Chapter 30 <Magnus>

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"How is he adjusting?" Adam asked, leaning back in a chair.

"After all that, pretty well. It's been a couple of long weeks but, yeah," I sighed, looking around his office which was huge, of course. There were expensive accessories everywhere but they meant nothing to him. I'm sure if there was a fire in his office he'd save the priceless picture frames of his children and lovely husband. Quite ironic that a arch-angel could just fall so easily for satan but then again, the poor boy had no idea what he was at the time.

"However, I've never felt closer to him. He's warmed up to me well and finally clings to me when I embrace him," I admired out loud. "I love to spoil him rotten. I bring him plenty of nice jewelry and express my love for him differently each day. It isn't anything big, just small things like breakfast in bed and teaching him a new recipe. He's smiling more with ease." I explained.

"You're really good to him, Magnus," Adam hummed slightly and chuckled. "Spoiling him like that, I should've done that in the first place." He mumbled, shaking his head. I smirked softly.

"Well I'm sure you're alright now, you two fuck like bunnies constantly. You have way too many kids to count," I snickered. Adam grinned widely and winked.

"I can't help it, my baby looks beautiful all round and filled with my kids—"

"Okay I've had enough," I pretended to gag and glared jokingly. Adam smirked and rested his ankle against his knee.

"Alright, lets see. It's obvious that now they realize what we're doing, but I don't believe they know that you and Esmeralda are actually soul mates. At least not yet. I advise you to start to process of the mating ritual soon. Before anything serious could possibly go down," He sighed, "How long will that take?"

I frowned slightly and stared out the window. "Maybe a day or two, is that soon enough?" I asked.

"Yeah, that could work," Adam shrugged with ease and stood from his chair. "But honestly, be careful these next few days. Carlos is a little shit and a brat at that. He'll be dying to strike at you—" The door creaked open slowly and I turned.

"Hmm, Esme," I smirked softly. Esmeralda peered in at us and played with the door knob shyly. "I thought I told you to wait outside?" I arched an eyebrow and rubbed my thumb against my lower lip.

"...It's boring out there, I don't know how you can stand it," He muttered, running his other hand through his loose curls. I sat up as Adam leaned his hip against his desk, winking at the petite boy.

"Come on in, spitfire," Adam chuckled and shook his head. Esmeralda looked over at him and then walked in, closing the door behind himself. He paused and stared at Adams chair before taking a seat next to me.

"What happened to that weird one?" Esmeralda asked Adam who arched a brow. "That weird nickname?" Now it was my turn to do the same as I looked at both of them with a quirked brow. Adam laughed it off.

"Parvulus, I'm just trying out others for fun! Do not worry about it," Adam waved him off and sighed out. "Well, both of you should go. My love will be here soon and I've got plans with that boy so run along kinky one and two." He winked and Esmeralda hid behind his hair—though I could see his pink cheeks. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and watched Esme with interest. To be honest I have been holding myself back ever since Carlos intruded so rudely into my home and harassed my mate. I don't want to ruin his recovery process, mentally.

"Yeah, alright," I smirked. "Don't fuck him too hard, sweet cheeks," I winked at him before pulling Esme up. Adam grinned widely.

"Who are you to tell your boss what to do? Hm?" I raised my hands in defeat before wrapping an arm around Esmeralda.

"Of course," I say, bowing dramatically. Esmeralda let out a slight giggle so I turned my attention to him with fondness. He covered his mouth and stared back at me silently.

"Lets get going, we could go get something to eat if you want? Or maybe hang around the club for a bit. See Harley and Anarchy. That sound good?" I whispered in his ear. He laid the back of his slim hand against my chest and looked down at his feet, nodding.

"Yeah," He whispered, turning to me. "I'm kind of hungry anyway." I smiled.

"Of course, baby," I murmured and turned to Adam, giving him a nod. I turned with Esme and walked out. As we made our way down the hall way I looked down at him. He stared ahead and chewed on his lower lip.

"Esmeralda...I know we've been avoiding the subject for a while but..." I sighed. "We should talk about the other night—" Esmeralda's haze flipped into confusion and slightly filled itself with attitude. I blinked slowly and looked ahead before chuckling lightly.

"Hey there Row—"

"Don't call me that," The albino man hissed, glaring up at me. I pulled Esmeralda back as he seemed to lurched toward almost in my defense. It made the small man looked turn to him and cross his arms with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, down baby," I cooed at him. "Adam is going to take care of him." Esmeralda frowned and looking up at me.

"He's Adam's mate?" The kid basically gasped at me so I covered his mouth.

"Lets go get food. Oh, I should warn you!" I looked back at him. "Adam is going to definitely maul you once you walk in—oh okay, bye." I smirk once the poor guy storms past us with the darkest blush spreading across his face as if it were wild-fire. My lips quirked up into a smirk.

"Okay, lets go."

"He seems like a dick, I know," Harley giggled. Esmeralda pouted slightly and hesitated but began to play with my fingers.

"But I swear, he's like really sweet. I mean, not as sweet as his brother, but sweet. His kids are all little shits but he puts up with them no matter what," Harley reassured. Esme rolled his eyes and looked at him.

"Okay, I get it!" He huffed. My eyes narrowed and I moved my hand to squeeze his waist, pinching him. Esmeralda yelped, straightening his posture.

"I feel like I should remind you where you are," I muttered darkly. Esmeralda gently pried my fingers from his skin and instantly buried his face into my side. "Eh-Eh-Eh," I scolded.

"Apologize, right now." I demanded, moving his face away from my body to face mine. He stared into my eyes until he finally submitted by looking down. He turned to Harley who but his lip but chose not to intervene.

"Sorry..." He muttered like a stubborn child. I scoffed and pinched his ear. He gasped.

"I'm sorry!" He said this time with more meaning, looking at Harley directly. Harley shook his head.

"Um," I looked at him, waiting patiently. "It's alright." I nodded and released the flesh before kissing Esmeraldas forehead, smirking as he leaned into me, holding my hand.

"Good boy," I whispered just as Anarchy finally came back after getting a drink for himself and the rest of us. Esmeralda huffed slightly and glanced up as I took the beer and soda bottles from Anarchy slowly.

"Mmm, did I walk in on something?" He asked, sitting next to Harley while opening a beer.

"Nope, not at all!" Harley perked up instantly and gave Anarchy a rewarding smile. I swore I could teeth his white teeth sparkle. I smirked and looked down at Esmeralda who let out a small scoff . I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't paying such close attention to him.

"I'll let that slide for now," I decided lowly. His eyes widened and he looked up.

"I'm...I'm sorry," He whispered to me slowly. I smiled softly.



Another update because I'm about to get my wisdom teeth out very soon and this is to make up for it encase there's a missing update.

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