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Your POV

"I know" I flip my now tangled hair.

"Shut up. It sounds true only when I say it." He said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled and then wondered where exactly is he taking me.


After an hour or so of drive, he pulled up in front of a .... modest garden with gravel stones leading to a cottage kinda building.

 modest garden with gravel stones leading to a cottage kinda building

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You could really tell the fall's here...

But damn, isn't it stunning....

I wondered what the hell would we do here anyway, though it's pretty charming.

"Come on! Are you gonna stand and stare at it all day, or are you gonna come in?" He called out.

Wait, when did he parked the car, and walked all the way there?

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." I walk to him and from there, I'm able to read what that rustic board hanging above its door says-


Is this...what...a restaurant or something?

"Ugh, just walk faster!" He said, dragging me by my wrist.

I never knew he could be this energetic!

I followed him in and a little bell above the door announced our presence to a middle aged lady sitting behind a counter.

"Welcome............old......this floor.......new........... upper level.........."

I didn't hear much, just caught a few words because I was mesmerized.

By? The hundreds of thousands of books arranged neatly in the shelves before me.

Have I died and am now in heaven?

No I won't be getting heaven though....

They seem like old books. The musty smell of old books hung in the air.

I couldn't wait to walk up to them, to run my fingers over their spines and caress the fragile pages, the doorways to different worlds.

I wanna quit that stupid job. I wanna become a book binder or something.
Those craft classes must be of some use!

I made a mental note of writing a resignation letter, later in the evening.

My knees went weak and my heart fluttered at such a sight.

I thought I was gonna lose my balance but a hand steadied me- Suga.

Oh damn. I completely forgot about him!

He smiled like he knew this was gonna happen.

"So, I take it that you liked it?" He asked.

"Liked? Liked? I wanna die here dude. I am absolutely in love with this place!" I said, flapping my arms like a chick trying to fly for the first time.

Gangleader | M.Y.G.| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now