Chapter 14 <Esmeralda>

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I reached into his pants and blushed clearly as my hand wrapped around the thick organ. I pulled it out slowly and looked up at Magnus who watched with glaring eyes, a smirk threatening his lips. My eyes went back down as I leaned down, licking up his dick slowly. Magnus shuddered and I felt a wave of satisfaction roll through me. His hand landed on the nape of my neck, telling me to continue, so I did. My mouth wrapped around its head as I reached up to grip his balls gently. Magnus released a low groan and squeezed the back of my neck as I slowly lowered my mouth.

I paused and gagged as he hit the back of my throat almost halfway through before I continued. Gradually I finally got the hang of it and began to bob my head slowly. "Fuck, Esme," Magnus exhaled, tilting his head back. I shuddered as pulled back. He looked down immediately, catching eyes with me. I stared into his eyes, taking his back into my mouth.

Magnus growled lowly and fisted my hair to keep my movements fast. His eyes never left mine. My hands reached up to grip his thick thighs once I stayed in place as he came. Coughing slightly, he let me go as I pulled away, panting heavily. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and blushed as I licked my lips.

"Are you okay?" He panted, tucking his cock back into his pants. He crouched in front of me. I stared up at him, noticing how his eyes calmed in their glow and nodded, sitting in my knees again.

"Yeah," I whispered quietly, "I'm fine."

"...Let's get ready for bed," He said quietly, standing from his crouching position before reaching a hand out to me. I slowly took it and stood while he helped me up. Magnus looked completely relaxed and content as he lead me upstairs to his room. I sat on the bed and chewed on my inner cheek, thinking silently.

"What does this mean?" I asked slowly. Magnus turned to me after picking out pajamas for himself and I, I believe.

"What does what mean?" He arched an eyebrow and pulled me to my feet. I stared up at him and frowned tilting my head in thought.

"Um...what we've done. What are we doing now?" I asked very slowly. "Is my body your sex toy now?" I slowly looked up at him and immediately was met his angered eyes.

"You are no ones sex toy. You are not suddenly chained to me, Esmeralda. At least not like that, alright? It matters on how you think this is going," He paused, "Is this something more to you? Do you want it to be something more? To be in a relationship with me and to be my boyfriend?" He asked carefully.

I exhaled and looked away, "A relationship." My voice was now way under a whisper. Magnus probably couldn't even here my confused rambles.

"Do you want to try it?" Magnus said gently, leaning down to look me in the eyes.

My head slowly nodded. "I've never been in a relationship before. How does that work?"

"...You just love and trust each other. You try to find a feeling that makes you spark with a person to see if they're the ones for you," Magnus stated simply. His hand lifted my face up.


"Okay what?" He asked strongly, confidently.

"Okay I'll try it," I said quickly. Magnus nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, let's get ready for bed." I felt almost light headed as I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and sighed heavily, leaning against the wall. I stared at myself in the large mirror ahead and glared slowly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I sneered at my reflection quietly. "Why are you acting so ridiculous. You just fucking blew him. And before that he jacked you off and said it was a punishment. Called it orgasm denial," I muttered, shedded my clothes roughly and pulling on the shirt and boxers which were too big for me. Wonder what happened to the damn panties idea. I grabbed my tooth brush and began to brush my teeth until my mouth felt raw and my gums bled from the force.

I was mad at myself for just giving in like that. But I felt like I was floating when I was with that man and of course there was no way to deny that. He honestly made me feel safe and secure which also made me uncomfortable. It was a foreign feeling, I admit. To be cared for and loved—if this was even love. Now I've decided that I'm crazy. It's been confirmed that Magnus isn't even human. But I guess I'm not either.

I stared at my reflection after rinsing my mouth. "You're not human," I whispered in confusion. Fuck, now I was at an even larger loss on who I was.

"Can I come in?" Magnus asked through the door. I felt myself scoff loudly.

"You literally man handled me back at your dumbass club and now you're being like this?" I snapped, opening the door wide. Magnus looked down at me and chuckled slightly.

"Wow, we really need to work in your manners, love," He chimed, walking past me. My eyes narrowed.

"My manners are just fine," I sassed turning around to watch him. He stood in briefs and nothing else as he brushed his teeth. Magnus raised his eyebrows, giving me a look of 'are you sure?'. I seethed at him and flipped him off, turning away and walking to the bed. I slid into the side I was on last night and hugged a pillow to my chest as I stared and my slim fingers. I heard the sink shut off and his foot steps near me. The bed dipped and the lights flickered off gently, leaving us in darkness. I stayed quiet and closed my eyes. I could tell that he was laid down, now facing me but with distance still. It took me a bit to fall asleep but I did.

At least I think I did. Morning came soon and I didn't want to get out of bed at all. The sheets were too warm and the way Magnus held my waist as he slept comforted me. Though, if he was awake I would definitely push him away. It would've probably made him annoyed or sad but he would've just let me. Magnus wouldn't get furious with me and beat me or yell at me. He wouldn't force me into anything and I was content with that. So I slowly turned around in bed and looked at his relaxed face. His features were handsome and chiseled—yet soft and smooth like marble.

My fingers slowly traced over his face, stopping at his lips. I can still feel them on mine, weirdly. "Touching a persons face can be deemed rude, Love," His voice deep and gravely as he spoke. I admit I was shocked that he was away and hesitated on whether or not to desperate from him.

"...Well it's rude to hold someone with out their permission," I quickly threw back as his grip tightened around my waist. Magnus opened his eyes and smiled slowly, letting me go.

"My mistake, baby boy," He whispered close to me ear. My cheeks flushed quickly so my immediate reaction was to hide my face in the pillows. Magnus hovered over me and rubbed my back, kissing my head.

"Let's go down stared, help me with breakfast. I'm guessing you've never had pancakes either with that diet?" He hummed in my ear. Curiosity filled me and I slowly peeked our from the pillows. He smiled big and got off the bed.

We both got ready for the day, our bodies hidden from each other again like last night. Well, after I sucked him off. Down stairs, Magnus set up everything we needed to make pancakes. My eyes scanned over the directions for the batter and paused. Words have never been my forte.

"You want to help me make the batter?" He asked, spotting my gaze upon the directions. I blinked and shook my head.

"I can't," I said, "I'll mix it though...." I proposed. Magnus arched an eyebrow but nodded. I didn't want him to realize that really was useless. What kind of adult doesn't know how to read?

"Hey," I looked up to see carter holding a sleepy Olivia who rubbed both her eyes. Carter didn't look so great. He had bags under his eyes.

"Long night?" Magnus asked. Carter sighed and placed her down in a chair.

"She didn't want to sleep. She just wanted to play, then she was hungry, then she wasn't. Then she wanted me to hold her, then she didn't," He ranted quietly, sitting in the chair next to her. Olivia looked at all of us and giggled gently.

Magnus chuckled softly and looked at her, "You torturing your poor daddy?"

"No," She said grumpily. Magnus immediately raised his hands in defeat which made me laugh. He looked at me and smiled softly.


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