Chapter 28 <Esmeralda>

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Everything seemed to move in slow motion once the wine glass hit the ground. Carlos stood up, pulling me with him. The gun was pressed roughly against my head once again. It was cold and for some reason smelled like fresh blood to me. There was a long deafening silence as I looked into the eyes of the person to saved me from a long trip towards hell. And ironically, it was the Devil himself.

"Hello, Carlos," Adam grinned slowly. My eyes darted around the room as the air grew thick with tension.

"Fancy seeing you here. You here for Magnus? Didn't know you two wet associated," Carlos spat. Adam hummed deeply and looked down at me. A moment of desperation filled me and I let a couple of terrified tears escape me. His gaze seemed to harden and he looking back at Carlos.

"Actually, I came to check up on Esmeralda. Since Magnus seemed to not want his toy taken from him," An evil gaze spread across his face, his eyes almost like hell fire. But I knew he was acting. Magnus has told me many times that I wasn't just a toy, in a different wording than that, but still.

"Ah~ Well I'm afraid Magnus hasn't paid his taxes. At all," He backed away with me towards the door slowly. "So I'll just take me leave and if Magnus really wants his toy back, he'll have the money by tomorrow—"

"Actually, No. You aren't taking my....toy." A silent gasp left me before I was suddenly thrown to the floor. Carlos shook with anger as he backed to stare at Magnus who toward over us both. But of course I was closest to one of Carlos's men. Then grabbed me and waited for their boss's orders. Carlos has clearly thrown me from frustration. But it was so harsh I felt a bruise forming on my right thigh. My head hurt too since it decided to smack against the floor shortly after my thigh did.

Anyways, there the three men stood. All, for some reason, had the same objective. And that was to get to me. I guess you could say that Carlos had me already but hopefully it wasn't for long. Adam and Magnus seemed to promise this to me with their eyes. When I looked at Magnus, our eyes stayed glued together. Those golden eyes felt as if they were safe havens. Another universe that would possibly set me free if I stared into them long enough. For a moment, it did. I forgot about reality and subconsciously leaned forward, in an attempt to get to him.

"Honestly this is dumb as fuck," Adam stated, smirking with mischief. "You know that both Magnus and I could easily kick your ass. Just try a different day instead, or are you afraid? Huh. I bet you'd piss your pants if Claire and Alec became furious with you!" He snickered.

"Shut the fuck up! I ain't scared of them. I ain't scared of those two dumb sluts!" Carlos gritted his teeth before showing them to us all. "And I sure as hell ain't scared of you. Or red head over there!" He laughed hysterically. It was loud and he wheezed, holding his stomach. A heavy chill rushed through me and I realized that the wine glasses were still out. Then I realized that carter was still in the bathroom. And then I began to wonder if Olivia was with him too.

"Then I suggest you take off that nice jacket," Magnus growled, stepping forward menacingly. "I wouldn't want to ruin—" Carlos shushed him, pointing his gun back at me. I felt the men holding me, tense. Mr. Alvarez was a very careless shot, to my knowledge. This made Magnus stop in his tracks with a red face of anger. A murderous look swirled in his eyes.

"You insist on being cocky yet I could just kill the little doll right now. Honestly, you think he'd live if I did?" Carlos grabbed my neck and this time pressed the end of the gun to my lips. My eyes squeezed shut slowly, which was my first mistake. I could feel a panic attack rising and I just couldn't afford to worsen the situation. I must be such a burden on Magnus right now.

"You won't kill him. We both know you won't," Magnus said in a dangerously calm voice. Chills of fear and pleasure rolled through my spine and my eyes slowly opened. Magnus stared directly at me. "You want him too much. And I'm sure Claire and Alec would string your neck and present your head on a silver platter. But I guess it is your choice..." He hummed lowly.

Why were they negotiating with a complete idiot? Why couldn't they just used violence or their powers they supposedly had?

"Those are very good questions, Esmeralda," Adam hummed, lifting his hand. I looked over at him, perplexed. Could he hear my thoughts? With in the split second, before he snapped his fingers and I suddenly appeared by his side, he winked at me. When I did appear by him, he pushed me behind him with a strange aura rolling off of him. It was anger but also, something else.

"Now that we have him, let's just send you to hell," Adam grinned darkly and stepped forward. A weird feeling of pleasure pooled in me. The feeling grew stronger as Carlos slowly backed away from Adam.

Carlos, He was afraid. And it had never felt so good to see this before. His men, they trembled with fear. I bit back a smile and slowly looked over at Magnus. His eyes were already burning into the side of my face. "It's been fun and all, but, sadly I have to go!" Carlos announced, laughing hysterically. Adam seethed and reached out to grab him but...but he disappeared. He was gone. And so were his men. That feeling I had before disappeared too. It was replaced with something rather horrid, like self-hatred or knowing that this wouldn't end.

Now my parents really knew something was up. And I think that's why I was feeling this terrible.

"Esmeralda..." Magnus breathed out, almost with relief. I stared at him and covered my mouth with my fingers.

"Where were you?" I whispered slowly. I spotted carter slowly stepping out from the bathroom. Olivia was asleep in his arms.

"Esme, please—"

"You promised that I would be safe..." I whispered, slowly hugging my self. Adam placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to leave you two to talk," He mumbled before walking past us. The front door shut shortly after and Carters foot steps ascended up the stairs.

"Why did you have to leave?" Magnus shook his head at me.

"I think we should be more concerned about what just happened. We need to get you checked out, we need to make sure he didn't hurt you badly. Did he touch you anywhere?" He looked immensely concerned. I shook my head.

"Why were you gone?" I asked again, "Just answer and I'll get checked out." I glared at him. "Were you like...with someone?"

Magnus stared at me with a crazed look, "You're kidding me, right? Esme, I was not with someone. I wasn't with anyone!" He sighed, shaking his head. I sat on the edge of the couch and stared at him.

"...okay...." I whispered. He didn't have any reason to lie, I guess. "I'm just tired. That's it," I said slowly. "I'll probably have some bruises tomorrow but that's all."

Magnus walked over to me and gently cupped my face. He crouched between my legs as he spread them and used a hand to massage one of my thighs. "That teddy bear..." He mumbled looking to the side. I looked over and hesitantly picked it up. "Let's burn it, huh?" Magnus whispered, as if he could actually see the pain in my heart while I stared down at it.

"Yeah....let's burn it..." I whispered softly. Magnus hummed gently and took it from me, lighting a fire in the large fire place quickly. He threw it in and closed the glass. Strangely, it was almost as if the thing was mocking me, even when it was burning to death. That unsettled me.

"....You love me," Magnus said smugly. My eyes snapped over to me and he stood near the fireplace, a different kind of fire burning in his eyes.

"...." Then I remembered and blushed. "I want to go to bed." I said quickly. And Magnus laughed softly.

"Of course, lets go to bed. Esme."

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