Dance night with boyfriend / dumped 😭😭😭

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Chapter 45........
What a crazy night last night at Brian's house 🏡 it was but tonight is gonna get even more crazy 😜 even though I have a boyfriend here I am standing at my locker at my school with all these random guys coming up and asking me if I'll go to prom with them . Andrew was chatting it up with kelsie probably just to be nice right ? Hopefully he's not actually into chatting with her . Yuck 🤢. My eyes were glued on them chatting when all the sudden I heard a loud noise like someone slamming my locker shut hard - hey so I was thinking that Andrew and ya would want to grab a bite to eat before the dance ! Kayla's loud voice says behind my back scaring the shit out of me I jumped in mid air holding my chest with my hands - shit ! Kayla laughs- look at those two over there how pathetic right ? Me - are you a idiot ?! You can't keep sneaking up on people like that Kayla! And yes it's pathetic I can clearly see them chatting together. Kayla- ya could walk over there and grab ya mans girl. Alicia- or we can get closer to hear them . Me - oh hey girl! I say hugging her . Kayla- that's a really good idea are you down ash ? I nod my head yes to them and we walk closer to them . Kelsie- are you sure she's going to let ya go to prom with me ?! Andrew- she would probably kill me but we'll see kelsie . Kelsie- okay well if things change let me know bye I see ya girl spying on us over there . Andrew eyes locked on mine and he looks nervous as hell as I walk past kelsie I say - hey tramp ! Andrew laughs - babe ...I cut him off holding up a hand- no ya don't get a chance to talk so shut up ! Alicia and Kayla are right behind me laughing. Me - shut up ! You're gonna listen to me and what I have to say if you take that tramp to the prom we r over . Andrew- babe would ya let me just explain please. Me - sure go ahead speak up ! I am tired of games and I think he's getting the hint . Andrew- I'm not gonna take kelsie to prom I'm taking you because I only wanna be with you and you should know that ur my girlfriend always have always will be ...I cut him off again- oh really then if you're in love with me and care that much about me then why the hell would you lie to my face oh that rumor is bs . Andrew- are ya seriously not gonna believe me over you're friends ?!!! Me - yeah I've known them my whole life unlike you !!! You're pathetic! A boyfriend will not hide in a chicks bathroom and hide on her to talk to his girlfriend or whatever I am ! Andrew snaps - god ya sound crazy! Listen to urself before you go blame me for hooking up with a girl ya don't know! I didn't do anything wrong like I've never hooked up with her ! Me - well you're both together a lot more than here with me and ya hide that from me idc if you're her friend I'm not saying you two can't be friends and hang out together but if you hang out together then at least tell me. Andrew- baby I need you to breathe your overreacting about it . Me - what do ya mean by that ? Andrew- about kelsie and her okay you're the only one for me. Kayla- hey Ashley you wanna go over there ?! She points at our group of friends. Alicia- I'm gonna go over there . Andrew- please don't cry I'm sorry I won't go to prom with kelsie she just wants me to go because her boyfriend just dumped her . Me - oh boo woo that was her own fault for cheating on him and now all the sudden you feel bad for her ?! After the way she's treating me ?! Wow 😱 I'm out of here babe but ya have fun with kelsie. I walk away from my boyfriend tears in my eyes as I joined my friend group. Dylan- hey Ashley are you okay? Me - yeah I mean no we Got in a fight . Dylan hugs me - it's gonna be okay ash come dance with ur friends we want you to have a fun time. Kayla- hey babe may I have this dance? Cody - of course ya may ! Dylan- there go the love birds lets join them . Me - I'm not slow dancing with you  when he's here . Dylan- do you really think he actually cares about you the way I do ash he asked me and my face just goes red I didn't know what to say I mean I know Dylan has a crush on me but do i cave in and dance with him after telling Andrew I liked Dylan back ?! Screw it I took his hand and let him