and second what have I told you about your jealousy. Theres no need for it I'll always be there for you" he reassured her.

"Then why have you been ignoring me when I try to speak to you the reply is always 'later I'm busy' or 'I'm talking to Aina right now'" tears gathered in her eyes her voiced cracked slightly.

"Ever since we left seclusion you've been ignoring me and I hate it!" She shouted in frustration, anger and sadness.

Naruto looked down in shame it was true he had been ignoring her. He hadn't realised the effect it had.

"Look Kyu I'm sor- SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT!!" She interrupted him.

"don't you understand I love you" she whispered thinking she went unheard. Eyes firmly fixed on the ground.

Upon hearing her whisper Naruto's eyes widened. Silently making his way over to her he gently lifted her head surprising her. Her plethora of emotions being jumbled messed up her sensing abilities. After looking her in the eyes he slowly caressed her cheek with his thumb.

Without hesitation he leaned forward eyes closing. Instinctively Kyu leaned in as well her eyes closing.

Within seconds there lips touched. And to them it felt as though nothing in the world could top this moment. The sensation they felt from that sweet and innocent kiss was over whelming.

Slowly parting there eyes opened meeting the others. Kyu spoke.

"I love you"

"I love you too and I'll always be there"

Chapter finished
Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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