Chapter 49 <Esmeralda>

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We stayed silent once Maria had left with a small radio to use to communicate with us. I didn't know what to say as I laid my head on Alma's lap, my eyes dropping tiredly as she stroked my auburn locks. She hummed a soothing song and flipped through the pages of a novel, sighing every now and then possibly from anxiousness.

"Do you really think...he's here?" I asked gently, hugging my knees.

"If he's cares that much about you like you said," She answered, looking down at me. "He'll be here. With the rest of that new family you arrived into." Alma sighed softly. I slowly sat up straight and looked at her.

"Ye....Yeah," I said softly, my stomach suddenly churning again. I had a sudden realization.

"What if...he doesn't want me anymore. I...I basically cheated on him," My hand clamped over my mouth. "I....I was used again. I slept with someone other than him—" I gagged, nearly drowning in my own tears. I suddenly stood, gripping my chest. "He's going to hate me. I slept with Carlos and, and I slept with—"

"Esmeralda!" Alma snapped. She stood and held my face in her hands, staring me dead on in the eyes. I whimpered. "You did nothing wrong. That man forced himself onto you! Your love will not hate you, if he's smart, he will continue to love you like he should. You didn't cheat on him. I've known you, I've raised you. You don't have the heart to do such a thing." I stared at her with wide eyes, shaking. I felt sick.

"I, I don't feel good." I stepped back quickly as bile rose to my mouth. Alma reacted quickly, grabbing the only trash can in the room, moving it beneath my face. I clutched it, vomiting into the trash. She held my hair back, shushing me gently as I painted and cried softly. "Sorry," I panted. "I'm sorry."

"Sit down," She whispered, taking the trash can from me. I did as she said and sat down, wiping my lips slowly.

"Are you okay now?" She asked softly. I nodded and sighed shakily.

"I don't even know how many times I've thrown up," I stressed. "I think I'm sick or something. My stomach just starts hurting randomly. Or maybe it's because I just haven't been eating. I don't really—"

"Wait," Alma hummed softly. "I need you to go to the restroom."

"But...there's no restroom in here. And why? I don't need it." Alma shook her head.

"There's one right next to us. I just need you to try something. I want to see if I'm right," Alma frowned softly.

"Right about what, exactly?" I asked softly, nervously. Alma bit her lip.

"I think you might be pregnant," Alma said softly. My eyes widened.

"What? No, no. I'm sick. That's not possible," I laughed slightly, shaking my head. "There's no way that I could be...." My voice grew smaller and timid. My eyes stared down at the floor before I gulped. I have been getting very sick early in the morning. My hands recently have had a tendency to hold my stomach now. On cue, my hands closed on my stomach.

"Do you want to take the test?" Alma asked softly. I looked up at her.


"I knew it," Maria whispered harshly over the radio. "I just knew it. They kept whispering about it and at first I had my doubts. Of course they knew he was pregnant." I stared down at the positive pregnancy test in disbelief.

"I'm worried," I admitted. "I don't think I'm ready. I don't even know if it's Magnus'..." I looked up at Alma.

"What if it's—" I shook my head slightly, not even daring to say it. I couldn't say it.

"Don't think about that." She frowned at me.

"How can I not?" I whimpered. "How do I know the baby inside me isn't Magnus's baby?"

"You just have to trust your gut. Go back and see if there were any signs before you got here," The raven haired woman advised, watching me closely. I thought closely for a moment, wiping my wet cheeks dry.

"Well..." I whispered. "Before my parents took me, I did throw after dinner. But...I just assumed it was because I ate too much. That's what Magnus thought as well. We didn't dwell on it and he gave me bubbly water to calm my stomach before we went to bed." Saying it out loud really calmed my nerves. My shoulders relaxed and I sighed softly. "I think that they're mine. They belong to Magnus and I," I sighed out calmly.

"I bet pops could tell too, or even Magnus," I said fondly. "Yeah, they could definitely tell." A soft smile tugged at my lips. I missed them both so much. I missed my friends.

"I'm sure they can if he's a wizard like you say. And the devil..." She frowned. "Are you safe around a man like that?" I smiled and nodded softly.

"Yeah," I said pretty confidently. "I am." Alma looked doubtful but sighed before jumping a bit as the radio went off again.

"Alma, I have two men with me. One of them is Magnus. I'm leading them back to us—" Maria was cut off, a familiar voice taking her place.

"I want to fucking talk to him!" Magnus. "Put him on now." I gasped and got up, grabbing the radio from Alma quickly. He came for me. He actually came for me!

"Mag—Magnus!" I choked. "Magnus, I'm right here, I'm okay. I'm safe. We're safe," I whimpered our softly.

"Esme," He breathed out. "I'm coming to you, don't worry. I'll be with you soon..." Maria must've taken the radio away from him. Her voice was once again heard.

"We'll see you both soon. Over." I blinked at looked back at the older woman next to me who smiled gently.

"I told you he was here," She comforted me, wrapping her slender arms around my shoulders. I squeezed my eyes shut and hugged her back closely, my face hidden in her shoulder.

"Thank you," I whispered weakly. "Thank you so much..." We sat back down, now preparing ourselves for a anxious waiting game I didn't want to play. The room was silent, my eyes stayed glued to the door expecting it to open or at least release a knock from the other side. One hand was settled on my stomach while I gnawed at my lower lip. Magnus. Would he be happy that I was pregnant now? Should I even tell him once he gets here or wait? I'm sure that if I just told him in the middle of all this chaos he'd be really distracted. What if its so distracting it causes him harm. Physical and mental harm. I don't want him to get hurt, I can't let that happen. He's all I have—

"Stop it," Alma grabbed my hand firmly. "I don't know what you're thinking but I can tell it's hurting you. Calm down. Take deep breaths. Nothing bad will happen to you right now. Not on my watch. We're gonna get you out of here so quickly, it'll be like none of this ever happened. But for now, let's think about something else. Something enjoyable." She thought for a moment before smiling. "Let's think of names. For a girl or a boy." I slowly looked down and released my tender lower lip from my teeth.

"Names...I didn't think of that. It's a good idea," I whispered softly. "Um...if it's a girl...I really like acacia or Elizabeth maybe...I'm not entirely sure. Both a pretty. For a boy...Josiah or maybe even Basil. Are those too odd?" I frowned. "I don't think Magnus would enjoy those names." Alma hushed me with a chuckle, patting my chest softly.

"You worry too much, dear. He'll love those names."

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