Chapter 48 <Esmeralda>

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When I stepped out of that room, I stood into an empty and larger room. Scattered chairs and tables everywhere but at each wall there was a hallway. I whimpered, looking at each with uncertainty. They made this place some kind of labyrinth as if they new I would get out somehow. My hand rubbed my stomach as I tried to come up with some kind of gut feeling. Something that could lead me the right way. But all I felt was the feeling of dread. My shoulders felt heavy and my eyes felt tired and my knee throbbed gently in pain. It's been killing me but at least I can walk.

I decided finally to just god straight, hoping I would get some where with that. Not lost, hopefully. I sighed out shakily and walked down the hall straight ahead, my bare feet padding against the cold tile ground. My shoulder drug against the wall as I hugged myself for some sort of security. The hall way went on forever, I felt sick just walking down it. I wanted it to just end. I wanted all of this to end.

It did. I came to the end of the hallway, two doors waited for me. I opened them, pushing the heavy doors and walking through the door way. There were stairs that led downward. It caused a wave of nausea to flow through me and I gagged, hands slapping against the wall as the littlest amount of phlegm exited me. My mouth rubbed against my wet lips and I held back my tears. Crying wasn't going to do me any good if I wanted to get out. So I slowly pushed off from the wall, walking back through the double doors before pausing in my stance. There was a woman right there, standing at the end of the hall, shock written all over her face. I immediately recognized her.

"....Esmeralda," She asked slowly. My eyes widened and I stumbled slowly towards her.

"I-I..." I stuttered softly. She hurried to me, arms outstretched. I flinched slightly as her hand gripped my forearms firmly and stared at her. "Al..Alma?" I asked slowly, "Why are you here? I thought my parents left you and the rest of you guys at that house." I whispered with confusion. She shook her head and sighed, almost examining me.

"I've been looking for you, I'm going to get you out of here. We need to go, follow me right now," She said urgently. I frowned.

"Why?" I asked. "I was so bad to you...and everyone else..." Alma gave me a look and slipped her hands into mine. She gave them a tight squeeze.

"You had your reasons," She stated slowly. "I have my reasons. Now let's go." My lips pressed together and I nodded, following her back down the hall. She stopped and turned to the wall pressing her hand against it. Slowly, the wall shifted, turning into a door. My mouth went agape slightly and I felt honestly stupid, though the feeling didn't last long. Alma pulled me through the door by my wrist. We were in a place with plenty of desks, tv's which were shut off. Alma looked at me and smiled softly, pressing her index finger to her lips. I nodded, getting what she wanted and kept my mouth shut. We quietly stepped out of that room through a red door and hurried down the stairs just to the right. Alma rushes me into a different room and locked the door behind herself. I looked around surprised to see the other maids from back at my parents home.

"That was fast," Maria said with surprise, walking over to me. She smiled softly and pulled me into a hug which I returned quickly, my eyes squeezing shut. She paused and slowly turned to Alma.

"Did any one see you?" Alma shook her head.

"No one should have, we're good." Alma rubbed my back gently. "Here, sit down, sweetie." I slowly sat down with her and sighed out shakily.

"Were....were you the ones who shut off those cameras?" I asked softly. Alma smiled a bit more and nodded. I was happy but...disappointed. They seemed to automatically recognize this.

"Are you...not happy with us? Why?" Maria asked curiously. "You couldn't have wanted to stay there forever..."

"No...No..." I shook my head, looking back at her. "I just was Magnus who shut them off..."

"Magnus?" They pushed. "Who's Magnus exactly?" A small smile pulled at my lips and I blushed a bit.

"My mate. My soulmate," I said with love and fondness. "I thought he was finally here to save me and take me away from here." The women gasped and Alma cupped my face.

"You found your soul mate?" I nodded, smiling slowly.

"Yeah," I breathed out. "He's so handsome...and kind....and when he holds me it feels so nice and safe..." I trailed off, blushing as the two women gave me a smug look. "Magnus should be looking for me," I said quickly, too embarrassed to stay on subject.

"Alright, maybe he's already here then?" Maria hummed, crossing her arms. "Right now everyone is panicky, someone has broken into the upper building above us—"

"Wait, above us?" My eyes widened. "Are we under ground?" Alma frowned and sighed, looking at Maria. Then she slowly nodded.


My hands slowly rubbed my stomach as I suddenly felt ill again. "How are we supposed to get out from under here?" I asked or almost whined.

"There an elevator power by a key card that only people who work here have access too," Alma sighed. "As I was saying, I think your Magnus is already here. Everyone has been on edge all day. They even left you unmonitored so we turned off the cameras so you could get out. Luckily your mother seemed to be dumb enough to not lock your door."

Maria looked at me, "I think we should get to him before your parents and that pig does," She huffed. "That good for nothing, disgusting cerdo!" I flinched a bit at her tone but looked away so they didn't notice.

"Ba...But," I mumbled, looking back at her. "Won't they like...get mad?"

"At what?" Alma asked with an innocent, mocking tone. "We just work here, we keep things tidy. We're doing our job roaming these halls." She smirked a bit and I smiled weakly while tilting my head.

"Yeah...I guess you're right," I whispered.

"I'll go find him. Give me a description of how he looks," Maria said, pulling up a chair to sit in front of me. A blush slowly crept onto my face once again.

"Um...." There's a lot I could explain about his appearance. A lot. But I'll keep from explaining those parts. "He has red's slicked back some times but I doubt....I doubt it is right now. It gets messy when he gets's probably messy—"

"Stay on task, Mijo," Alma chuckled. I covered my red cheeks, continuing.

"He has golden eyes if he's using his magic or mad. But they're usually green. He's tall, kind of built like a wall of muscle. He's much taller than my father...maybe an inch or two. Last time I saw him he had stubble..." I explained slowly before looking at them both. "He might be with other people. Like...Like the devil...."

"The devil?" Maria gaped at me. Alma leaned forward.

"Tell us who and what we're possibly going to find."

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