Chapter 32~(Edited)

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Listen to I Do by A Rocket To The Moon

~Steph's POV~

It was the first fight we had.

And let me tell you one thing.

I don't want to experience it in my life again.

It felt strange, foreign, it wasn't meant to be done. But what was done, was done, all we could do was forgive and forget, right?. You would think I would leave it as it is, right? I mean you would wouldn't you. But could I?

But I couldn't, and I knew myself way to good, that I wouldn't leave the topic alone. Not until I got my answers. That call, I knew it wasn't meant for me, hence it was Niall's phone but I decided to pick it up either way.

Little did I know that by picking that phone call, it would cause a fight in between us. I fight that could've lead to us splitting apart or trying to fix it and I'm glad we fixed it.

But I somewhat knew this topic would be brought up again. That voice, that voice was familiar. Way to familiar that it slightly scared me, no it frightened me.

It frightened me to know, it could actually be the person I was considering it to be. It frightened how he said, he had finally met me, at least by phone.

What he told me to let Niall know. Lot's of questions swirled around my brain, racking for some answers, answers that only one person could give me right now.

But only asking him would cause some argument to spark again and I wasn't planning on initiating it.

I planned on having this last few days being fun. Lots of things happen this summer vacation. From bumping into Niall at the airport, than at the beach.

To going to his apartment and meeting his friends. Which reminds me I haven't heard from Molly and her friends. I wonder what happened to them.

But either way I wasn't complaining. All this summer I've became friends with four lads as Niall got me saying now, and one hot, sweet, adorable, cute boyfriend.

What more could I ask for, nothing basically, because I have what makes me happy, my family, my friends, and him. Niall.

All I could ask for is that from now on everything goes smooth and we all get to enjoy the good things that god puts in front of us. That everything turns out well. It's all I could ask for.

Sighing, I looked at up at him from where I was which we were currently on the couch. He has his guitar perched up on his lap and I am snuggled besides him.

He was focused on his guitar. Slightly playing it, I looked at him intently he looked so perfect, to say I'm a lucky girl is indeed right.

Not trying to sound stuck up or anything but if it where any girl she'd probably say the same thing but what makes me happy is that he chose me out of tons of pretty girls in the world. He chose me. Me.

"What are you thinking of beautiful?" Niall whispered in my ear brining me out of my thoughts.

"Same old, same old." I said not wanting to cause another argument.

By asking him all the questions that have took over my mind once again. Inhaling his muscular scent, I kissed his cheek and mumbled against his chest.

Chuckling, his fingers brushed against my cheek, grabbing a strand of my hair that had fallen on my face he placed it behind my ear.

"What did you say beautiful?" He asked me looking at me with those azure eyes of his.

His hand was placed on my cheek, to which I leaned further and closed my eyes. Liking the sweet gesture.

"Play for me?" I asked him once I opened my eyes, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Smiling he nodded his head, kissed me lightly on the lips and took his guitar in his hands and began strumming a tune.

The melody was honey to my ears; sweet and smooth. Once he hit a note I knew immediately what song it was, my smile couldn't get any bigger than it was right now.

"You sing off key to the radio, like there's nobody there." He sang

"And I don't stand a chance when you smile." He sang looking at me. "I never thought I'd ever Find someone like you" Every day passing by he picks a piece of my heart. It might be to soon but I know, I just know in the end I'll be falling for him.

"And I'll think is beautiful when I think of you and I still can't believe that your mine" he sang smiling at me with a glint in his eyes.

"All I see is beautiful when I look at you"

"I can't love any more than I do, I do" Slightly strumming the last of the notes. I sat there giddy ready to hug the heck out of him. Once he placed his guitar down. I jumped up and hugged him, causing both our bodies to fall back on the sofa.

Chuckling he asked "What was that for?"

Smiling wide "Because I couldn't ask for anyone better to have as a boyfriend." I whispered memorized from his blue eyes.

"And I won't want any other girl, I like you, princess.. A lot" he said eyes flicking back and forth from my eyes to my lips.

Closing the gap between our faces, I kissed him. In that moment I knew he'd have my heart before I knew it myself.


A/N: Update! Yay!! I like this chapter, it's not as mysterious and it's not that romantic. The way I like it. Anyways next chapter is going to be good. So look forward into reading a pretty good chapter. Anyways. It'll take a bit longer to update since I have to do a Demonstrative Speech to do by next week, and I have to practice, practice. Anyways hope you like it, until next update. Also please read my other fanfics give them a try. 🙏 Follow me on twitter and Instagram.

Twitter: @adriannxx06


Instagram: @1d.official_

Love you


I Found My Happines With Him...(n.h)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