Chapter 3 <Magnus>

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      ••• = when r*pe scene begins

     *** = What r*pe scene ends
     Trigger warning

I honestly couldn't give a shit on how slave were selling. But here was Carlos Alvarez blabbering on and on like selling children, minors, was the greatest technology of the century. Disgust erupted in the pit of my stomach and I looked over at the couple with him. They were good looking but the way they spoke made we want to rip them apart right then and there. They kept mentioning their son who's name rolled off the tongue well. Esmeralda. Esme. I liked it but I doubt he was charming. His parents sure as fuck weren't.

But my mind traveled back to the boy I saw. His hair was dark, black and his eyes were shockingly purple. His skin was pale but his lips were plump and a light pink.

I would do anything to see them wrapped around my—

The elevator dinged and I slowly turned to look as the doors opened. My lips pressed together as the same boy stepped inside.

"Finally you're back, what took you so long darling?" Claire chimed from behind me and I instantly groaned. Well, damn.

"So this is the famous Esmeralda," I droned out staring him. He froze once our eyes locked and I could help but smirk a bit. He definitely amused me.

A sudden curl of his lip made my hands tighten around the arms of my chair. "Don't flatter yourself," He scoffed and walked over to the couch Claire and Alec sat in. They rather quickly made room for him between themselves and my eyes couldn't help but drag down his body willingly.

"Don't be rude," Alec hissed at his son who looked down at his lap after sitting. My eyes couldn't help but narrow and the apparent hickeys and lipstick smears along his neck. Were those there when I first saw him?

"I apologize, this is the first time he's been on a meeting with us," Alec growled almost at Esmeralda who said nothing and only flinched slightly. Something sparked in me, a wave of anger possibly.

But of course I held it back like the gentleman I was, "It's alright, I understand, it's not everyday you see parents bringing along their child to a kink club." I bit my tongue to hold back a snarl and my eyes almost glowed golden with anger.

Claire, the stupid cunt, slid her hand up and down the boys thigh in a sensual manner. Esmeralda didn't even pay much attention to it and her lips were grazing against his neck while he stared off into space. Then he suddenly seemed more like a victim than a spoiled brat. A victim of Lust and Pride, his own parents. I honestly should've expected this from the two. Though I haven't really met them, their reputation in both supernatural and human Mafia world was bad to say the least.

But for some god damn reason I felt like I wanted to rip both their throats out. I wanted nothing more than to summon a demonic god on them. Or, if I could, rip out their own hearts and squeeze the life out of them painfully.

"So, how are you enjoying those slaves," Alec—the sin of Pride—suddenly asked, staring at me.

My lips pulled into a fake, but believable, dark
smirk. I could feel Esmeralda's eyes slowly travel to myself.

"They're quite entertaining like Carlos had promised," I chimed in amusement. Carlos chuckled and gave me a grin.

"See, I told ya, Magnus. I don't disappoint, right gatito?" He suddenly turned to Esmeralda causing my eyes to narrow.

Esmeralda's stunning eyes slowly looked at Carlos and then away almost like he was hesitant to answer. Until Alec had reached down and grabbed a hold of Esmeralda's crotch a little too roughly.

"O-Of course," Esmeralda rushed out squeezing his eyes shut, his facial expression remaining blank. But it definitely hurt him.

Carlos, the sadistic little bitch he is, grew turned on. It was clear from the large bulge in his pants, though I couldn't help but laugh. I'm way fucking bigger than this prick.

"Would you mind if I took Esmeralda from you for a bit?" He suddenly asked looked at Claire and Alec.

"Hmm, I don't know, you might tucker him out after so many times—"

Esme, fuck I love my nickname for him, slowly opened his eyes. He almost seemed way too shocked. He opened his mouth to say something, to intervene, but Carlos opened up his dumbass mouth.

"Yes, Yes, I know. But how else am I supposed to handle something that Esmeralda has caused?" He winked at the boy who immediately looked down, his mouth closing. He accepted this.

"....Be quick," Alec sighed out pushing Esme to his feet.

"Fuck yes," Alvarez growled and stood, grasping the back of Esmeralda's neck. His black curls fell in front of his eyes.

"Magnus, do you have a room I could use real quick, or do you mind if I just bend him over, here?" Carlos blinked nonchalantly and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I don't care what you do, but you are not using my spare room. That is for only me and which ever person I bring for the night," I grumbled in annoyance. The gang leader let out a sigh shaking his head, pushing Esmeralda over the arm of the loveseat he previously sat in. His ass was in the air.


Carlos slowly peeled off Esmeralda's pants and with them came a pair of black underwear that cupped his dick finely and kept his ass out in the open. If it were any other day, I would find this impossibly hot, but this wasn't any other day. Esmeralda was about to be assaulted. I could just tell by the glint of fear, that came as fast as it went, that he didn't want this.

But I wasn't sure if I should stop this or not. If I did, there could be a possibility that I ruin my own cover. They might realize that I'm soft, that I don't like to buy slaves if I speak up. I had seen this play out plenty of times, but this made me angry to no end. I really couldn't stand watching as Carlos pulled out his hard member and groaned at the sight of Esmeralda's plump ass. My eyes snapped immediately to the boys as Carlos pushed into him dryly. Tears sprung to his purple eyes and his nails dug into the fine leather of the seat, tearing it.

Fucking hell. I growled angrily and clenched my fists. Esmeralda whimpered quietly and let out clear fake moans. He clawed at the seat and his mouth opened for a silent scream of pain as Carlos thrusted his hips harder. I could see streaks of blood forming down Esmeralda's inner thighs.

You could treat him so much better. A sudden voice whispered to me but I quickly shook it away. It wasn't long before Carlos had came in the kid and he pulled himself out before tucking himself back into his pants.


Esmeralda laid there in that same position like a lifeless doll. He had a couple of tears streaming down his flushed, sickly pale face. His eyes were dull and I could see a bit of betrayal in his eyes. Streams of blood and semen both from Carlos and himself trailed down his front and inner thighs.

"Carlos, could you go down stairs and fetch us a couple of beers?" I asked, my teeth gritted and my eyes struggling to turn. Carlos, looking completely sedated, hummed and walked to the elevator. I listened to it ding then his footsteps reach in the damn thing. After he was gone, I stood, my eyes never leaving Esmeralda. I almost completely forgot about lust and pride after I placed a hand against Esmeralda's cheek, wiping a tear away.

Instantly, I was met with overwhelming sparks and emotional pain.

Mother fucker, he's my mate. He's my fucking soul mate and I just let him get raped right in front of me.

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