Wasted my time on him 😪

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Chapter one ......
How Adre and I broke up tonight he cheated on me . He invited me to this Halloween 🎃 school dance so I went as his date and plus I'm his girlfriend so why not just go with him and have fun ! Little did I know what I was in for I shouldn't have gone to this dance and my heart was broken in half . I ran outta the dance fast I couldn't sit there and watch him just make out with all these different girls it was hard to just sit there and watch . He even came with one to and that just ticked me off so badly I left and I didn't go back . I try to confront the brats who stole him away from me but it was 7 against me so I just walked away and told Adre we're over . He of course didn't care and at this point I did not care so I left and ran outside crying Idk y I was crying over him but I spoke to Kelsie with Mom on the phone Mom told her all about it !!! The wrost part is he was cheating on me right in front of me and my mom watched it go down to and she wanted to kick his ass but I wouldn't let her I rather do it myself some other time I told her and we left and drove all the way back home after we stopped and got ice cream and I got my mind off him so yeah this is how Adre and I broke up because he cheated on me and I didn't ever think I would find a boyfriend who actually gave two shits about me till year of 2014 that is when this hottie hit me up on my Facebook and I thought to myself he's so hot ! I knew I had to get to know him though and that is what we did we got to know each other better and then we became best friends I dated other guys but it just wasn't working out and then we had a serious conversation by now it's year of 2015 almost I should say things are getting a bit more serious . We both liked each other....

How my boyfriend asked me out .:....🤗🤗🤗that's for another day anyways back to Adre I broke up with him and had a 4 hour phone 📱 conversation with my best friend Kelsie trash talking him and it did help me feel better about the whole break up thing . He broke my heart . I honestly sat in my bed and cry for the past few weeks and it made my moms friend angry at him because she did my hair for this dance . She even wanted to beat him up along with my mom lol . I made the right choice breaking up with Adre now it's time to break the news to my family and my friends hmm wonder how it will go when I tell my sisters what he did when I went to the dance . We got home late so I just went to bed without speaking to them at all I'm too tired to explain crap to them I'll tell them if I want to tell them idk if I actually can I'm still in shock myself that Adre is acting this type of way ! He kept calling me and I shut my phone off . I didn't have nothing to say to him how I just want to punch him in the face really hard .

Wasted all my time on him Where stories live. Discover now