Epilouge <Esmeralda>

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"Wake up," A deep and soft voice whispered. "You gotta wake up baby." I moaned I response and swatted my hand at the weight surrounding me. My eyes shot open as he grabbed my wrist firmly and smirked down at me with that look. That same look he gave me when we met eyes the night we met. I bit my lip, still very sleepy. "Is today going to be a day where you don't follow the rules, darling?" My lips slowly parted.

"No, Master," I answered as clearly as my raspy voice would let me. Magnus leaned down and kissed my lips slowly before his tongue invaded my mouth. I moaned softly and gripped the bed sheets as his knee wedged itself between my legs. He separated from me with a lustful look that I loved to gaze at so much.

"Good boy," He grumbled lowly. "Get your hot ass up, break fast is waiting and so is someone else." Magnus chuckled softly as my lips curved into an adoring smile. I got up once Magnus got off me and quickly got ready for the day. I pulled on a warm sweater and pants since it was a bit chilly. Then I brushed my hair and my teeth. Magnus had left to room rather quickly but I understood why, I would've as well. I made my way to the kitchen and stretched slowly with a slight groan.

"What did you make?" I asked curiously. Magnus hummed and kissed the side of my head. He led me over to the table and I grinned as my baby cooed.

"Dada!" Acacia clapped her hands and made kissy faces at me. I planted a kiss on her little lips then a kissed all over her face.

"Pancakes for Acacia, omelettes for us. I tried giving a piece to her and she spit it out and called it yucky." Magnus laughed out a bit. I smiled and sat down, looking at my plate of food.

"Well, she's almost two, so what do you expect?" I chuckled out, stuffing my face with food and humming in delight. Magnus moved to sit across from me and smiled gently.

"You're right as always, baby." I grinned slowly and looked over at acacia who was eating the cut up pieces of the pancake. She looked over at me with her green eyes and giggled, her black curly locks bouncing about as she kicked her feet.

"You hear that? Papa thinks I'm always right. Should I use that against him everyday?" Acacia nodded.

"Yeah, dada right," She babbled and looked over at her Papa. Acacia stuck her tongue out at him and Magnus pouted heavily.

"Baby girl, you're so cruel to me, taking your dada's side all the time." I felt smug and smirked while taking a bite of the omelette. Acacia watched me and then copied me, taking a bite of her pancake. Magnus laughed a belly like laugh that almost shook the table and I smiled big. While we finished eating, Acacia decided she was full and made grabby hands at me. I sat her on my lap and ignored her sticky hands that smacked against the table. Then, I got her washed up while Magnus cleaned the dishes and set her down in her on her play-mat.

"Where should we go today?" Magnus hummed. "The club? We could get Damien or Vivian to watch Acacia." I blushed softly and leaned into his touch as he stroked my cheek.

"Maybe...what if we just took Acacia over to see Six and his kids again?" I smiled softly. "That way Acacia can have a little play date with Hayden and the twins." Magnus seemed to like the idea so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll get whatever we'll need and you take the keys and get her in her car seat."

I picked up Acacia from her car seat once we arrived. She had fallen asleep on the drive here but the minute I had her in my arms, her eyes opened. Her tiny hands rubbed the sleep from her green eyes before she looked around and smiled, kicking her feet happily. I smiled and looked over at Magnus who held the diaper bag, smirking at us. He reached out and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me through the second gate. Six was outside watching Hayden as he waddled around in the grass. He looked up and smiled weakly. I frowned a bit but said nothing once we got to him.

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