Football game or date ?! 🏈

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Chapter 3......
At the football game late at night I sat on the bleachers watching Chris play against this big buff other team but he kept it up with all the touch downs and I couldn't believe how fast he was when it came to 🏈 football but then I saw him on the field blonde hair and blue eyes god he is so cute . Kayla my best friend sat down to watch the game passing me popcorn and coke who are ya checking out ?! She says as I smile at her - nobody why do ya ask ?! Kayla laughs - ash don't lie to my face ! Come on tel me who ya where checking out ?! Me - I was checking out that guy over there he's super hot don't u think ? Kayla's eyes followed mine - oh girl I know who you're talking about that's Andrew yeah he is super hot why don't ya go down to speak to him ?! Me - right now ?! Are u nuts ?! The game already started up and I would not want to make chris angry or anything just by speaking to Andrew ! Kayla - ya know who will get mad at ya for speaking to him ?! Kelsie I say I sigh I can't catch a freaking break how many guys does she even like that go to this school?!! Kayla laughs - I think you're freaking out for no good reason you're super hot ya can grab guys attention from across this field if ya wanted to ! I think he's super hot and ya two could possibly hit it off ! Don't worry about Kelsie or Chris I say screw the both of them and go up and chat to Andrew ! I saw him checking ya out when ya where at ya locker today at school I didn't want to say anything tho to freak ya out but that guy has eyes for ya and only ya ! Go get him tiger !! Me - you're so embarrassing Kayla sometimes I can't stand it ! I get up and go down near the football players and ask for Andrew and they called him over to me . Andrew - hey what's up you're Ashley right ? Most popular girl in this crappy school?! I laugh - yeah definitely ! Your really good at football! Chris gave us a weird ass look from across the field . Andrew laughs - yeah uh I saw ya today at you're locker but ya where with ya friend so I didn't come over and say hi to ya sorry about that ! Me - it's fine so u friends with Kayla or Kelsie ? Andrew - both !!! Me - so ya are a ladies man ? Andrew - hell no i don't even like any girls that go here they are all kind of wild ya know ? Me - yeah I get that I don't really like any guys that go here ethier ya know I am chilling with Chris I guess but uh he seems more into sports than me and he's not my boyfriend just so ya where wondering at all I'm single ! Andrew - well that's good to know I hate Chris I think he's a player but hey if ya do like him I won't judge ya . Me - idk if I do or not it's too soon to tell he's nice but yeah I have to protect my heart from getting broken again ! Andrew smiled at me - I wouldn't break it if ya where my girl! Me - anyways ya should prob get back to the game now I'll talk to ya after if ya want tho ! Andrew - let's get ice coffee after my treat ? Me - are ya asking me on a date ?!!!! Andrew- definitely! Me - it's a date then bye 👋 hope ya win ! I say walking away I walked right past Chris he's standing there jaw to the grass in shock about what just happened in front of his face and I couldn't stop laughing I turn to him and blow him a kiss and wave at him and I walked back up to my bestie . Kayla - nice job ! I think Chris is having a heart attack from you and Andrew hitting it off ! He's gonna he super mad at ya didn't he invite ya to this game ash ?! Me - okay screw ya you're the one who told me to get my ass down there and hit on Andrew so I did because I also like him and I think he's so hot and omg did I tell ya he ask me out and I'm getting ice cream after the game with him !!!!!!! Kelsie sits down next to us scaring me to death as she says - who asked ya out on this date ?!!!! Kayla - where the hell did ya drop outta the sky I laugh and smiled at Kelsie not saying a word . Kelsie - very funny Kayla but no I'm obviously here to watch the guys play football 🏈 dang do ya see Chris out there and Andrew they r sexy ! I gave her a look that reads back off bitch he's all mine because honestly I have a crush on him and I don't know what to do about it at all should I tell him or would it be super creepy to after we just met ?! Maybe getting to know him on this date would help me . Kelsie - what ?'!!!! Did I say something wrong ? Kayla laughs and glares at her - I think ash is just bout ready to tackle ya and murder ya at this point ya didn't hear Andrew and her r going on a date after ?! Kelsie - after what the game ? ! Me - you're not jealous are ya ?! Kelsie - I have to go I'll see ya two later uh bye ! She gets up and leaves and I honestly don't care she can have Chris but she can't have Andrew . Kayla - way to call dibs on ya man ash! Me - Kayla shut the hell up and just watch the game ! Kayla - okay bossy pants she watched the rest of the game with me till the end of it and Andrew and Chris team won I was super proud of them both but before i can leave with Andrew Chris pulled me away and he takes me under a bleacher - what's wrong with you ?! I invited ya to come watch me not him ! Me - Chris I barley know ya chill you're not my boyfriend let go of my arm right now ! Andrew came to help me out - dude let go of her before we got a issue ! Chris let's me go I grab Andrews hand and he pulled me away to safety I felt like Chris was about to attack me or something. Andrew- what's wrong with him?! Me - I don't know maybe he's on crack let's go we walked away from Chris and Chris says - I'll just text ya where gonna have to talk at some point Ashley ! I just left with Andrew and took off Andrew says - is everything okay with ya and Chris he's acting weird ! Me - he just acts like he owns me is all and he's not even my bf !andrew - he's definitely a player date though if ya want but I'm gonna stay single for right now me - then why ask me on a date? Andrew - oh uh do ya still want to go because I definitely do me - yeah of course I want to go with ya are we there yet ? Andrew - yes ! He pulls into the ice cream place parking lot and it's Ben and Jerry's I got cookie dough ice cream and he got it to . I love cookie dough ice cream it's my favorite:) ..

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