Getting coffee with dylan ❤️

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Chapter 47.........
It's a beautiful sunny day and i am sitting at this nice fancy coffee shop with Dylan my best friend. Dylan- you might kill me once ya hear what I had planned for us next please don't kill me I'm too young to die . Me - how bad is it and do not open ya mouth and tell me that we're sky diving. Dylan- worse then that guess again. Me - I don't want to know. Dylan- Just guess more . Me - swimming with sharks ? Dylan- hell no guess more ash . I give up just tell me I say . Dylan- hikers do this thing ....I cut him off- shut up I'm not ..I no ! Dylan- you don't wanna what? Me - I don't do hikes Dylan we're doing something else. Dylan- okay fine we can do something else but frist coffee ☕️. Me - faint god !!!!!!!Dylan - so what do you think about this place? Me - it's a cute little cafe and their iced coffee is so good I might have to take my friends here . Dylan- yeah I know right secret about me I'm a coffee lover . Me - really that shocks me! Dylan laughs- because most guys drink tea ? What are you like 5 . I laugh harder- I know right I only drink tea if I' sick on my death bed . Just as we're having fun together my ex boyfriend shows up at the coffee shop with a date and my eyes popped outta my head when I saw who it was . Dylan- hey ash are you okay you look like you're gonna be sick . Kelsie- one large tea to share please and thank you . The lady at the counter- coming right up ! I got super mad my blood was boiling. Dylan looks at them both - isn't that kelsie and Andrew ya ex bf ?

Me - yeah that's him I'm so sorry can we leave ? I ask him and he grabs our things and says - yeah sure it's okay we can go let's go . On my way out Andrew and kelsie locked eyes with Dylan and I . It was so awkward...I didn't know what to say or what to do at all . Dylan- hey I'll be in the car if you need me . Me - okay thanks I took a sip of coffee god knows how long a hot coffee takes  to make longer than a iced one but his mom call and ask him to get him one . Kelsie and Andrew are also in line in front of me awkward. Andrew- what Are you doing here ? Kelsie- you two can talk I'll get our teas for us if you like to . Andrew- thanks grab hers to kelsie thanks uh ash let's go step outside and chat . Me - okay but if she messes with my drink then I'll pour it on her plus it's not for me !!! Kelsie- I'll get your mans drink for him no worries girl. Me - always making moves on a guy who's hot right kelsie? Andrew- - shut your mouth and go outside if ya like to talk because I have no time for this bs . Kelsie laughs but doesn't speak up . I look up at Andrew since he's taller than me and when he doesn't listen I point at the door- go outside! Andrew and I walk outside together and he says - breaking up with you it was a stupid dumb thing to do because you're literally perfect for me and I can't just let ya go . Me - yeah but we're not perfect for each other maybe when we were young yeah we were the perfect match and spoke 24/7 now that we're all grown up and older it's messed up . Andrew- please do not say it's because of the military please don't because I can't just be with you 24/7 and ya know that . Me - yeah but you barley speak to me and when ya do I get a hi and bye can't talk right now a family member needs me like wtf do you have to keep helping ur family with? Are you moving far away?i don't understand this military stuff because you tell me nothing. Andrew- so it's about the military then that's why ya are mad ?! Me - stop making it about you ! Andrew- well kelsie told me you're happy we broke up so ya can be free and single and do whatever ya want I'm not controlling you . Me - screw her what's she know?! Being single sucks and stop thinking that I'm over u because I'm not actually remember you're the one who dumped me yesterday so get out of my way please! The lady at counter- order up ! I go grab the coffee then go back outta the coffee shop. Andrew - ash don't go yet please just hear me out . Me - what Dylan's moms coffee is getting cold ?! Andrew- okay I'm sorry I'll speak quick ! Just listen to me please ! Me - okay I'm waiting. Andrew- I wanna get back together with you I love you I swear I'm not into kelsie at all she's been up my ass all week about getting tea with me I caved in because I've had enough of hearing Andrew tea date tomorrow tea date it can be as friends! Me - that's a lie like most of the garage that pours outta ya dam mouth !!! If ya weren't cheating on me then every time we FaceTime ya wouldn't be hiding away in a bathroom! Or taking skanks out to have tea so goodbye leave me alone forever!!!!!! Andrew - I only broke up with ya because ya keep saying I'm a cheater and everything. Dylan- ash lets go hop in . Me - I have to go I'll speak with you never bye have a good date . I hop into Dylan's car then I saw kelsie step out and hand Andrew his hot tea till he takes it and slams it against the wall angry I'm guessing she wasn't covered in tea now she is covered and I couldn't help but laugh while at the same time be shocked!!! Dylan shouts as he's pulling out - hey nice look loser! He honks at her it's not like him to be mean to girls but he knows how much I hate her . Andrew ditched kelsie and she txt me saying thanks for pissing my date off I had to walk home in the down pouring rain and my hair is all wet . I text her- cry into your baby crib and go right back to bed sweetie kindergarten starts early tomorrow 😂. Dylan- it's starting to down pour out ! Me - I know good thing I got a raincoat on ! Dylan- more like ya stole it from me ash !!! But you look cute in it so I really don't care . Me - awe thanks Dylan that means a lot !!!

Dylan and I were back at my place a hour later........🏡🏡🏡.

Dylan- Ashley I swear to god I'm gonna have a nightmare if you put it in ! Anything but this movie please I'm dead serious I'll get up and go home . Me - it's thundering outside right now it's the perfect movie to cuddle up to and watch . Dylan- I'll pee my pants tho it's not worth it ! Me - Dylan Just let me see this ..Dylan holds onto the remote with his life - no ! No! No ! Me - fine I'll force you to watch live pd then . Dylan- I'm okay with it . He hands over the remote. Me - tricked you scary movie it is ! You're gonna cry ! I am so freakin gonna enjoy watching Dylan be scared shitless . Dylan- god I hate you! Why ?!!!! Me - Dylan you're a drama king I say as I'm putting in the movie to watch it's show time baby and I can't wait . I get ready to record on my phone- so any thoughts so far on it ?!! Dylan gets scared- holy crap no shut it off before I break the tv right down the middle!!!

End of the chapter faint god guys sorry it's sooo short ....💕

Next chapter coming up really soon ......❤️❤️❤️

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