Chapter 51 <Esmeralda>

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"You don't have to worry about the others. Adam will find us," Six sighed gently, looking over at me. I frowned and looked down at my lap, thinking for a moment.

"But, how will they know where we are?" I asked, tilting my head back. Six hummed gently and popped his neck to release some tension.

"Adam and Silas can always find me. No matter how far apart we are, it's always been like that," He mumbled. "It's a weird mate bond thing. Plus demons are weird, they can smell a drop of blood from a mile away," Six smiled slightly and chuckled to himself. I bit my lip and nodded, smiling softly. He seemed to know exactly what he was talking about, so I disregarded my worries. Everything was going to be okay now. I looked over at Magnus who wouldn't even bat an eye at Carlos. He was completely silent, even after I told him I was pregnant. He didn't say anything. I knew why too.

He was terrified. I was pregnant and I'm sure he was scared like I was, that we would slip up and lose the baby like a bunch of idiots. How do you even protect something like a baby. It's so fragile and an easy target if any of those people found out. But a part of me was hurt he didn't seem happy. It was hard to be happy for a baby inside you when you're basically in a death zone though. I wanted to be just a bit happy for a moment, even if this situation was incredibly serious. My hands rubbed my stomach, only because I had seen women do it before, and it comforted me. It made me feel like I could do one thing right—to comfort the child growing inside me.

"Are...Are you happy?" I asked softly, staring at the wall. Magnus turned to me at the corner of my eye.

"I'm happy, I've got you back, how could I not be happy?" He hummed in my ear, planting a firm kiss on my temple. I smiled softly but sighed, shaking my head.

"Are you happy I'm pregnant?" I asked with a small voice. He was silent before he sighed and held me tightly to his chest.

"I'm not happy," he mumbled. My heart dropped. "I'm more than happy, I'm fucking thrilled." My eyes widened and I turned to face him with shock.

"Thrilled?" I whispered, tilting my head. Magnus grinned and chuckled.

"Fuck yeah, baby. I get to raise a kid with you, how could I be so ungrateful in a case like this?" Magnus reached up and stroked my cheek softly. I held back a smile and turned it into a pout as the pad of his thumb skimmed my bottom lip.

"Then stop scaring me like that," I complained softly, looking away. Magnus let out a soft laugh and kissed my cheek gently. My lips pressed together and I looked up at him.

"I was thinking about names," I whispered, looking down. Magnus hummed with curiosity.

"Really? What were you thinking?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I opened my mouth to reply before flinching as Carlos let out a low groan.

"Mag—" I grasped his shirt desperately as he rose from his seat. "No no no," I whimpered softly, shaking my head. Six pried my hands away while Magnus gave me a look I hadn't seen in a while. It wasn't annoyed, it was a warning look. My head ducked, laying on six's shoulder. Magnus walked over to Carlos and the two women at the other side of the room rushed over to me, crouching wearily beside me. I sniffled as Magnus glared down at the man tied up in the chair. Carlos tugged slightly at his restraints, opening and closing his eyes as he regained his consciousness.

"Shut the fuck up," Magnus sneered, smacking his head harshly. Carlos actually flinched. Then he looked at Magnus with shock.

"The fuck..." he muttered. "What the fuck!" He growled, thrashing around, one leg breaking free. I tensed, my heart pounding violently. Magnus narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"I would stop moving if I were you, Carlos. You aren't exactly in a invulnerable position," He said darkly. Carlos froze and slowly looked at him before narrowing his eyes.

"Oh really?" He almost taunted, chuckling. His gaze slowly traveled to me before he grinned widely. My eyes widened visibly and I looked at Magnus.

"Yes. Really." Six stood up, walking over to the two men. He stood in front of Carlos's view like Six didn't want him to look at me. I couldn't see his face anymore but the way Carlos spoke made me feel better.

"You''re..." His voice wavered. I bit back a satisfied smile as fear rolled off of him. "You're Adams pet." I gulped slightly, watching as Six clenched his fists tightly. Carlos laughed again.

"I wouldn't taunt him," Magnus scolded coldly. "You've heard of what he's capable of."

"Oh, yes! I have," Carlos almost sang. "I wouldn't want to upset the little kitten!" He cheered and laughed heavily. "You think Adam would be pissed if I hit that, though?" I cringed and frowned as six nearly flinched. The assassin quickly rebounded though, slamming his hand firmly onto Carlos' knee, squeezing it until it crackled and popped. Carlos howled in pain, throwing his head back, just enough for me to see his pained expression. Veins visibly popped from his neck as he strained it, screams mixing in with horrifying laughter.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it," Six growled with an infinite amount of rage. Magnus had a look of enjoyment on his face before he turned to look at me. His gaze instantly softened, giving me a playful and mood lightening wink. I did my bed to give him a smile while Carlos screamed bloody murder in the background.

"That's enough!" My eyes widened and I turned to look away. My eyes snapped to Adam who stood in the doorway. How the fuck—

"You're going to draw so much fucking attention, enough!" Adam growled with pitch black eyes. Six instantly stopped, a bit shocked too. He backed away slightly from Carlos and stared up at Adam as he walked in, plenty of others following him inside. I was really happy to see Harley in the group.

"That was fast," Magnus hummed. Adam scoffed and glared down at six slightly.

"Yeah, we could hear the screaming from a mile away," He exaggerated, gripping his mates arm to pull him to his side. "Close and lock the fucking door, I'm pissed now. You guys need to gag him, or shut him up with some witch shit."

Magnus visibly rolled his eyes and chuckled. "That ruins the fun but I'll do that just for our safety."

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