Chapter 9 <Magnus>

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I cursed. I cursed inwardly and if I could express my anger right now, I would choke Adam to death. Mother fucker basically exposed all of us when he decided to just announce that he was Satan.

"You're not the devil," Esmeralda finally answer. He scoffed at Adam who, I could already tell, was just eating up His ignorance.

"I've already seen the devil. You aren't him," He mumbled this time. I sighed and gave Adam a look to just drop it but of course the cocky bastard kept going.

"Boy, you think Carlos, or Alec, or even Claire are some kind of multiplied form of the devil. But you're wrong. They aren't even close. Sure they've done terrible things. Ghastly things. But Lust, Pride, and Greed will never be Satan. They wish they were me," He grinned widely as his eyes dulled to a bloody red. Esmeralda stared at him as if he were insane before slowly looking at me.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Esmeralda sneered, "you took me to a meeting with an insane fuck face." He accused, glaring at me.

"You should honestly just tell him. We'll leave if you want. I think it'd be better if Adam left." Anarchy suggested sheepishly. I thought about it for a bit before slowly nodding. I didn't really want to tell Esmeralda all of this now. Perhaps when he finally warmed up to me or trusted me.

Or before his parents tried to steal him away from me.

"Just, the both of you, get out." I groaned, dragging my hands down my face. Adam got up and thankfully left but he still had a sly look to his face. Anarchy gave me a thumbs up and winked as he followed Adam out.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on? Or are you just going to sit their like a mindless idiot?" Esmeralda hugged his knees to his chest. His posture never matched his attitude which made me believe I could get to him. He'd be a perfect submissive. He was already perfect enough to me, even if sometimes I just wanted to kill him. Once I help him I'll treat him like a prince. I paused my thoughts and smirked. Then I show him what a real man is like in bed.

"Before I say anything, Esmeralda can I ask you to do one favor for me?" I sighed, staring into his eyes intensely. Esme fidgeted in his seat and glanced away.

"Um...yeah sure, whatever." He mumbled quickly. I let a satisfied him and smirked slightly.

"Please try not to say anything until you've heard everything, understand?" My voice took a dominant edge hoping it'd effect him in the right way. It did.

"Y-Yes..." He whispered, blinking harshly as he tried to avoid my eyes.

"Yes?" I pushed.

"Yes...Yes...Yes Magnus..."

I sat up and gave him a pleased smile, "Good boy." This is a start.

"You're confused about soulmates, so let's explain that quickly. Soul mates are people who, to simplify it, are meant to be together. They're true lovers which the universe— or whatever being you want to believe in—wants together. And there's no one else like your soul mate. No one else. They're one of a kind. And before you call me crazy or get up and yell at me, just listen. Humans don't have soulmates. It's their punishment. However that's a different story. I am not human, you've seen my eyes shift in color, I'm sure of this—"

Esmeralda nodded slowly, "—Okay. Just stay with me on this. I'm a warlock, a witch, a dark sorcerer. What ever you'd like to call it. I specialize in more dark, satanic rituals and potions. I do know some light magic but I don't need it much because I work for Adam. Who, yes, is the Devil. I know that look, Esmeralda, just keep listening. It's hard to believe since your parents hid this world from you. They did that for selfish reasons. Your parents are two of the seven deadly sins. They've been around since before Adam lost his wings.

Lust and Pride. Claire and Alek, your parents. Esmeralda, you have a lot of power in you that could be unlocked. You just have to try to help it finally wake up. I'm your soul mate and an expert in magic. I could help you. Just, please, Esmeralda-" I stopped taking once he stood with wide eyes. "Esme, little one, wait. Just keep listening—shit!" I growled as he ran out of the room fast. I stood quickly and went after him. I was a little surprised at how fast he could run but paid no mind. He was running towards the elevator for some reason which only lead to my office. I slowly jogged to a stop and watched as he entered and made the door close quickly. Our eyes met as it happened so I couldn't help but smirk. He looked lost.

I snapped my fingers and suddenly, I was in my office. I took a seat on the couch and poured myself a glass of scotch as the elevator buzzed. The doors opened, revealing my lovely little mate. Esme stepped out, panting heavily. His face was flushed and his eyes watered gently which made my smirk falter. He stopped once he realized I was there, waiting for him.

"How the fuck did you get in here so fast?" He asked frantically or more panicked. I gave him a small smile, taking a gulp of my drink.

"Like I told you before, I can do a lot of things with magic," I hummed, sitting back completely relaxed. He watched me in a moment of disbelief before slowly walking over to one of the love seats. He hesitated, a flash of disgust over taking his perfect purple eyes as he looked at the chair. I made a mental note to get rid of them quickly. He took a seat, curling up in it defensively. It was more of a submission towards me but he didn't need to know that.

"'re telling the truth?" He asked quietly. I raised a brow since his voice had never been this quiet.

"Yes, love, I am." He squeezed his eyes shut before opening them.

"So my parents...they lied to me my whole life." He rested his chin on his knees a took a deep breath. "I'm not surprised at all," He whispered, tucking a lock of his ebony hair behind his ear.

"I wouldn't be either, if I were you," I mumbled, placing my glass down on the coffee table in front of me. I looked up and was met with a glare. Of course that didn't surprise me. He was angry at everything right now. I understand it's his way of protecting himself but I need to reassure him I would never hurt him like they did. Not intentionally, at least.

"I don't want to be your soul mate. I just want to be left alone," He whispered harshly. I admit it really hurt to hear him say that. However I kept my cool and smirked at him.

"You're stuck with me, love. Deal with it. You either fall for me or don't. But trust me when I say this, you'll definitely fall for me," because I've already fallen for you.

What I said to him did not sit well at all. He stood and grabbed my glass of scotch, splashing it in my face. I got up and seethed, wiping the alcohol from my eyes quickly. "I'll never, ever love you. I fucking resent you! You act like I'm not a bad person. You act like I haven't done bad things too! I helped my parents lure children into that damned system of theirs. I've thought that I was better than them, that I was perfect. That I'm the precious prized possession my parents have always wanted." He screamed, smacking and punching my chest with force. "I'm not the soul mate you want. I...I...I'm not good. So go fuck yourself and find a girl to fuck. To get married to. To have a family with." He sneered.

My eyes darkened with anger. I couldn't early control my self as I sat down and bent him over my lap, pulling down those pants of his. I could hear his shocked gasp and subtle whimper. He was afraid. I raised my hand and spanked the pale flesh of his ass, making sure to pin him down as he squirmed. I smacked his ass until it had turned a reddish-pink shade. A wave of satisfaction drove through me and I grabbed his face roughly, not too rough to cause harm  though. He stared up at me with shock and tears streaming down his face.

"Never, ever talk so lowly of yourself. You are my life. My love. Esmeralda, I don't think you understand how much I love you. If only you could feel this bond that I feel," I stared deeply in his eyes. He shook in my hold and slowly leaned into me, hugging my shoulders and crying into my neck.

Gently, I pulled back up his pants and held him close to me, swaying to sooth him. He sobbed quietly and let out broken noises every now and then. "That was your punishment, love. That was your punishment for thinking like that. I will never punish you out of hatred or blind anger. Trust me when I say that," I pleaded in his ear.

He cried harder and held onto me even tighter.

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