Chapter 16 <Esmeralda>

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Trigger warning: R*pe

While we shopped around stores for while, the bags just piling up as we went, I kind of realized that Harley wasn't that bad. At first I found him annoying, like everyone else, but I slowly warmed up to him. He was confident and hyper. I liked that because it made me feel okay to smile. Harley had some good jokes up his sleeve too so it wasn't hard to laugh with him.

"Those jeans look good on ya," Harley grinned, standing with me in the dressing room. Magnus sent him in saying something along the lines of:

"If we go in together we won't come out for a while."

How considerate of him. I looked over at Harley. "Do they?" I asked, arching an eyebrow at my reflection. Harley stood behind me and nodded.

"Yeah," He said grinning and biting his lip.

"I've never really worn jeans before. It's usually just...I don't know...leather pants....skirts, dresses. Magnus put me in sweats before," I said.

"You've never known the euphoric feeling of sweats?" Harley gaped, "Well, hottie, Magnus definitely did you a favor." He hummed and picked out a shirt. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit and peeled the jeans off my body.

"Yeah...I liked the sweats," I mumbled.

"So have you guys fucked yet?" Harley asked casually. I blinked and looked at him.

"What?" I asked, my cheeks heating up.

"You know, have you guys slept together at all. Oh, did he punish you yesterday. You did lash out at two Dominants," He smirked and wiggles his eyebrows.

Punished. "Yeah," I said slowly, "But I don't think he was doing it right?" I questioned. Harley looked surprised.

"Master Magnus wasn't punishing you right? That doesn't even sound correct. He's hard core, maybe not as bad as my master but he's had his moments," He said, standing up.

"He said it was orgasm denial..." I explained slowly. "I guess it was a punishment. It was something I just wasn't use to."

"Orgasm denial? That's it?" He asked smirking suggestively. I blushed darkly and looked away trying on another item.

"No..." I finally answered. Harley gasped and jumped into my view like a child.

"Tell me what you did!" He demanded sternly.

"No way," I scoffed taking off the clothing and throwing them into the keep pile. Harley gave me a pouted and tilted his head in confusion.

"Why not? We're best friends now." I couldn't help but scoff at him. Harley stopped his pouting and watched me with a blank stare as I rolled my eyes.

"Who said we were even friends?" I muttered stubbornly, getting dressed in my clothes.

"I did. I don't like a lot of people, you're one of the many few who I decided I like," He hummed and hung the clothes back on the hangers.

"Good to know," I opened the door and stepped out of the dressing room, holding the grouping of clothes that fit me in my hand. We left the rest in the dressing room. We walked out of the room and looked at Anarchy and Magnus. They sat in their waiting seats patiently. Anarchy on his phone and Magnus with his head hanging back with his eyes shut. I slowly walked over to him and leaned over his face ever so slightly, standing on my toes to reach.

"Is he asleep...?" I asked slowly, looking away to stare at Anarchy. He hummed and shrugged.

"Maybe, or maybe he's awake. Who knows with him." He smirked looking at me, holding Harley by the waist. I frowned and looked back down gasping slightly, surprises to see Magnus's eyes wide open. I stumbled back slightly and stared at him with a sharp glare. His shoulders shook as he laughed quietly.

"Did I scare you?" He asked, sitting up straight. My glared hardened.

"No!" I denied stubbornly.

"Are you sure, you jumped a bit and I think I heard a little scream escape you," He taunted playfully. I only huffed and shoved the clothes onto his lap.

"Here, go pay for this shit," I sneered irritated. Magnus raised a brow at me in warning but I ignored him and rolled my eyes. When I looked over at Harley, he widened his eyes and pressed his lips together. His eyes told me 'I would laugh but he's here' as he glanced at Anarchy. Anarchy watched Harley closely while Magnus towered over me. I looked up at him as his hand circled around my neck. My eyes blinked slowly as I grabbed his wrist.

He wrapped his hands firmly around my throat, squeezing tightly as he thrusted roughly into me. I could feel blood run down my legs with each painful thrust. My throat throbbed and my ears rang as I wheeze for air.

"Fuck," The man groaned on top of me. "You're beautiful, perfect."

I couldn't do this, I was fading. My arms reached up, grasping his wrists and clawing them until they bled. He hissed and pulled out of me, throwing my off the bed and onto the floor. I fell on the hard wood with a loud thunk. I coughed harshly and held my throat, curling up on the floor.

"You idiot-" before I could finish, he stood and grabbed a fist full of my hair. I was yanked back towards the bed, dragged across the floor as my whimpers and screams of pain echoed off the walls of the bed room.

"You wanna repeat that, slut?!" He growled, throwing me back on the bed. I panted heavily and held my throat staring at him in the eyes.

"...." I stayed quiet and glared defensively.

"Spread your fucking legs, whore." He demanded. My Father and Mother watched from their chairs as I glanced over at them. They only stared with dark lust filled looks. So I slowly spread my legs again, laying back down.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, yanking his hand away. "Don't ever touch me again!"

"Esmeralda!" Magnus whispered in a hushed but pissed voice as people stared at us. My chest heaved as I panted. I felt like I was going to suffocate.

"Shit," he cursed and pulled out his wallet, shoving that with the clothes into Anarchy's arms. He picked me up quickly and ran all the way back to the car. The whole way I clung to him like a terrified child. My body shook as tears flowed down my cheeks. The air felt thick and it was just so hard to breathe. I guess I was having a panic attack. Magnus places me in the truck, sitting there with me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Fuck, what did I do," Magnus said, holding my face. He tried his best to calm me down, the only thing he could think of was hold me close. He kissed my cheek and hid my face in his neck. Magnus' scent strangely calmed me. I could finally breathe again.

"Shit, love, I'm sorry," He whispered quietly, once everything was fine.

I moved my head away and looked up at him, "Don't...Don't worry about it. You didn't even choke me, it just made me think about a bad experience." I gave him a tight smile and interlocked our fingers.

"Is he okay?" Harley walked over to the car, peering into the open door way. I immediately wiped my tears.

Magnus was about to answer but I cut him off. "I'm fine, Harley," I chimed at him. "You guys bought those clothes right?"

Harley tilted his head before grinning, "Of course babe." He seemed to get that I wanted to drop it. Magnus stared down at me and pushed my hair from my face. He turned my face towards his own.

"Esmeralda, I mean it when I say this. Do not ignore your problems when you can. Especially when it's something I need to know about." He whispered to me. I only stayed silent and let him get out of the car. He helped Anarchy put the bags inside where I was so I just climbed into the front seat. I guess I ruined a nice outing for all of them. Harley opened the passenger door and stood on the edge of the car to hug me goodbye. He hopped down and winked at me like a flirt. My lips quirked up a bit as I waved at him before closing the car door again.

"You know, I won't pressure you about this. But, I would like to know what happened to you. I want to know how many times you've slept with your parents. Just, everything. Everything so I can really protect you." Magnus admitted as we drove home.

"...I know," I whispered. "I'll do it."

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