Just breathe 😢😢😢

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Chapter 33.......
Now that my boyfriend is gone over seas I feel alone and it can give me bad anxiety and I have to now call him because of that weird text I got from him saying we need to talk babe ..my anxiety has already kicked In . Did he think I'm cheating on him with hunter because hunters mad at me and is ignoring me. Before I could call him he called me so I picked up- hello ?! Andrew- is there something that you're not telling me?! Me - what do you mean by that ? Andrew- I got this weird vibe that something Is going on with ya and Hunter Hayes because I got a text that came with a picture of you kissing him in a pool 🏊‍♀️. Me - wait what ? Tell me who sent it ! Andrew- did ya two go swimming since I left ? Me - no we didn't I would have told you but we did when we broke up ...would you tell me who's number text ya that?! Andrew- definitely mindy or kathrine besides your 2 x best friends their the only 2 I can think of that are out to get ya for some reason wat is going on ?! Me - it could be because at lunch 🥗 at school I stood on a table telling the whole grade that their both gay and dating each other. Andrew Burst out laughing- wtf what made you come up with that idea 💡. Me - honestly the heat of the moment but I think hunter got upset with me for doing that. Andrew- that's so weird why do ya think he's all the sudden mad at ya? Do you think he has feelings for one of those girls?! Me - I don't know he'd have to have rocks in his head to go for mindy or kathrine tho I want him to be with a real person not a phony Like them . Andrew- I think ya should be a spy and spy on him . Me - you really think so ?! Andrew- yeah babe it could be fun but you need to apologize to the brats to so they will leave our relationship alone because mindy will not stop blowing up my phone with messages like you're cheating on me. Me - ok I will apologize even though I don't want to. Andrew- gonna have to especially if hunter is crushing on one of them we need to find out who it is and you need to be less mean less they cross the line . Me - they both just drive me insane. Andrew- I love you I know I'll chat to ya mom and dad and ask if we can hop on a airplane ✈️ to Florida for few days or weeks skip school get free from all that drama . Me - I love you back that should be fun . Andrew- well I'm glad nothing is going on with you guys I'll block her for you I gtg tho . Me - okay thanks for calling I'm gonna go be a spy now babe love you bye talk soon I hang up on him then text brook - hey girl do you wanna be a spy with me today or no . Brook txt back - sure but if I go to jail it's your fault and you have to bail me out got it ?! I txt her - got it by the way Andrew and I talked just now mindy sent him photos of me in the pool with hunter kissing and I had to explain that was when we broke up and it meant nothing. Brook - I'd love to bring this brat down what do we have to do tho ?!!!!! Me - okay this whole plan is Andrew plan I told her it and she says - wait we're only doing it to see who he likes because I thought that girl he likes is definitely you now he might like mindy or Katherine? Me - yeah I was thinking we find mindy a boyfriend so she will back off not only Cody but Andrew to and besides I have to apologize to her 🙄. Brook - okay so should we get kathrine back together with true as well because I've just noticed she's not stalking us when they get back together. Me - you're sooo smart that's a great idea because I have to apologize to her but I can get them back together again to make things better for her then if I help both them out maybe they will leave me alone!brook - yeah I definitely agree with that and Kayla would be less stressed out because if mindy had a new boyfriend then it would help her not to stalk Cody because she won't have a crush on him anymore. Me - i guess our plans set into action should we invite her over ? Brook - maybe find her a boyfriend frist have him and her meet on a blind date and while you're doing that I'll work on the plan of getting kathrine back together with true . Me- okay sounds good I'm gonna go txt hunter and ask if he has a crush on mindy bye 👋. Brook - what ?! That wasn't even part of the plan ! Me - see you around! I laugh then I send a text hunters way saying that we have to talk and he sends me text to it reads I don't really feel like talking to you. Ouch a bit harsh don't ya think 🤔 I sent it . Hunter Hayes- no but I think what you did was just messed up . Me - no I agree that is why I'm fixing it but I was just wondering do you like mindy or Katherine?! Hunter - I hop you're Kidding right now. Me - I'm not kidding. Hunter - why would I have a crush on them ?! Me - are ya sure because it's odd you are all the sudden mad at me like we all hate them and we all thought ya did to ...hunter - I definitely hate them to but ya took it way too far . Me - I'm sorry hunter it won't happen again I guess I just let her get to me . Hunter Hayes- yeah well ya shouldn't let her get to ya. Me - okay I'll work on that bye . I got a text from Rachel - hey is everything good between you and kelsie? Me - idk right now I'm trying to figure it out that's all I sent to her because I didn't want to speak crap about kelsie anymore because I'm over it especially if Andrew and I are together again. I text Andrew- I fixed things with hunter and he told me he doesn't have a crush on her . He txt me- he probably still likes ya then I mean ya two kissed when we broke up so ya think that's the reason why he hates them ? Me - no the reason why is because they are bullies at school. Andrew- yeah I get that. Me -our spy plan is definitely not gonna go on but I'm gonna help Kayla by getting mindy off her back . Andrew - is brook helping out I ask - why do you care ? Andrew- because I don't want to see you behind bars you get her involved then things will be messy . Me - I guess so but I should be okay don't worry love you I'll call you late but right now I have a date to set up . Andrew- love you to I'll call you later . I text mindy - hi it's Ashley can ya call me for a quick minute. Mindy - uh sure ...she calls and I apologize to her . Mindy - I forgive you sooo what's going on ash . Me - to make it up to ya how about I set ya up on a blind date ? Mindy - with who ?!!!!!! Me - I can't say anything then it won't be a blind date . Mindy - fine but take me to the mall frist so I can find a dress 👗. Me - okay deal I have to get one anyway got a dance coming up to attend. This plan was still on hope she gets over Cody now I'll just text u
Kayla and tell her my plan so she won't be stressed out. Kayla- oh yeah I like the idea but ya boyfriend has a point don't do anything against the law with brook part of this you know that could happen. Me - last time she went to jail she stole makeup and I do not steal things because I buy them so I think I'll be fine . Kayla- okay I'm gonna hit up Cody now we're supposed to be going to the movies soon . Me - okay have a fun time !!! I'm going dress shopping with mindy now . Kayla- with who ?! Me - relax I'm not her bestie she wants to go shopping for her date I'm setting her up with plus I have to buy a dress and shoes anyway gtg bye sis . Kayla - crap he's here I'm not ready yet gtg bye 👋.

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