Chapter 15~(Edited)

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Steph's POV:

Is this the right place? Or did I take the wrong turn and ended up here. I'm pretty sure this ain't the address that Nash had gave me. It's just..not what I expected it to be.

"Steph? Is this the right place. It, um looks a bit creepy" Mariza asked who was sitting in the back. I turned to look at Adriana who was sitting in the passenger seat and was sporting wide eyes.

"I don't know let me txt Nash and ask him." I told them taking out my phone and typing a txt.

To Nash:

(pic) Hey Nash. Question here..Is this the right place? ~S.M

"Okay. I sent him the txt hope he replies." I told them, really hoping that he replies quickly. This place was giving me the bad vibe.

"Yeah me too. Because we're um kinda attracting the other gender eyes." Maria said looking out the door window.

"Oh there's one coming towards us. Lock the door! Lock it!" Dayana said, frantic I immediately locked the door.

Heaving, I tried to calm myself. We're safe, nothing will happen, we'll be okay. The sound of my phone vibrating and the screen lightning up, making me acknowledge that I had received a txt msg.

To Stephanie:

No that's not it. Don't worry. I'm on my way. Do not open the doors. Lock yourselves. I don't want anything to happen to you beautiful girls. ~N.G

"Uh girls. This isn't the place we're suppose to be at. Nash's said he's on his way." I told them looking up and looking at each one of them.

"Well duh. This places has drunk people and fighters lurking around!" Dayana said, she was going into a frenzy.

"I know and I'm sorry. I took the wrong turn but help is on the way. I just hope he gets here fast."

To Nash: Ooh. No wonder it didn't seem like the right place. Already did! Thanks. ~S.M

*tap tap* Startled I looked out the window and saw two guys bending down and looking through the window at us. Gulping I lowered the window a bit just to were I'm able to speak.

"What are you doing Steph?" adri whispered, confused at my actions.

"Uh yes?" I asked, politely.

"You lost beautiful's?" One of the guys asked. He gave off the vibe of a bad boy, and not the typical fanfiction one. No he gave off the I killed someone vibe.

"Uh. Kinda, but we're just waiting for some of our friends who are on there way." I said trying to shoo him away.

"Aww. Why don't you girls come out for a bit" The other guy asked smiling. His teeth were a yellowish color most likely from all the smoking he's done. He tried pulling the door handle on Adriana's side but then raised and eyebrow seeing the doors were locked.

"I don't think so" Maria said shaking her head.

"Aww come on babes. Have a bit of fun." He said smirked.

Some lights flashed behind us making me release the breath I was holding. Looking through the mirror I saw Nash, Shawn and Cameron step out of their car and make their way to ours.

"Hey. Babe are they bothering you guys?" Nash asked standing behind the guy that was on my side of the door. Slightly nodding my head I looked at him.

"Sorry man but I think it's time for you guys to scurry off." Shawn said.

"What if we don't want to?" The other guy with the yellowish teeth challenged.

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to know." Cam said steeping in front of him.

"Come on Jack let's get out of here. They weren't even that hot." The guy said knowing all to well that they've been outnumbered.

"Yeah. They were typical bitches. Mark." The other guy agreed. Excuse me. But nobody and I mean NOBODY insults my friends or me. Unlocking my door I stepped out and ignored the girls whispers. Once realizing that I stepped out Nash came and stood behind me.

"Hey!" I said coming in front of the guys that had the courage to insult us.

"Oh I see you came back for some of this." Mark said gesturing to himself.

Scrunching my nose I said "For some of that. I'd be crazy I just came to do this." Raising my hand and slapping Mark in the cheek surely leaving a tinge, red mark. "You don't insult my friends or me. You hear."

"What the fuck! Bitch You messed with the wrong guy." He said stepping forward and raising his fist ready to punch me.

"Don't you dare hit her!" Nash said stopping Mark's fist from coming in contact with my face. "You land a hand on her and you won't be able to remember what happen."

"Now scurry away before my fist comes in contact with your face." Nash said dropping his hand and the two guys scurried away frightened.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." I yelled at their retreating figures. "Thank you." I told Nash looking up at him.

"I'd do it again if I had to. Although you have guts to slap him. Some girls would have letted them insult them but as I can see your some special girl. Now come on lets get going don't wanna keep the other boys waiting now do we?" He said gesturing to the other boys who were talking to the girls. "Never mind I think they got some company. By the way you look gorgeous." He said smiling at me.

Blushing I nodded my head, said a thank you again and we both walked to my car.

"You follow my car, alright?" Nash said once I got inside my car and revved the engine.

"Okay." I said. He nodded his head and got inside his car.

Arriving at our destination. I turned off the engine and we stepped out the car.

"Well this is the place." Nash said coming up to us gesturing to a club.

"No way! We're actually going to a club!" Mariza squealed behind us.

The boys laughed at her eagerness. "Yepp. We invited a few friends of ours but that's about it. It's not as crowded, we want you girls to have fun today. Hope your find with it." Shawn explain.

"It's more than fine. Thank you guys this is our first time at a club but you guys better take care of us. We don't wanna be in the news early in the morning, alright?" Dayana-joking-chuckling.

"You got our word." Cameron said.

"Well time to party!" Mariza exclaimed.

Laughing we followed her inside.



Also read my other fanfic called "Two Boys & One of Her(h.s)" it's a Harry story please give it a chance.

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