The big fight 💔💔💔

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Chapter 36........
I woke up In the morning time and walked across the hallway only to find my adorable boyfriend standing at the other end of the hallway with my phone 📱 in hand and he looked super pissed 😤. I rub my eyes to maybe see if I'm dreaming but I walked closer to him nope definitely not a dream - good morning! I said sleeping walking towards him and he says - yeah good morning! I wish it was a good morning! I'm confused as heck as I just stood there - what ?! Andrew- oh nothing I was just sleeping when you're phone 📱 went off here might wanna check it you've got tons of messages from ya ex boyfriend I joke trying to lighten the mood- what one ?! I got a bunch of those little does he know it's such a lie I've only had 4 ex boyfriends he's boyfriend number 5 . They were all in person relationships to . Andrew - haha you're so funny! Did you and joe ever actually date ? Be honest ! Me - no we fake dated so Kelsie would get off my butt about dating and having a boyfriend back then after adre and I broke up. Andrew- why's he messing with me then read the text ! I read it bursting out laughing- babe ur mad about this ?!!!! I asked him to text me this for my prank on you . Andrew- haha funny what prank ?!!!!! Me - the cheating prank it's all around YouTube right now ya know I'm loyal to you !!!!! Think with ur head before ya scream at me at 5 am next time . Andrew- you're mean !!!! Why would ya do that ! Me - hey no need to be salty about it ! Him and I never chat just wanted his help for the prank look in the corner of the kitchen I set up the iPad camera . Andrew looks and sees it - you're not uploading this babe that's too far hey Ashley army my girlfriend is mean I'll read ya the text out loud . Me - omg give me my phone plz it's a joke ! I take it after he reads it to my subscribers. Andrew shuts my camera off saying you know I hate him ! Me - I don't care it's a joke grow up and suck it up babe go for a lap around the block! Andrew grabs his car keys- oh trust me I freaking will bye babe ! I get scared now - babe you're not leaving me home alone ! Andrew- well I'm not gonna be near ya when I'm mad at you. Me - are you being serious?! I'm sorry it's a prank !!!!!! Andrew- okay I understand babe I'll be back in a minute I'm gonna go to Starbucks if u don't blow my phone up I'll get ya something. Me - whatever just go ! I slam the door In his face pushing him outside I lock the door 🚪. Andrew felt bad for screaming at me I could tell but I didn't care in the moment I was hurt I cry and run to my bedroom as joe called me- hey how did he take the pr...wait hold on are ya crying 😢. Me wipes tears - I well he took off and left the house mad at me he says he gonna be back but who knows . Joe - I told you it was a great idea 💡 wasn't it ??! Now we can talk ...I feel like he's up ur ass and we can't talk ever because he's overprotective of ya. Me - no I'm not crying he isn't overprotective joe I'm just scared of losing him the prank was stupid now he's got trust issues when it comes to me. Joe - good let it be like that because you definitely got trust issues when it comes to him still don't even try to hide it ethier ash I know how ya are . Me - kinda true but I can't just tell him how I'm feeling if I feel like things are fishy with him . Joe - maybe he stopped doing that fishy crap then once ya broke up with him maybe he's learning how to treat a girl because he read a book called how to treat a lady 101 ! I burst out laughing- joe you're cruel omg 😮. Joe - I like to roast your ugly toad of a boyfriend . Me - because you're jealous? Joe - shut up I am getting back to work bye . Andrew came back home 🏡 after hours went by - baby I got ya Starbucks here u go I didn't feel like making ya coffee this morning. Me - thanks babe this makes up for it r u mad still or would ya like to go do something ? Andrew- I can't I lost all my cars gas ⛽️. With that he doesn't kiss me and walked right by me guess someone is still in his feels . I grab my raincoat and boots putting them on- I'm gonna go do something with friends I txt Hunter Hayes- hey want to meet up and hang out my boyfriend can't hang out with me he's got his period. Hunter txt - yeah lol 😂 sure I'll swing by to pick ya up see ya in ten . Andrew didn't say anything back so I waited for Hunter Hayes to come pick me up hopefully we talk about life more than music but I won't lie I love music 🎶 unlike some people if I even play a Hunter Hayes song on in front of my boyfriend he freaks the hell out . I always say - jealous that you can't sing 🎤. Lol 😂. Hunter pulled up and I hop in I beep the horn at Andrew when I saw him looking out the window at me then off we both went . Hunter Hayes- what's up ya look like crap horrible morning this morning? Me - you have no clue! My boyfriend went crazy because he thought I cheated on him . Hunter - that's not good well we can go to my secret spot if you're totally down to go ? I nod my head- that's much needed but just know I hate rivers and don't swim in them . Hunter Hayes- I think you're gonna change your mind after you see this place Ashley. We pulled up to the place and my jaw just dropped open I couldn't breathe what the ...

Where are Hunter Hayes and Ashley keep reading to find out 😘😘😘😘

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