Chapter 36~(Edited)

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~Before any fight occurs with Steph and after the dinner they had~

Listen to any song that you'd like. I was hearing Black Widow by Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora.

~Niall's POV~


That's what he was right now. Unknown. But not for too long.

My footsteps made thumping noise with every step I took echoing throughout the quiet, calm air. The wind blowing at my hoodie, and my eyes covered by sunglasses blocking the gleam of the sun.

My breathing was the only source I could hear apart from the occasion car passing by. Taking each step, my heart raised in an abnormal way. Knowing he or if he had more people could do to harm me without being stopped.

Blowing at my sweaty hands, trying to dry them. I sighed and looked left and right looking for any sign of a car driving by wanting to cross the road.

Crossing the road swiftly I made my way towards the park. Where we were suppose to be meeting. Surveying the park, I caught a family eating a picnic not to far away.

There were also a couple teenagers and kids running around. Exhaling, being calm now knowing he won't be able to attempt anything with all this people being here. And for that I'm grateful.

"Deep in thoughts, I see." He spoke. Closing my eyes I stood still, clenching and unclenching my fists. Puffing out the air I've been holding in. I turned around looking at him. Leaned against a tree with his hands tucked in his pockets.

"Fancy seeing you actually came." He spoke with a smirk etched on his face. Oh how I wish I could knock that stupid smirk off his face with my fist.

"You really must care for her." He said more to himself than me.

But either way I answered him because I do. I care for her more than my life. "Yes. You fucking know well I do. Andrew." I seethed thorough clenched teeth.

He only smirk. That asshole only smirked. Sighing I ran my hands down my face and grunted. Looking him dead in the eye I asked him. "What do you want? What the fuck do you want from me?"

His smirk fell from his face and was instantly changed into a raging expression. He pushed himself off the tree trunk and step forward. Coming face to face with me, if he thought he was intimidating me he was so wrong.

He was the one that had called me during the dinner Stephanie and I were having. He was the fucking asshole who kept on threatening me. He would have other people call me just to keep himself low.

But just yesterday he had the courage to speak to me himself. All along it was him. He had asked me to come along if not I would face the consequence afterwards. Debating on what I should do I had decided that I'd come alone.

"I want you to pay. That's what I want. I want you to pay for every tear my brother and I had to go through." He said eyes never gazing away from my own.

He had almost the same features as I did. Same brunette hair but since mine was dyed. You really couldn't see it as much. Same height, same stance structure. He was almost another replica of me, but the only different thing about the two of us was our eyes.

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