Chapter 26 <Esmeralda>

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By the end of the day, Harley had plenty of amazingly taken photographs to share. He gave me a couple that had us together and then just me. They were a gift for Magnus, according to Harley, because the burley man allowed him to to take me out. After all that had past us, Harley took me to a café.

"Have you ever had coffee?" Harley asked, looking through the menu. I shook my head simply and sighed.

"No..." I murmured, clearly pretending to look through the menu too.

"Then I'll just choose for you," He said with a grin before gasping. "Oh! You need to try their muffins! And their banana bread! It's literal heaven," He groaned dramatically. I laughed softly, hiding my small smile with my hand.

"Okay, thanks..."

Harley threw his head back, bursting into laughter. "You should've seen it! It was so hilarious! Magnus was all confused while Adam basically played him for the biggest fool. That was a solid prank," Harley sighed after we finished the short stay at the Café. I discovered that I hated coffee and preferred water or tea. So we shared banana bread and muffins while drinking our own individual drinks.

Now, the day was slowly coming to an end. The sun gone hours ago but it was still around six pm at the time. It was now eight o'clock. Harley walked with me into the parking lot and humming slightly as he pulled his keys from his bag. Once again we were on the road. Harley reaches over and turned on the radio, bobbing his head to the music.

"Did you ever listen to the radio much?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"No," I shook my head, "There wasn't much for me to do when I was with my parents." I admitted softly, tapping my finger against my thigh to the beat. "But I like it, it has songs I've never heard before."

Harley smiled, seemingly agreeing with what I said, "I never was allowed to go on the radio, or TV. My parents definitely probably just didn't want me to find a way to escape with information off of those things," He joked lightly.

I stayed silent for a moment before looking over at him once more. "How...did you get out then?" I asked slowly. I regretted it quickly, asking that, as Harley's soft smile twitched into a slight frown.

"Umm," he kicked his lips, "Well-"

"No, you don't have to." I interrupted, "I shouldn't even be asking that." My eyes looked away from Harley, staring at my reflection in the window as cars past by.

"No, no. It's alright, really. I don't need to worry about anything anymore, and you have so much going on. It's not your fault for being curious," Harley excused, laughing a bit. "I was actually visiting my older brother, with my parents. He never knew about anything they put me through, they kept it secret. And I think the moment he saw me look terrified of dad when they got into an argument that day, he decided to investigate. My brother works under Adam...or Silas. So he got help but it didn't really work. My mom really had a tight grip on me. But then I met Anarchy, our souls instantly connected and he helped me get out of there."

"Why...didn't it work the first time?" I asked a bit nervously. Harley could sense my uneasiness and immediately went into action.

"It was my fault!" He said quickly. "I pushed my brother away and made it harder for them to help me. I was angry at everyone and always got into fights, even with my father. Honestly, the reason why I couldn't get out the first time was because I refused to let anyone help me." Harley frowned as we pulled up slowly to Magnus'.

I looked at him and whispered, "What if I can't get out? I'm not really safe, not after they realize everything was a trick." My hands covered my eyes as I slowly left out a long, stressed sigh. Harley placed a hand on my arm gently.

"You will," Harley smiled, "Just because you've got the looks, doesn't mean you don't got the brains," He winked at my like a flirt. "Now call Magnus and tell him we're here."

A groan of annoyance left me. I had to call Magnus to let him know that I was there. And earlier, I had to call him once every thirty minutes. There was a constant alarm going off of this stupid phone to let me know to call him. Speak of the devil, my body jerked up in surprise as the alarm went off. My finger smacked against the screen with disgust before I picked it up, opening the phone. Like Magnus taught me, I opened up contacts and paused just before I pressed his number.

"Do I really need to call him? I'm already home, why can't I just walk inside," I sighed. "I don't like talking on the phone. It's weird."

Harley smirked, "I bet he'll spank you or something if you don't call him. He did say you have to—oh he's calling you!"

I looked over at the phone which rang in my hand. My lower lip fell into a soft, sulky pout but I answered the phone anyways. "Hey, Magnus," I said.

"Are you home?" Magnus asked gruffly, almost like he was irritate.

"Yessir," I murmured, "Are you?" I threw back.

"No. And before you speak, I know I'm supposed to be home but something serious came up so just have Harley walk you inside. He should stay with you for at least five minutes or longer, okay? Then he can leave."

"What's going on?" I asked, confused. "What came up—"

"I'll tell you later, Love. I promise. Just listen and do as I say, alright?" He said a bit more gentler. I looked over at Harley who seemed to here everything and give me a thumbs up.

"Okay. See you later," I said softly.

"Yeah, of course," Magnus hummed lowly.

"I love you-" I paused and looked over at Harley out of panic before instantly pulling the phone away from my face and hanging up.

"Oh my god," I whispered. Harley blinked and bursted our laughing.

"You said the L word!" He wheezed, smacking his thigh. "Oh, that's cute!"

A whine slipped from my lips and I got out of the car, marching my way to the entrance and unlocking the front door. Harley followed after me, hugging my waist as he laughed harder.

"It's not funny!" I snapped, pouting as I shoved him away. Harley sighed out, panting softly.

"That was hilarious, your face went white!" He claimed, skipping through the doorway. "He's going to definitely never let you hear the end of it. Not after he gets back." My shoulders slouched and I followed him inside, closing the door behind me.

"Yeah, what ever..." I whispered.

Harley and I hung out in the kitchen for a bit, Harley being the one who raided the cabinets for food. It was a good couple of minutes before he finally had to leave. Of course Anarchy texted him to be home soon so Harley gave my a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I walked with his to the door and opened it, watching him leave down the hall. A weird almost sad feeling hung over my heart as I watched my new and first friend leave me. It felt a bit empty here with out him. And to be completely honest, the feeling scared the shit out of me.

But I locked the door and walked into the kitchen, staring at his plate he left. I remembered that Magnus liked everything tidy and washed the plate by myself. Then I put it away and looked around, playing with a piece of my hair while slowly walking into the living room. I began to wonder where exactly carter and Olivia were at this time of night but figured he was probably with a friend. If he had any. So I picked up the remote and turned on the TV, standing in the middle of the living room.

"We should pick a movie~"

A loud gasp escaped my lips and I turned around abruptly. My heart dropped down to my stomach, almost stopping it's blood flow. There he sat, with a smug look on his face. His men entered the room, that same tattoo that all of his gang members had. His eyes mocked me, glowing a dark yellow, filled with mischief.

"Why are you so shocked, gatito?!"

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