Chapter 31 <Esmeralda>

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Magnus was acting strange all day. I couldn't understand why at all. He was constantly coming and going from the room. Disappearing for long minutes only to return and stay near me. He would praise me gently and send me on a strange high with just his words. But still, I couldn't understand what was happening. It was like he was preparing me for something. He was cooking plenty of food and setting up small dishes of fruits and chocolate. When I asked what this was all for he just said I would know soon.

"Do you know what he's doing?" I asked Carter, completely perplexed. Carter scoffed and shook his head.

"Beats me, he's sometimes really vague," He mumbled getting up. "It's kind of pointless to keep asking. He's not gonna tell. I kept asking what he was doing last year and he wouldn't budge. Me and Olivia came home to the house filled with birthday shit, his friends were over. He was planning a birthday party for me right in front of my face," He grumbled.

I tilted my head. "I don't think my birthday is coming up..." I mumbled. Carter shrugged.

"Maybe he's planning a party or something," He sighed and stretched. "I have to go, Olivia is coming with me so don't worry about having to baby sit today with my uncle." Carter looked over at me. I frowned.

"Where are you going? You go places a lot..." I acknowledged. I didn't miss the soft blush crossing his face.

"I'm you and my uncle space," He muttered as an excuse clearly. I tilted my head.

"Are you sure?" I pressed. Carter glared at me.

"Don't be nosy," He snapped at me before shutting his mouth quickly. I flinched so that must've been why. Carter said an apology and got up, walking out of the room silently. I screw everything up. My eyes shut to their own accord as I laid across the couch, hugging my knees. I could hear Magnus in the kitchen, then he was upstairs, then he was back down. Then he was upstairs again. I occupied myself with TV and watched a random show that peaked my interest. Most of them were just those cooking shows that put people under immense stress so I was fairy invested. It could be better if I just had Magnus sitting with me but I would honestly never admit that out loud.

The show gave me a good couple of chuckles and smiles. After an hour or two of just a watching this stuff I noticed how quiet it had gotten. I bit my lip and sat up, thinking. Maybe Magnus just decided to take a nap. So I got up and peaked into the kitchen. Frowning, I found the kitchen was completely clean of everything he had even prepared. Then I walked towards the stairs and made my way up to our room. I quietly opened the door and peered into the room before feeling a twinge of fear. The room was completely dark.

My initial reaction was the close the door and search else wear, but I felt a pull. Some how I knew Magnus was in the room. So I let the door swing open, the hall light shining into the room. I stepped in side, my hand frantically searching for the light switch as my heart pounded heavily against my chest. I yelped in surprise as the door close behind me. I finally found the switch and flicked it on. I turned around as Magnus stood there, looking very smug.

"I scared you?" He asked, chuckling. I glared at him.

"Idiot! Of course you did, I hate the dark!" I exclaimed, punching his solid chest. He grunted but smiled.

"Good to know. I won't do that again," Magnus said, kissing my cheek. My body relaxed slowly as his hand circled around my lower back soothingly.

"You went all quiet," I said softly. "Up here, I mean. You went all quiet so I went to see what you were doing." I looked up at Magnus who hummed a simple hum with his deep gravely voice.

"No need to worry," He teased softly, nipping at my earlobe playfully. I gasped softly and blushed, rubbing my earlobe with my index finger and thumb. Today I didn't have earrings in. I thought I would let my ears relax but Magnus had been biting at them suddenly all day. I loved it but I didn't tell him that. I'm not stupid. He'd never stop if I told him, surely.

"I'm not worried," I scoffed, gently pushing him away using his broad chest. "Who said I was worried?"

Magnus grinned and whispered sinfully in my ear, "I did, baby~"

Again, I stepped away. This time my face was set aflame. My hand placed flat over my chest as I stared at the man before me with shock. "I-what are you—what are you doing?" I squeaked slowly, sadly. Magnus took big strides towards me until the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed. I gasped as I sat down against it. He trapped me with his arms.

"Esmeralda," He said seriously.

"Yes?" I answered with a slight whisper. Oh gods I'm being teared in like a fish on a line.

"I love you," He said lowly, leaning in. "And I'm not any of them." My eyes widened as I let his lips graze mine.

"I...I know," My voice cracked but I didn't care. And my eyes shut on their own accord.

"Will you let me embrace you again? This time to make this....permanent?" He whispered softly. My fingers found their way to his face, running along his stubble that was a bit grown.

"Yes..." I opened my eyes. "Please, Just...Just yes." That was my answer. He picked me up, but never once did our eyes look away from each other's. His eyes held admiration and lust. They were just so captivating. He brought me to the other side of the room, now just seeing that there was a large red symbol drawn on the floor. In the middle was bedding of some kind which made me a bit nervous.

"I'll be careful, don't worry," He winked down at me, laying us in the bedding. My smiled slightly and held onto his neck, leaning up to slowly kiss him. I gained the confidence to slip my tongue in his mouth. He groaned lowly and let his hands explore my body.

"Take them off," Magnus grunted, pulling my shirt off. "All of it, off." He muttered, dragging his tongue along my neck. I moaned and grabbed his hair.

"Oh god," I whispered, closing my eyes. He gently pulled the rest of my clothing off and kissed down my chest and stomach. Magnus teased my naval with his tongue, sucking and biting. He grinned against my skin as I held back my small needy whimpers.

"I need to get something real quick, baby," He cooed in my ear deeply. I panted but nodded in compliance.

"Oh...Okay," I stuttered, laying back against the pillows.

"Stay just like this..." Magnus hummed and nuzzled my neck. I shuddered and watched him get up and walk away. This was the first time I had actually felt bashful about being completely naked and erect. Possibly because I was laying on the floor waiting just after a heated make out session which promised it would be something more intimate. But, my gods, I was impatient. Magnus was across the room in the bathroom. I wondered what he was doing there but when I looked to my left I realized that, that closet was cracked open. My face turned hot. But my cock twitched with excitement.

"You look amazing," Magnus whispered breathlessly. My eyes traveled back to him as he stood over me. He had red rope in his hand and a cock ring.

I gulped slowly and opened my mouth, "Are you just going to stand there or are you gonna fuck me?"

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