Itachi and kisame

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"If you come willingly it will be much less painful Naruto" Itachi told the blond who was staring him directly in the eyes... A grave mistake for anyone to make.

Unless of course you name was Naruto Uzumaki. Itachi immediately tried a a genjustu. He was surprised and confused when the world disappeared.

The uchiha watch as what once was his home rose around him. The sky turned dark and the newly made streets were littered with bodies....

Uchiha bodies.

Itachi almost chuckled as he realised his genjustu had not only be stopped but used on him.

Of course normally it wouldn't work on an uchiha who had their sharingan active but he was so unprepared it managed to get him. Or at least thats what Itachi thought.

In a second he was out and the world appeared normal once more. The blond jinchuuriki was still looking him the eyes.

"That was unexpected well done but you are unable to beat two s-class shinobi" Itachi told him.

Naruto knew this was true. I mean he could... the real him anyway. But his clone did not have enough chakra to take the blows and the memory feed back was much worse if he used the rinne-sharingan.

So the clone decided it was best just to get out of there with his objectives. "You are correct Itachi im just a clone after all" Naruto informed them truthfully.

Itachi was suprised at that. For a clone to be able to be able to put him in a genjustu wether he was unprepared or not that was impressive.

"Ah then we'll just take those girls and wait for the real you to come get them"

The clone glared at the uchiha no one threatens his friends and gets away with it.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you..." the clone said slowly in a monotonous voice.

"Oh yeah brat? You think you can stop us? As if" Kisame said speaking up for the first time.

Naruto simply summoned a shadow clone who looked at the pair and popped.

With the memories going back to the original it was now the clones job to stall for time.

He waited patiantly knowing going on the attack was a bad idea. He needed to conserve as much energy amd chakra as possible.

Eventually as the three faced of Kisame got tired of waiting and charged Samehade at the ready.

For the clone Kisame was currently the worst opponent. Being made of chakra meant one slice maybe two if he was lucky could end it all.

Luckily he was much faster than his opponent so could bob and weave around the large blade.

He saw serveral openings yet couldnt exploit them as everytime he tried it seemed Itachi would try another genjustu. Not willing to use the rinne-sharingan he had to take a couple of seconds to break out.

In that time Kisame would have stop his attack and covered the openings. He didnt get the title of s-class for no reason after all.

This went on for a few minuets neither side able to gain an advantage. Luckily for Naruto this was what he wanted.

The longer this went on the closer the original got. It wouldn't be long now with the speed the original possessed.

And he was right after 10mins of continuous fighting a blur slammed into the clearing from the skies.

The ground cracked and dust flew into the air. Two sky blue eyes pierced the cloud of dirt and locked on to Itachi and Kisame.

A small gust blew the dirt away revealing Naruto standing tall. A pair of blood red wings spread wide behind him.

"You wanted me now I'm here..." Naruto whispered yet across the silent clearing it was heard clearly.

He decided he didnt need a response so with a single flap of his wings thousands of red feathers sharper than most blades flew through the air.

Kisame quickly raised samehade to block then while Itachi just shushined out of the way.

Behind Naruto the clone picked up Aina and gestured to Anko and Haku to follow him.

They were extremely reluctant but followed anyway.

Naruto appeared next to itachi and threw a punch which the missing nine managed to dodge.

However the following round house back heel was much more successful and hit Itachi in the face sending him flying.

Naruto quickly turned to the side, Samehade coming dangerously close to cutting him in half.

Naruto grabbed onto samehade and pulled it out of kisame's grasp not worrying about the drain in chakra since he had plently to spare.

In a cloud of white smoke samehade dissapeared into a storage seal Naruto had on his hand.

Kisame jumped back extremely angered at the loss of his sword. Next to him a tornado of ravens appeared before parting to reveal itachi.

"It appeares the Kyuubi jinchuuriki is stronger than we though" Itachi said no emotion in his voice.

Kisame glared at his partner "really you think so" he said the hate filling his voice.

"We should retreat for now" Itachi said angering kisame further.

"You think i'm leavins without samehade? No chance"

"Its the best option we do not know his capabilities and you do not have your sword rendering you greatest skill useless"

"What about justu? Genjustu?" Kisame asked.

"My genjustu do not last long ebiugh for then to be effective. A justu battle with a jinchuuriki? Are you retarded. You may be the 'tailless bijuu' but he has an actual bijuu the strongest at that"

Kisame grunted in reluctant acceptence  "I willng be back for my sword and your head" he said to Naruto.

"Let me give you a parting gift" the blond returned.

A two clones burst from the ground behind them and punched them sending them flying.

In that moment of contact the clones had placed seals onto the two akatsuki members.

Naruto chuckled he was sure they would love his gift but for now he had a cave to get back too, three friends to greet and a pissed of Tsunade to explain his sudden departure to.

Eᑎᗪ O ᑕᕼᗩᑭTE
So its been a while sorry. Hope you enjoyed. I know the fight could have been better but knowing itachi he would now when they had failed.
Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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