The toad sannin

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Tsunade sighed "lets get this over with brat. I want spend the lest amount of time possible with that old pervert"

Naruto nodded and they began walking back to Tsunade's hotel room Deox. The walked in silence both preparing for there encounter with the toad sage.

They made it back quickly and sat down. Knowing Jiraiya was probably in the town somewhere they both flared there chakra and waiting for his arrival.

Not soon after a knock on the door sounded around the otherwise silent room. Tsunade stood and went to answer the door.

The door opened to reveal who they had been expecting, her old teammate. Tsunade looked over him having not seen him in a long while.

"Taunade-hime how are you?" Jiraiya asked happily to his teammate though looked into the room behind her looking for Naruto.

"Fine. Come in pervert" Tsunde said letting him into the room. Jiraiya went in spotting Naruto sat down.

He was tempted to try capture him and take him back to the leaf but thought it best not to try with Tsunade there and the possibility she would get in his way.

"Take a seat" Tsunade told him. Jiraiya complied sitting opposite Naruto while Tsunade sat next to her godson.

"So what do you want?" She asked.

"We need you to come back to the leaf. Hiruzen-sansei died in a recent attack by Orochimaru and his new village" Jiraiya told her while still taking glances at Naruto.

"No thanks i refuse to go back to that damn village that seems desperate to take all family and friends i have." Tsunade asnswered.

"Tsunade we need you. What about dan and Nawaki they would have want you to..." Jiraiya started but was interrupted by Tsunade slamming her fist down on the table almost breaking it.

"Don't you dare bring them up. They are dead and I won't let you use there memories to trick me into doing something I don't want to. That village should have been destroyed" She shouted glaring ferociously at her ex-teamate.

"Im sorry but you need to see that you need to help the village" Jiraiya argued.

"Why should i? All I have left from that village is bad memories and now I have found out how they treated Naruto, my... no our godson, the one who was supposed to be dead!"

Jiraiya went to argue back but was cut off "Your my godfather? Why didn't you tell me this. And where were you when i was growing up?" Naruto asked sending a fierce glare at the toad sage.

"I was going to tell you eventually. And I couldn't be there when you were younger i had to manage my spy network" Jiraiya explained only to feel more killing intent directed at him.

"A spy network was more important than your godson. Minato and Kushina's child. A child that was getting beaten and abused"

"Look I couldn't raise a child its not something in my skill set."

"Shut your mouth. I have heard enough. Get out of my sight i refuse to come back to Konoha" Tsunade said standing up.

"You'll become a missing nin and I'll have to take you in" Jiraiya said standing.

"Your at a disadvantage here Jiraiya this isn't something you want to do" Tsunade warned.

"Its something I have to do, for the village" Jiraiya said firmly.

A seal lit up under them and transported them to an empty clearing far away from the city.

Tsunade and Naruto faced off with Jiraiya. The toad sannin flashed through hand seals and then slammed his hands on the ground.

A large plume of smoke rose from the spot. The two waited knowing what was coming. The smoke cleared to reveal Jiraiya now standing on the head of the toad boss, Gamabunta.

"What do you want Jiraiya?" The toad boss asked his summoner.

"I need your help with some missing nins" This caused Gamabunta some confusion.

"What missing nin would you need my help with?" Jiraiya pointed down at Naruto and Tsunade he was surprised Tsunade hadn't bothered bringing out her own summons.

Gamabunta looked down at the two shocked and even more confused. Not only his newest summoner but the great granddaughter of the founder of the village ,Tsunade, was defecting.

"Tsunade what is the meaning of this why would you defect from the village your ancestors spent so long making?" The giant toad asked.

"Simple its not the same village anymore and it appears your summoner isn't the same man anymore!" Tsunade shouted at the toad.

"Explain what changed? And what had this perverted idiot done now?"

"Bunta we don't have time for this!" Jiraiya shouted knowing if he found out the toad boss wouldn't be happy with him.

"Shut up Jiraiya let her explain" Gamabunta silenced wanting to her what she had to say.

Seeing she had his attention Tsunade explained to him what the village had been doing to Naruto and how Jiraiya did nothing to help his godson even though he knew of his treatment.

"Is this true Jiraiya? Did you really abandon Minato's child to a life like that?" He asked receiving a reluctant nod in response.

"You have to understand it was for the good of the village and I was going to train him" Jiraiya explanation didn't stop Gamabunta from throwing him off of his head.

"The toads will no longer be helping Konoha and you will be removed from the our summoning scroll" Jiraiya looked shocked and begged for forgiveness.

Gamabunta ignored his now former summoner and turned to Naruto. "When you have the chance summon me there's some things I want to talk to you about"

With a nod of confirmation from Naruto the toad boss disappeared in another plume of smoke leaving Naruto, Tsunade and Jiraiya in the clearing.

"Just because I lost my summons does not mean I can't beat you" Jiraiya said confidently only to receive a chakra enhanced punch... to the balls.

He keeled over the fist that was planted into his balls before being blasted of into a tree.

Tsunade didn't stop there as she began to beat down on the pervert releasing her anger on him.

After a few minuets she dragged the broken, unconsious  'man' back to Naruto. 

"Can you wake him? I need to gather information from him" Tsunade nodded and woke him up using a medical technique.

As soon as he woke he released a howl of pain Naruto placed the same seal he used on Orochimaru on him and ordered him to tell them everything he knew.

When they were done Tsunade looked down at the once again unconscious Jiraiya and asked "Are we going to kill him?"

"No. He's going to be a warning to Konoha of what we can do and that there next" Naruto explained gaining a nod.

"Now we should gather your things and your apprentice and head back to my team"

Eᑎᗪ O ᑕᕼᗩᑭTE
Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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