Chapter 34 <Esmeralda>

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WARNING: Lots of vibrating

"I guess I should've known vampires were real," I muttered, feeling stupid. Harley grinned and Luca tilted his head, confused.

"You didn't know?" He asked. "But you're parents are—"

Harley cleared his throat. "Dick bags. Big, harry, ugly, saggy, dick bags," He said, clasping his hands together. Luca looked over at Harley and covered his mouth.

"What? It's true," Harley hummed. I slowly shifted in my seat, uncomfortably.

"Yeah," I murmured, "He's Right."

Luca frowned before biting his lip. "I like your earrings," He complimented. I reached up to touch them.

"Oh, thank you," I said, toying with them. "I...I like them too..." I trailed off, slowly looking over at Magnus. I knew I could feel his gaze on me, so I wasn't shocked when our eyes met. I looked down and watched as his hand slid into his pocket while he smiled at me knowingly. My reflex was to bite down on my tongue and tighten my fist as the toy in me began to vibrate on a low setting.

"You think they'll get mad if we decide to skip away?" Luca whispered to us. I glanced back and noticed Rangers head tilted slightly, almost as if he could hear him.

"Magnus is a hard ass," Harley pouted quietly, "He would never let Esme roam around like that. Even with both of us. Not now, at least...." he said, motioning to my neck.

I forced my teeth to now torture the sensitive flesh of my lip and I tried my best not to grind my hips. My legs squeezed shut once a throbbing erection formed for me. This was torture, but at the same time I loved it. I looked over at them both and bit my lip. They looked bored. And I was too...even though I really didn't want to walk around like this, I wanted to get to know my new friends better. They were my first friends, too. I didn't want them to lose interest in me.

"I can asked him," I said softly. Luca and Batley looked at me before smiling.

"Hell yeah-" Luca elbowed him. "You don't have to, it's alright," He reassured.

"Luca, you're babying him," Harley rolled his eyes.

"I'm not babying him, I'm trying to make him comfortable," He argued, frowning. I gasped softly and clamped my hand over my mouth as the vibrating increased, pressing against my prostate.

Harley looked at me and smirked, "Too late for that," He chimed. I glared at him and shoved his arm gently. Luca shook his head and cupped his cheeks as he held his face up.

"I want to go walk around with you guys," I persisted. "And....I mean...learn about you." I confessed. Harley smiled brightly.

"Jeez, Esmeralda, haven't you already learned about me enough," He said winking. I laughed softly.

"Yeah, but what about Luca?" I tilted my head.

Harley smacked his teeth and shrugged. "touché." Was his answer.

"Okay, I'll go ask him." Luca smiled at me, almost encouragingly. I gave him a tight one back, though it was meant to be genuine, and got off my seat slowly. It was a big mistake to stand, my legs felt like jelly already and I wasn't sure if I could take another step until the vibrator was put on low. When I looked up, Magnus was still talking with the other two large men. He was holding the remote openly now.

I walked, more like limped, over to him. The conversation died down slightly when they noticed, but then continued. I bit the inside of my cheek and reached out to gently tug at his sleeve. He looked up at me and smiled, a hand reaching to hold mine.

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