On the highway to hell🚗

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Chapter 49.......
So when Dylan was pulling into my long driveway we noticed that Andrews car was here . Then I got a text from Kayla saying- hey I'm over at ya house remember we had plans today I swear I didn't bring him along his cars here . I rolled my eyes- great 👍. Dylan- hey is everything okay? Why's he here ? Me - I don't know I'll call ya later on though. Dylan kisses my cheek- sure call me up if hw refuses to leave bye beautiful!!!! Andrew was watching me with his eyes sitting on the front porch with Kayla chatting . I walked over to them and say- bye Dylan! He honks his horn and drives away bye ash!!!! Kayla laughs - you move on really fast what was that kiss about? Me - idk he likes me idk what to tell you. Kayla- well I'll leave you two alone for a little girl talk have fun !!!! Me - what are you doing here ? Andrew- what are you doing hanging out with Dylan?!!! Me - that's none of ya business can ya leave please I don't feel like seeing ur face right now . Andrew- look I'm gonna leave for the marines soon and I really want to fix things with us . Me - I gave  up on us since ya stopped speaking to me so leave my house plz!!! Andrew- stop it you don't mean that he reached for my hand but I pulled away quick . I put my hand to his cheek and look at him trying not to cry - I really think ya should go I'm sorry I just don't have time ever to myself to be single and free I am always tangled up in a bad relationship and I can't deal !!! Andrew- it's all in your mind that I'm a tool or a player because of ya friends and it breaks my heart to hear that you're over me idk if you actually mean it but I'm not gonna stand here and be accused of doing shit I've not even done . Me - alright well you can leave then good luck out in Afghanistan all I'm gonna say . Kayla- hey it's getting hot in that house. Andrew had tears coming outta his eyes and that was enough for me I ran away from home i didn't ask for this relationship to end badly like it is or for him to try to win me back. I got into my car and sped away. Kayla- well I think it's time for a road trip she gets her keys and runs to the car while my ex boyfriend stands in the yard shocked expressions on his face - where did Ashley go ?! Kayla- I don't know but go after her I'm gonna go pick up my boyfriend quick hurry up .

Andrew grabs his car keys and runs and jumps into his car 🚗. Kayla took off down the road and went to her boyfriends house and honked the horn about five times till he came outside- babe what's wrong?! He runs up to the passenger side window of hr car . Kayla in tears - babe get in hurry up Ashley has gone missing from her house she got in her car and took off . Cody jumps In the passengers seat - okay go speed up ! Go babe ! Did this have anything to do with her ex boyfriend aka my best friend showing up ?!!!!! Kayla- yeah ! Find Ashley snap locations please. Meanwhile....I got outta my car crying and ran into Dylan's arms I txt him asking if I can come over and he said yes obviously. I saw both Kayla and Andrew follow me they must be sooo worried. Dylan- breathe !!!!! What's happening?! Me - Andrew just showed up at my house idk if you saw him but I'm pretty sure he was at my house when ya were dropping me off and he keeps saying he's leaving for Afghanistan soon and he really wants to fix things but being away from him just stressed me out and him being in the marines gives me bad bad anxiety I told him I can't deal then sped off here I just freakin panicked. Dylan- it's totally fine ash ya do know Kayla is blowing up my phone according to her she's been all over looking for u and same with Andrew. I think if he's out looking for ya he actually cares about you that says a lot if he's worried about you I'm not saying date the guy tho because I'm selfish I want you to myself. Devon comes outside- oh hey Ashley what are ya doing back here ? Dylan- Devon ....me - it's ok I ran away from home and I'm kinda hiding out here !!!!!!

Devon eyebrows raise up - who are you hiding from the cops ?! Me - no I'm not a drug dealer I say laughing. Devon- I know that but my girlfriend kinda is . Me - seriously?!!! Devon- no I'm messing with ya relax and come swimming with me . Me - Dylan was just about to make me ice coffee actually. Dylan- yeah bro she didn't bring a bathing suit so I think she's gonna hang out in the house with me. I blush red Devon is super adorable so is his bro tho I'm trapped picking one to become my next boyfriend I'd say . Dylan took my hand and leads me inside the house 🏡. Me - is he always swimming? Dylan- yeah . Me - me too I love swimming I'm sooo jealous my dad has a pool but it's not opening up anytime soon. Dylan- yeah you told me that before. Me - guess I just forgot I told you !!! Dylan- here I'll make ya a ice coffee. My phone beeps text from ex boyfriend/ Kayla are popping up left and right. Andrew- super worried bout you we're are you I hope you're safe and not in trouble. Kayla- you idiot how dare you just take off like that respond rn . Dylan- you're phones beeping like crazy. Me - I know should I text Kayla back ?! She's super mad . Dylan- sure . Kayla- are ya at Dylan's house because I can see your car out front. Shit busted . Dylan- what's up ? Me - busted ! She's stalking your house I'll be right back. Dylan- ok take your time . I went outside and say - stalk me much bestie ? Kayla- what ya doing back at Dylan's house 🏡 did you two hook up or something?!!!! Me - ew stop talking! Of course not ! He's not my boyfriend I'm staying single I don't know how many times I have to say it . Kayla- honestly I think it's best for you girl ya suffering 24/7 over a relationship isn't healthy. Me - I know you have a point but let me have crushes at least and air to just breathe. Kayla- I'm not trying to stalk ya Ashley ya didn't pick up ya phone so excuse me for thinking ya got kidnapped. Me - I'm fine you clearly can see that I'm just chilling here . Kayla - Andrew texted me he went home I'm gonna text back tell him I found you he was worried about you and he said he's sorry. Me - yeah whatever can i just stay here please. Kayla- okay just have Dylan drive you back home don't do anything dumb I also have to call my boyfriend bye have a blast !!! Me - I'm not brook I'm not gonna end up In jail . Kayla- okay nice to hear see ya around and text Andrew please just so he stops asking me if you're okay! Me - fine I will bye !!!!

Dylan smiles at me - so do you wanna go swimming or home ? Me - home please got a lot of homework to do . Dylan- okay sure let me get ya a cup to take the ice coffee to go. Me - it's fine I'll make more when I'm home I just had to escape from my ex boyfriend. Dylan- okay well if he comes back you can drive here and stay the night . Me - okay I'll do that thanks. Dylan grabs his keys we both walk outside. Devon comes around the house 🏡 and glares at me as he's soaked dripping wet - hey ash going back home ?!!!!me - yeah sorry just got a lot of homework to do . Devon- no problem call if u need a hand . Me - okay bye have a nice swim. Dylan and I hop In his truck and he drives me home . I have to stay clear from a relationship for now but In the future yeah I could be ready to date again..I'm praying to god Dylan's gonna be patient when it comes to us !!

Wow does Ashley like Dylan back ?!!! Comment below if she likes him or his bro more .

Love ❤️ is in the Air and she never called Andrew or text him she's definitely over him .

Comment below who you want to see Ashley end up with Ashley army .

Oxox Ashley Peterson.

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