Chapter 29 <Esmeralda>

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The bruise on my leg grew more prominent with days flying by. When Magnus has first seen the bruises on my body, he was terrifying angry. But of course I told him not to worry or anything. He didn't listen at all, but it was worth a try. Now Magnus was standing between my legs as he helped me sit on the bathroom counter. I watched him carefully examine the aging bruise and sigh, shaking his head.

"Well it's not hot to the touch anymore, we don't have to worry about any infections," He muttered, looking back at me.

"I told you I was fine. I just bruise easily," I stared, shrugging simply. Magnus hummed quietly and stared me down. I bit my lip and blinked a bit, looking down slowly. A blush lightly dusted my cheeks.

"Does it hurt too bad?" He asked softly, carding his fingers through my locks of hair.

"No...not as bad as the other day," I admitted, hesitantly linking our fingers together. Magnus looked down at our hands and smiled slowly. He lifted my chin and pulled me into a slow, passionate kiss. My hands reached up to slowly grip his shoulders as he prodded my lips apart with his tongue. A moan slipped from my lips and I pulled him closer.

"Shit," He groaned against my lips and slid his hands over my body. I involuntarily moaned and deepened the kiss, enjoying the taste that settled between us. It was almost like a sweet nectar that accompanied the strange feeling of tingles rushing through me. Gods, I wanted more. So I pulled away and stared up at him with apparent crave that only he could satisfy. Magnus had the same look in his eyes, I could just tell. It excited me.

"Esme...your eyes are beautiful," he whispered to me breathlessly. My head tilted slowly.

"My mother always said that they were dangerous..." I whispered back.

"Dangerous? Baby, purple is the color of royalty...." He smirked, cupping my ass gently. "She was probably jealous that you're beauty is amazing. Purple eyes are a rare trait, my love. Very rare."

"So I'm rare?" I asked, holding back a soft smile.

"The rarest," Magnus confirmed, leaning down to capture my lips.

"Wait—" I covered his mouth with my hand, staring up at him. Really staring. He looked concerned. "I—I just. Will you...are we gonna...?" I trailed off, blushing slowly. Magnus smirked softly and pressed his forehead to my head.

"I was thinking to save another night of intimacy for the marking. Then, when you learn everything you need to know, you'll learn the marking ritual and mark me. And finally, our bond will be complete," He said gently. My head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Marking...ritual? What's that?" I hummed softly, dragging my fingers throw his growing stubbled. It felt good. He smiled and grabbed my wrist, kissing my palm.

"I'm so glad you asked," He winked. "In order to completely claim you as my soul mate, warlocks do a marking ritual." Magnus informed. "What happens in this ritual is that I will make a symbol on the floor, after making lighting plenty of spiritual candles. Those candles will not only set the mood but also are magical. They're set up on each point of the symbol and we'll sit in the middle, mate, and then I will make my mark on you—"

"Wait what?" I gaped up at him before narrowing my eyes. "I'm going to get fucked on the floor on top of some shit and then, what next, you're going to smear pigs blood all over my naked body?!" I sneered with disgust.

Magnus arched an eyebrow which made my eyes glanced down. "No, actually, I'm going to bite you," He smirked at the subtle signs of submission I gave to him.

"'re actually going to bite me?" I asked confused. He hummed softly and nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll numb the area before I do it," He said quickly.

"Does that mean I have to bite you?" I asked in shock. "I don't think I can bite you like that." I whispered.

Magnus smirked and nipped the edge of my nose. "Why don't you go down stairs. See if Carter needs help looking after Olivia. He did say he was making lunch today," Magnus said, helping me off the counter.

I frowned and rolled my eyes. "You're being stupid," I accused. "You're changing the subject and being stupid."

Magnus slammed his hand against my ass, hard. My legs stiffened and I yelped loudly. "Ah!" I turned to him and held my ass. He stared down at me with a dark, warning look.

"Baby, we've talked about that attitude," He scolded. I fell silent and looked at my shoes.

"I'll go," I muttered and turned to walk out. I pulled on some pants and made my way down stairs. I could here hear the sink running and Olivia giggling in the kitchen. I peered in and bit my lip. Carter balanced Olivia on his shoulders as he threw in baby tomatoes to add to the salad he was clearly making.

"Can I take her off your shoulders?" I asked softly. He gasped slightly and turned his head to look at me. A tight smile pulled at his lips but he nodded.

"That'd be great, actually. Thank you," He said as I walked over to him. Olivia was more than happy to hang out with me for a bit. I didn't know kids could actually like me. They all hated me back at...but that was in the past. Yet I still felt a pang if guilt which then caused me to hold Olivia in an awkward way. She stared up at me and made an uncomfortable face. It snapped me back to reality so I adjusted my arms and rested her on my hip.

"No problem," I replied lately. Carter nodded, focused on tossing the salad evening before moving to check on the chicken in the pan.

"Lunch will be ready soon. So, don't worry," He mumbled quietly. My lips pressed together and I nodded. Deciding to avoid the thick tension his aura released, I sat at the kitchen table. Olivia decided to sit in front of me, on the table, so I held her waist to keep her from falling. I could tell she was slurring out a couple of nursery rhymes, trying to sing it to me whilst playing with me hair.

"She likes you a lot."

"Huh?" I turned to look at carter who was now leaning against the counter. He watched us calmly.

"She likes you. She'll even say your name, or try to. Olivia calls you "ezum" which is close enough for a baby like her. But it's just that, nothing else about you except your name," He stated, tucking a piece of pink hair behind his ear.

"She does that?" I asked, very surprised to hear this. "Why?"

"Don't know. It's probably my uncles fault. I'm sure he tries to get her to say your name all the time when he watches her," He scoffed, shaking his head and waving his hand as if a fly were bothering him.

A blush sprang to my cheeks. "Oh..." Carter hummed in response.

"...Well she's smart," I complimented slowly. "I mean...she's already singing on her own. And she remembers names fast. I can't say I could ever do that when I was her age..."

"I suppose so," He inquired, pausing to mix the veggies that were sizzling in a different pan. It got a bit quiet and I began to wonder.

"Um...why do you live with Magnus?" I asked slowly. Carter took a moment and stared at the vegetables. I grew afraid I brushed up on a bad topic.

"I've always lived with Magnus," He said stiffly.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized awkwardly. Guilt suddenly pooled in my stomach. My eyes casted down on my lap. But then he continued, I'm guessing out of pity or annoyance. Maybe to get rid of my pestering.

"Well, I guess not always. I use to live with my mate but...shit happens. We had a baby together but he, um. He's gone so now I live with Magnus again. It's been a while so I'm okay, just slowing getting back on my feet," He said.

"Oh, I see," I whispered softly. Olivia touched my cheek as a tear slipped down my cheek. I wiped it away and bit my lip, praying she knew nothing about crying.

I'm such a nuisance.

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