Chapter 8 <Esmeralda>

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The car ride was shorter than I remembered. Maybe it was because of everything that had happened so the car ride seemed long. So I was kind of surprised when Magnus pulled up to his club rather sooner than I thought. I got out before Magnus could and I crossed my arms waiting impatiently. He got out and slammed his door closed, locking it.

"Why are we back here?" I sighed out, aggravated by the sight of the building. Magnus tilted his head and looked at the damn thing with me.

"I told you I was meeting up with someone, didn't I?" He asked with an arched brow. I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, but why here?" I mumbled as he guided me towards the club by the small of my back. Normally I would move away from him or snap at him but I couldn't concentrate knowing we were going back in there. I really hated the feeling I would get when I stepped inside. It wasn't a bad feeling it was just unusually calming. It made me freak out. His touch made me freak out.

Once I realized this I immediately smack his arm away from me. He looked at me annoyed and angered before that expression changed. I stared back at him as my heart beat rapidly. What ever expression I had on my face had him almost look afraid. I don't know why, but it did. I was sure, though, that my expression was anger. Right?

"...Sorry. Come on, let's get inside. Okay?" He said tenderly, opening the door for me. I bit my lip and slowly walked past him, staring down at the floor. That was fucking weird. What's wrong with him?

"Stop." Magnus grabbed my arm as he ordered at me lightly. I stopped quickly and looked at him confused. He stared at me and gave me a look of amusement.

"What?" I asked, glaring defensively, "What do you want?" I seethed.

Magnus chuckled and said, "You don't even know where to go." Of course I pulled my arm away quickly and crossed my arms.

"I don't see you leading the way," I spat, narrowing my eyes until they were slitted. Magnus smirked down at me which made my anger falter into embarrassment, momentarily.

"If you'd wait, little one, I would've. Follow me," He nearly cooed down at me. I refused to let him see my face light up with a pink tint. So I ducked my head as I seethed again. Magnus strutted past me with that aggravating, sly smirk. I only followed him because I wanted to. Not because he told me to.

He lead me to a weird area that I was unaware of in the club. The again I have only been here once and it was dimly lit with crowds of people. It was strange seeing it so empty, yes there were a couple of people here and there, but other than that it was pretty empty. Where Magnus lead me to was almost like a private room, or a VIP room I guess. It was a booth and was a little larger than expected for a private room. Two men were sitting down in the room. They stood once we entered but for some reason their eyes fell on me immediately.

I felt my stomach drop yet I didn't even speak up. Magnus seemed to notice how nervous I grew which sort of made me angry and insecure. He gave me a look of almost reassurance and my shoulders—which were tense—relaxed. Which confused me because I still felt on edge, like Magnus was finally about to sell me. Like he just lied to me to gain his trust.

"Magnus, nice to see you," The man to the left shook hands with Magnus who grinned genuinely at him before he fist bumped the other.

"How's it going? Did you finally find your soul mate...?" The second one asked slowly. His eyes once again landed on me and I glared at him stepping back slightly.

The fuck was a soul mate? Was this guy high or something?

Magnus was hesitant to answer as he also gazed upon me. "...He's," He sighed, "Yes, that's right-"

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