The first date

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(Within Naruto's mindscape)
As he appeared in his mindscape he stretched a bit as he gazed over the familiar landscape of his mindscape thoroughly enjoying what he has done to it.

Slowly, he walked towards kyu he had a special day planned for them both.

He saw kyu playing with some of the foxes he had made in his mindscape. It was an incredibly cute scene. Smirking he sneaked behind kyu and whispered in her ear.

"Hi there beautiful"

Kyu shot up like a rocket and landed hard on her butt. Naruto was on his back laughing and even the little foxes were laughing. Kyu pouted, her lip quivered and eyes watered

"Naruto-kuuun that was mean" she wined causing Naruto to look up. Slowly, he walked up to her and pulled her into a big hug.

"Your soo adorable kyu-hime" he whispered. Her cheeks light up.

"And your soo handsome Naru-kun" she whispered back. Snuggling in to him further.

"I have a whole day set up for us are you ready?" he asked pulling back a bit to look into her deep red eyes

"Of course Naru-kun" she spoke entranced by her loves exotic blue eyes.
She reached up and caressed his face. Pulling his face mask down she planted a kiss on his soft lips.

When they eventually parted they were out of breath but smiling. Naruto covered her eyes and led her to a special place he set up in the back of his mind.

Time skip 5 mins

It had been 5 mins and kyu was getting annoyed she had been asking what the surprise was but her love would not tell her. Naruto however found this quite amusing.

"Were almost there kyu-chan just a few more steps" he reassured her. And it was true a few steps later they reached the place he set for there date.

Before showing it to kyu however he set the scene. He turned it to almost sunset just a couple hours before. He cast a gentle breeze and had the ocean slowly wave back and fourth and finally he had all the candles he set light up.

He pulled his hands away from her eyes. Noticing the lack of his hands kyu took this as the cue to open her eyes and so she did. (Pic above)

Her breath hitched "beautiful"

"Yes you are" she blushed and looked up at his face. The wind blew his hair and to her there wasn't a single thing on earth that could top this moment.

Naruto looked down at her a charming true smile on his lips. A lot of bad things had happened to him in his life. He could almost laugh she was supposed to be a demon yet to him she was an angel sent by kami. And he couldn't be more thankful.

He gently held her delicate hand in his own and led her to the feast had set up. Stakes, lobsters, chicken you name it and it would probably be there. He had gone all out she was the first person to ever show him true love.

As they sat and ate they shared jokes, exchanged flirts and reminisced. They both laughed as they remembered there there first meeting.

Flash back- naruto age five
Naruto pov
It had been roughly a year since he ran away. He don't know how he survived but he did.

He was currently rummaging for berries. Then he felt something he didn't know what it was. But it stung.
Then "AHHHHHHHH" he screamed the pain was unbearable. He soon passed out.

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