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Your POV-

When I reached my floor, I  saw Sohee standing at the door.

She waved at me excitedly.

Can't she wait till I get in?

But when I reached Kookie's door, it flung open, narrowly missing my already "not-so-hot" face.

Someone stepped out and I heard Kookie saying "See you later!" behind him.

I stepped out of his way and reached Sohee. 

But she had her eyes on that boi behind me whom I almost bumped into.

I turn around to see what caught her attention.

I turn around to see what caught her attention

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I see.

He saw us staring at him as if he was some Gucci model. 

I went in the room, embarrassed,  but heard Sohee ask Kookie about him after he left.

"Taehyung...." she mumbled as she shut the door behind her.

Then she,like, snapped out of her trance and asked me "SO! HOW DID IT GO?" 

huh, the 5-year old Sohee was back.

I told her everything.

"You are so  stupid," she sighed, shaking her head "but seems like so is he! Cool! but what's with the aliases?"

I shrugged, not taking offense of her calling me stupid.

"I'll call him  Mr.Many Names" She laughed.

So did I.

Come on , that's a funny nickname for someone who likes nicknames.

Then we probably fell asleep cuz I don't remember what happened next..

A/n: Hi there!
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See  y'all around!

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