Swimming pool date 😍

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Chapter 8.......

Later on that night I went on my swimming date with Andrew I jumped in the pool and then Swam underwear waiting for him to just jump in the pool . I came above water to get some air and I watched him light candles and I ask - are sure that's a good idea we might burn the house down or something. Andrew laughed ya just worry way too much about everything!!! Me - we just met and already I know a ton bout ya ! Andrews eyes light up - oh really what to u know ? Besides my favorite color and food with his comment I placed a hand over my heart - k that hurt deep ! He laughs and then jumps into the pool . Andrew grabs my waist and lifts me up above the water - plug you're nose beanie ur about to get dunked! I plug my nose laughing no wait ! He tossed me in the air and then I go flying backwards into the water 💦 splash ! Im gonna kill ya ! I said popping out of the water . I felt like tonight was the perfect night under all the candle lights and stars to ask Andrew if he liked Kelsie my best friend since I stayed at this school. Andrew - are ya okay I didn't toss u hard did I ? He has a worried look now on his face . I swim towards him and say - I'm okay ur not that strong ya know ! He laughs - harsh !!!! Me - I don't know if I asked this already but I'm wondering if Kelsie and ya like each other more then friends? Andrew shakes his head - nope I swear to ya you're the only girl that I crush on ! I wrap my arms around his neck - oh yeah I am I say . Andrew grabs my waist - definitely !!!!!!! Just before he kissed me his mom come out on the deck saying - hey sweetie didn't know you came home this late where have ya been and uh who's she ? Me - hi I'm Ashley Andrews new friend ! I tossed her a nervous smile and let go of Andrews neck blushing red . Andrew let's go of my waist and tossed his mom a smile - yeah uh Ashley and I went on a hike and I hope it's okay but I invited her over swimming tonight a date night . His mom smiled at me - oh okay I'll go inside and make ya both some snacks nice to meet ya Ashley ! Andrew always chats about you all the time . Oh really? I smiled at him as he placed his hand on his head shaking it as I watched him blush red - just ignore my mom ! Me - you're super adorable when ya blush like that ! I wrap my arms around his neck again . He laughed and kissed me and I kissed him back then he slashed me in the face - come find me beautiful! He dives under water and swims away and I can't help but blush he's super hot . I laughed and said hey get back here as I dove under water after him grabbing his legs so he can't move . I pulled him near me and kissed him again he kissed me back . We're more then just friends so whys that hard to just admit it's not easy especially around our family and plus I'm still getting to know him even if I do know a lot about him And he knows a lot about me . We both come above water to find his mom standing to the side of the pool with snacks - I hope ya don't find Swiss cheese ran out of all the cheddar thats what happens when ya have kids ! I laughed - it's totally fine I love Swiss !!! She gave Andrew a wink - ok I'll just leave ya two alone enjoy you're night together and feel free to stay the night Ashley. Me - thank you ! Goodnight mrs. lay ! Andrew - ya won my mom over I'm very impressed she definitely likes ya .
Me - isn't that a good thing ? I get out of the pool and he followed me picking me up over his shoulder and jumping into the pool with me definitely!!! She shouted and I plug my nose as I laughed my ass off . We basically stayed in the poo all night and we're super tired so we blew all the candles out and went inside the house . Andrew and I walked up to his bedroom and I jump on his bed and fall asleep Andrew then gets in bed and sleeps to and in the morning..,
He makes me chocolate chip pancakes flipping them over while making me iced coffee with his mom . Andrew - good morning beautiful how'd ya sleep ?! His mom - she crashed here that's good I wasn't sure if she'd been drinking or not Andrew- mom we don't drink ! His mom- she knows I'm just messing with her right Ashley ? I nod at her not really awake yet as I wrapped my arms around Andrews waist . His mom - ya guys would be such a cute couple I ship it !!!!!!!after his no said that I went speechless and I'm not really sure how to feel or say besides I got a crush on her son so it's kinda awkward being in the pool kissing him in front of her . My face is all red so is Andrews . Andrew - fantastic mom you made her speechless. Sorry I'll just go now she walks away I snack him on the shoulder ow what was that for ?! He says . I say - don't be so mean to you're mother ! Andrew - I'm not ash ! I made ya some chocolate chip pancakes and I know how much ya like ice coffee with tons of sugar ! Me - thanks I'm gonna text my mother that I'm eating and then be over in a second if that's okay with ya . Andrew- yeah fine by me !i kiss him and he kisses me back as I text mom - I'll be home really soon I stayed at a friends! I wait for my phone to beep- with that boy ?!! I like him but is it really okay for ya to spend a night alone with him by yourself? Me - mom I'm eighteen you're gonna have to let me grow up at some point! My mom - don't back talk !!! Great I really don't ya want to go home now to a angry mother . Andrew - let me guess she's mad ? I'll speak to her for ya if ya want me to !me - just let me do the talking Andrew I eat my pancakes and drink my ice coffee at his table !!!

Wasted all my time on him Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora