Chapter 23~(Edited)

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Listen to Right Place Right Time by Olly Murs

~Niall's POV~

Here I'm sat right in front of her. Who's looking up at me with those glowing eyes that I've liked for so long now. Those eyes that are now waiting for me too tell her everything.

Everything, that happen that fucking night. She's siting there patiently, sighing I looked up at her once again. Clearing my throat getting myself ready to begin telling her everything.

"Uh. You want everything?" I asked her trying to convince her to only want a bit not the whole thing. Once again she looked at me and nodded her head. She was dead on wanting to know.

Sighing knowing she will not let it go until I tell her everything. "Alright. I'll tell you everything. BUT there's something's I have to tell you before explaining everything."

"Alright. If you say so. What are they?" she asked

"One. Please, please listen to every word I tell you before you say anything. Two I know what I'm about to tell you will shock you, but it's what happen. Three the only reason I and the lads didn't tell you girls about it was because we didn't know about how and why it happen but we're glad we stopped it before anything drastic occurred. Four please after what I tell you please be careful around them. If they ever try doing stuff again with you girls without us knowing, please take care of yourselves." I told her looking at her dead in the eyes.

You could see the panic in her eyes. Scared of what I'm about to tell her, frighten that I may say something that will crush her, but I know it won't at least not a lot, because we stopped them before they could do who knows what with them.

After a couple of seconds had passed she finally nodded her head, getting herself ready for what ever comes her way.

"So you remember how after we.. uh danced. You wanted to go get a drink right.?" I said glancing up at her. She had a tint of crimson on her cheeks, nodding her head she looked up at me letting me know she's paying attention.

"Well after getting one drink turn into more drinks. You were slightly tipsy since you and the girls had drank some strong alcohol. Well you girls were dancing on top of the bar and all but we got you all down before you could've embarrassed yourself more." I said looking up at her. I could see her cheeks turning into a deeper crimson color.

She was clearly embarrassed, what she was hearing that went down at the club. But she didn't have to be. She was adorable, she was having fun. Until shitty people had to ruin it.

"But you dont' have to be embarrassed, it's your first time going to a club and drinking. I bet you, I was worse when it came to my first beer and club. The lads told me I start stripping and running around yelling 'howdy ya'll I'm from Texas' when in reality I'm from Ireland. That's what alcohol can do ta ya." I said recalling and laughing at how my first time drinking and clubbing went. This earned me a laugh from her. Knowing I made her laugh made a smile to stretch across my face.

"Anyway.. Uh after that the lads went danced some more with the girls leaving you and I alone by the bar. You said you had to use the ladies room. Seeing you in your condition I offered to follow you. But you decline my offer saying you were sober enough to go by yourself and that nothing would happen. I had to reluctantly agree, couple of minutes had passed and there was no sign of you." I said daring to take a glance at her. I saw her eyebrows scrunch in concentration.

I continued "I got worried, thinking that something could have happen to you. So I got up from my stool and made my way towards the restrooms. Once getting there I figured out that I couldn't just barge inside the restroom. As I looked around a for someone to help me. I spotted a young nice lady bartender I think... I asked her if she could check for you inside. I gave her a brief description of our appearance, seeing as it would be of good help."

"She came out seconds later and said. You weren't inside there at all. I thanked her and walked away. I was about to go look for you around the club. When I saw a figure carrying a limp body in his arms...." while saying this I didn't dare take my eyes off of her. I could tell she was trying to put the pieces together. The way her brows furrowed, she was thinking hard.

Once her eyes grew big I knew she had resolve a part of the puzzle.

"That girl was me wasn't it" she said stating it, she muttered to herself looking down.

Knowing it wasn't a question I still answered. "Yeah. I straight away turned into action. Spotting the lads not to far away. I grabbed ahold of I think was Liam's arm and pulled them out to where they were taking you."

"The lads asked me what was going on and I told them they were taking you somewhere. Once outside the parking lot. Not only was it you they were carrying but the other girls also. Seeing you being carried away without your conscious, I was mad, no I was furious." I spoke through gritted teeth, hands balled up into fists.

"The boys once they saw what I was seeing were also furious. We ran towards them and took you and the girls away from them. Once I saw you clearly, you were asleep. Why you may be asking yourself. There was only one reason to it. No not because you were drinking to much because I even saw you and you were sobering quickly. That left to one conclusion. They had maybe given you and the girls something to drink while you all had disappeared to somewhere. The thing was that it was not just some ordinary drink. The drink they had given you all was spiked with some sort of drug. Why had they done it. I'm not sure and when I find out I will surely leave some bruises on their faces for them to remember me. Tho I bet they won't want to do anything in the first place." I said looking at her who was now looking at me with teary eyes.

"So.. that's what happen at the club. That's what and why we didn't want to tell you girls about it." I said in a whisper, not daring this time to look up at her. Because I knew once I saw her, I would want to leave this place and go find Nash and his friends and beat the pulp out of them.

"Niall?" She whispered, I barely was able to hear it. Slowly looking up I looked at her who had tears flowing down her cheeks.

"If-if you and the boys wouldn't have been there.. does that mean they could've taken us away and have done to us whatever had crossed their filthy minds?" She asked me a quiet sob leaving her mouth.

Not able to contain seeing her cry, if they fucking wouldn't have done anything to them, she'd be here smiling instead of crying. I got up from my chair and made my way besides her and hugged her. She silently cried, her face buried on my shoulder.

"It's okay love. They didn't do anything to you or any of the girls. We got there on time." I said rubbing her back.

"But they could've Niall." she spoke her voice being muffled against my shoulder.

"No. I wouldn't have let them." I told her. I could feel her head shake.

"Who were they?" She asked pulling away and looking at me with puffy red shot eyes.

Sighing. I knew this question would be asked. I looked at her taking in her condition. They are going to fucking have to deal with me and the boys once I fucking see them.

"Nash and his friends"


A/N: Oh my goodness gracious. An update! Yess! Ahhhh! Did you's find out about the whole #1Dproposal ??? I found it to be cute and awesome!! That girl was lucky, I tell you! Her bf Bradley asked her to marry him at the 1D concert in Atlanta, he asked help from the boys and Harry agreed into helping him. That just proves how sweet the boys are! Loves, these sweet boys are OUR boys! I'm happy for having them in my life!

Anyways... I love how this chapter turn out!! Hope you all love it as much as I do. In this chapter Stephanie received her answers she wanted. What do you think will happen next? What will be her reaction about knowing it was Nash and his friends? Those questions will be answered in the next chapter. Until next time lovelies! One more thing. This fanfic is almost to 1,000 reads!! Ahh! I can't believe it! Thank you all!! I'm so happy!!

🙏 Also please go read my other fanfics called..

1.) Trapped(h.s)~ Harry Fanfic


2.)Run(z.m)~A Zayn Malik Fanfic

Love you all


I Found My Happines With Him...(n.h)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora