Meeting the toad sage

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Naruto was wondering around the village he didn't need training so he told Anko to focus on Natsuki and Satsuko.

"You should go to the hot springs Naru-kun it will help you relax since you have nothing else to do" Kyu suggested. Naruto thought about it and decided there was no reason not to go.

He started his journey to the hot springs while having a mental conversation with Kyu about random things.

When he made it to the hot springs he saw and an old man with white hair peeping in to the female side of the spring.

"Naru-kun you cant let him keep peeping stop the pervert now" Kyu commanded.

Naruto instantly made his way over to the man he could tell Kyu was pissed he knew she hated perverts but wow she sounded like she was gonna blow up any country the perv went in.

Naruto went behind the man and in one swift motion uppercut him in the balls. The man would be lucky to ever release again.

A loud girly scream that was probably heard across the village escaped the mans mouth as he dropped to the floor hands clutching his private area. When the woman in the spring heard the scream they came to investigate.

When they saw Naruto towering over a man on the floor they asked what happened.

"This guy was peeping on you so I punched in the nuts" Naruto explained covering his eyes so they wouldn't think he was a pervert.

"Really?" a woman asked and Naruto just nodded. "In that case thank you. Who are you young man?"

"Naruto Uzumaki" when he told them his name he expected them to walk away or insult him but his surprise they didn't. Instead he heard murmurs of things like

"He's not as bad as I thought he was"


"He's changed a lot he's much better now"

And from the girls around his age in the spring "I wonder why my parents told me to stay away"

This confused him very much did stopping one pervert really change there opinions so easily?

He understood one thing and that was that women are weird and not understandable.

"I'll get this pervert away from here" Naruto told them. He uncovered his eyes and kept his gaze on the perv.

He grabbed the man by his leg and started dragging him away staring at the floor as he went.

"Wait before you go" Naruto stopped but didn't face them "you can look at us"

He unsurely turned to look at them and when he saw them he almost choked on his spit and Kyu through a hissy fit. They had flashed him "Come back any time Naruto-kun" they said winking.

Naruto promptly turned and walked away dragging the man with him he could still the sound of giggling girls in the background.

When he was far enough away he let go of the man who had passed out after the initial scream.

He used a small water justu on the mans face waking him. They man jumped up in surprise but soon after crouched down holding his balls.

"This is why you shouldn't peep" he told the man who looked at him.

"kid do you know who I am?" Naruto took a good look at the man before shaking his head negatively.

"I am Jiraiya the toad sage of mount Myoboku and the epitome of manliness one flash of my sexiness will have women fall at my feet" he shouted and summoned what appeared to be a large toad. He had his arms spread well until he remembered the pain.

"You're Jiraiya of the legendary sanin what a..... disappointment" Jiraiya face faulted.

"Who are you kid?" Jiraiya asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki" he answered Jiraiya seemed shocked for a second.

"So your Naruto. How would you like training for the exams?" he asked thinking about what he would teach his new student.

"No thanks" that he didn't expect. Why would someone not want to learn from a sanin "Your a pervert" he face faulted again .

"Kid why wouldn't you want to learn from a sanin? Who knows I might let you sign the toad contract" now that interested Naruto.


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Poor Jiraiya well that should teach him to not be an open pervert. Us closet pervs never get hurt well barley get hurt.

Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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