Life outside the leaf

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Naruto, Satsuko and Natsuki were currently taking shelter in a cave. It wasn't too far from the leaf because Naruto had plans to go back for Aina and Haku.

Once he had got the two out of the leaf he would probably head to wave. Accommodation wouldn't be too hard to find him having saved the country from Gato and Aina being the future ruler.

He knew he'll have to collect them and anything he might need from the leaf fast. Although he hated the place he knew they would win.

But he didn't know what losses the leaf suffered before they won. He knew there was probably property damage and lose of ninja. He was hoping some of the more important ninja were injured so he could quickly dispatch them without a fight.

Naruto also thought about the sand and sound villages. They both would be incredibly weakened if he could take over the remaining forces he would have his own army that would come in useful later.

He waited for two days on both of these days he sent a clone to scout the leaf. He found out that Hiruzen had died which annoyed him, he had wanted to finish the old man of himself.

There was also more ninja alive then he would of liked but it didn't really matter too much. He planned to get Aina and Anko in three days while Jiraiya went to look for the next Kage.

The leaf planned to get Tsunade Senju as the new Hokage. If he could get her to join him instead it would cripple the leaf. The only one strong enough to take the mantle would be Jiraiya.

Jiraiya staying in the leaf would weaken the spy network as well. He knew Tsunade was good friends with his mother.

He hoped if he told her what had happened to him she would join him or at least stay away from the leaf.

Naruto walked through the large cave towards were Natsuki and Satsuko were talking to each other. He approached them and coughed gaining there attention.

"I'll be going somewhere I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll leave a clone here with you in three days that clone will go to the leaf to get Aina and Haku if you need anything please tell the clone before it leaves" Naruto informed them.

"Where are you going?" Satsuko asked Naruto.

"I'm just going to meet a friend of someone close to me" Naruto said not revealing to much to them.

The two girls nodded still curios. Naruto created the clone and turned leave "I'll try to be quick" he told them before sprinting out of the cave.

Naruto quickly arrived at the town he heard Jiraiya mention Tsunade would be. He tried to sense Tsunade's chakra but couldn't. He asked around and eventually found someone who knew where she went.

Naruto arrived at the new location and sensed her near the ancient castle that was in the city, He immediately began to head there.

Just before he arrived he sensed a new chakra arrive before him. He recognised the chakra as the snake sannin Orochimaru's. Naruto pondered why he would be here but realised the sannin must have been injured when he attacked the leaf.

He arrived at the castle but waited for Orochimaru to leave. He listened in to the conversation and found Orochimaru's offer interesting though he doubted he could actually bring back the dead.

The sannin left after Tsunade had said she would think about his offer. Naruto decided it was now his turn to try to persuade Tsunade he couldn't have her going with Orochimaru.

Naruto landed behind Tsunade and her companion silently. He coughed causing the two to face him tense and ready for a fight.

"I'm not here to fight you Tsunade" Naruto said calmly.

"Why should I believe that?" Tsunade asked sceptically keeping her guard up.

"If I was going to attack you I would have done it when your back was turned" He told her.

"Good point. I still don't trust you though. Who are you?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I believe you knew my mother Kushina Uzumaki, correct?"

Tsunade started at the supposed son of her dead friend. She had to admit the blond hair reminded her of Minato.

"Can you take the mask of?" She asked. Anyone could die there hair blond she needed to see if he looked like Minato or Kushina.

"Do you have a more private place we can go?" Naruto asked receiving a nod in response.

Tsunade and her companion guided Naruto to their hotel room they locked the door when inside and shut the blinds the turned to Naruto expectantly.

Naruto removed his mask and gave them a small smile. Tsunade could easily see the resemblance to Minato. She also he inherited Kushina's facial structure although a bit more narrow.

Tsunade had tears in her eyes "How? I was told you died from the sealing process"

"That was a lie from Hiruzen the leaf planned to turn me into a weapon after the sealing was successful" He told the two women.

Naruto removed his vest revealing his slim yet strong body to the two women who were now blushing a bit. He pushed a bit of chakra into the seal revealing it.

Tsunade moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him "I cant believe my friends son is alive. What was your life like?"

Naruto frowned but began explaining his life though missed out details about his kekkai genkai and his relationship with Kyu. He spent the rest of the day with them asking questions and him answering.

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Sorry for taking so long school has been keeping me busy and I've been ill but now I'll try to update on the weekends every week.


Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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