lead me on the dance floor with him as we just slow danced together I saw outta the corner of my eye Andrew chatting to kelsie he looks over at me time from time and he looked upset and hurt and maybe even pissed . Kayla and Cody sing - I don't dance but here I am spinning you around and around in circles it ant my style but I don't care 🤷‍♀️ I laugh- they are absolutely insane together!!! Dylan- I know look at them wish I had that . Me - sometimes days with Andrew are like that. Dylan- i can start to see that he's into other girls tho and not just you ash you don't think he sees you as a trophy 🏆 when all of us see it . Me - maybe you're right Dylan my sister hates him and her boyfriend. Dylan- smart people I wouldn't blame them at all I do agree that there's something fishy about Andrew. Me - yeah you're right there Is he's been hiding in this girls bathroom and lies to my face he's alone at home like his place. Dylan- go on tell me more . Me - I don't know it's weird and he's always there I can tell if there's a babies voice and a girl in the background and it stopped but now it's been happening again and I don't like it . Dylan- it's about time you tossed him to the end of the crib you definitely need a way better boyfriend then that peace of trash 🗑. Me - awe thanks i agree. Dylan- I'm tired from dancing I'm gonna get a drink do ya want a drink ? Me - sure I'm gonna go back with our friends meet you over there thank you Dylan !!!!! I got grabbed by Andrew- a word please. Me - let me go or I'll breakup with you! He let me go - what's wrong with ya? Why are you all up on Dylan tonight? And I'm the one who is being accused of cheating? Me - guess we both need to learn how to trust each other don't we ?! I say . Andrew- guess we do ! He says walking away all pissed but idc. I Join my friends and Jake says - geez what was that about? Me - who even knows he's a peace of shit i can't hang around Dylan but yet he's sleeping around behind my back ?!!! Nate- do you want me to beat him up for ya ? Brian - leave that up to Dylan Ashley has a new mans already. Dylan hands me my drink- she wishes she was with me and not him I took a sip of my drink and saw David spit water all over laughing at what Dylan said !!! Kelsie walked up to us all - hey Ashley hey Dylan I see you guys slow dancing together!! Dylan- hey and yeah there a issue kelsie ? I lift my eyebrows at her with a nasty mean cold stare . Kelsie- no I just wanna know why Ashley here isn't dancing with Andrew isn't he her boyfriend? Dylan- soon things will be changed. Our friends- ooooo can't wait for it ! My face goes dark red - guys shut up ! Kelsie- mind if I steal a dance with ur boyfriend if you're not wanting to dance with him ? Me - don't touch him I'm sure he's not gonna want those claws all over him god knows we're they have been or touched!!!! Andrew- yeah because I'd dance with a girl like ya kelsie you ruined everything I'm out . Have a nice night bro Dylan shouted at him . Do I chase after him or let him leave out the door 🚪 my heart is broken but maybe I just took things way too far . Maybe he's better off if he has space Alex r says to me let's dance 💃. So I let him leave and joined my best friends all on the dance floor. The dance wasn't gonna get ruined tonight by a jerk and a side am I even saying I'm his side chick and I'm heartbroken 😭.

When I got back home 🏡..............

Dylan- I'll see you around Ashley I had fun tonight with you!!!!

Ashley- okay thanks for the lift home 🏡 see you around Dylan! Same !

Dylan walks back to his car and gets in blows me a kiss as i watched him and laughed dropping my bags and kicking off my high heels 👠. My feet hurt so bad from tonight. Andrew- wow what a gay ass he says standing behind me did you two have a blast?!!!! I turn around to face him - awe what's your issue you couldn't stay away from kelsie the whole night when you knew that she's no longer my best friend? Andrew- she's stalking me not the other way around! Goodnight! I'm gonna leave! Me - go ahead it's what you are good at after all! I snapped. Andrew- whatever screw this relationship I'm done !!!!!

Oh shit Andrew just broke up with Ashley?!!! 😱😱😱will this end badly .... yes !

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