Chapter 60 <Esmeralda>

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Carters hand was on my tummy. It had grown quite a lot in the past month and I was really starting to become an emotional wreck. I felt ugly at times with a huge stomach but Magnus helped me feel pretty at least. And Carter was a big help surprisingly. The minute he heard about my pregnancy he seemed to be really happy for Magnus and I. He would talk about how much a child changes your life and not just in bad ways but in many good ways. The pros out way the cons most of the time. When I watched Carter interact with Olivia, I could tell he just knew how to take care of her. At first, I felt bad that he didn't have his soul mate to help him anymore.

But he clearly didn't need help. Carter was perfectly fine raising a child on his own, I now just felt bad that he lost someone he was in love with. It must've been hard to get up at times, I don't think I would've been able to if I were him. I guess the point is, I want to be a good daddy like Carter is. And I hope this baby is a little less sassy then Olivia. That little girl has attitude. She definitely gets it from Carter.

"Do you want to know the gender right away, or do you want it to be a surprise?" Carter asked curiously. I blinked out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"Oh...well...I haven't really thought about that..." I frowned and looked over at Magnus and Olivia who sat together, watching some random cartoon. "I guess I just assumed I would know right away, I didn't know I had a choice." I pouted slightly. Carter smiled softly and nodded.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Just do whatever you want to do. I'm sure my uncle will give in to whatever you want," He scoffed out slightly and I giggled a bit. "He's fucking whipped." Carter laughed softly and rubbed the side of his face. "You guys are gonna need a place to put the baby. A room close to yours." I blinked but slowly nodded.

"Yeah...I guess so."

"I'm moving out," Carter sighed out. "I've been looking at apartments. I found one. I'm making just enough money to pay for myself and Olivia so..." I could see Magnus slowly look up from the corner of my eye. I opened my mouth, a bit shocked.

" don't need to...there's one more room in this place and we—"

"Could use it for a second child or something. A toy room. It was Olivia's toy room. And I doubt Magnus could give up his spell room for me. Besides, I've been here for too long. I need to get over all of what's happened and I need to live on my own..." Carter smiles weakly. "Since you guys were a bit busy, I already sent a couple of box's to the apartment. It's not the best but, at least it doesn't have cockroaches."

"Carter." Magnus said strongly, enough for both his nephew and I to flinch in surprise. "You can't just leave, not at least with out letting me know. You can't just make that decision without me, I still raised you, you know that." I could hear the hurt in his voice. My heart ached for him. For both of them.

Carter bit his lip and looked over at him. "I'm going to be just fine. I've lived on my own before." He sighed out shakily. "And it's not like I'll be completely alone, I'll be with Olivia and...I've..." Carter paused as if debating on telling us. I placed my hand on Carters to encourage him.

"Um..." He looked between us. "I found my second chance mate....s." I looked over at Magnus and he seemed to dislike the idea.

"And I haven't met them?" Carter scoffed out a laugh and shook his head. "I'm not a kid anymore. You don't need to meet them, just because you met my first mate."

"I don't think your ready to have a relationship with two men so suddenly, Carter. You're still hurting—"

"They know that!" Carter snapped. "They understand that, they're good with Olivia. She loves them. We haven't even kissed yet and they're still with me. They haven't rejected me at all. That's something, right? That's progress?" Carters eyes began to water as Magnus went silent. They stared at each other. I cleared my throat and looked at Olivia who watched in confusion.

"No fight!" Olivia demanded. "You no fight. Fighting not nice. Go to naughty chair Magus!" She pointed to the chair in the corner with a pout. Carter smiled for a moment and shook his head.

"Carter...let me pay for the apartment. Can I at least do that?" Magnus whispered. He looked at his uncle. Then he slowly nodded.

"It wouldn't hurt to meet them." I intervened. And then smiled at carter once he looked at me. "Just so I can embarrass you in front of them. Right Magnus?" I turned to him. He chuckled.

"Yeah. To embarrass carter."

A week later, Carter finally moved out. We still didn't get to meet the two men that were supposedly carters second chance soul mates. I was shocked at first too, I didn't know people could have two mates. Then again, I didn't know that mates existed before I met Magnus. I guess I still have a lot to learn about this world. We did learn their names though. Mathin and Gavin. Carter hasn't showed us any pictures. But he keeps saying that Olivia loves them and they love Olivia. So I guess looks don't matter if that's the case.

"Are they hot?" I smiled slowly as Harley poked fun at Carter who seemed to glare at him. "Oh, come on! I came over to ask you if they were hot, not just to hang out with Esme and Luca over there!"

"Hey!" Luca and I whined at the same time. Then we looked at each other and laughed. Carter looked at the three of us annoyed. Six too.

"If it'll shut you up, they're hot. Better?" Carter bitterly asked. Harley grinned widely, not even phased by Carters attitude.

"Better." He leaned back and threw an arm over my shoulder. I smiled and played with his hair. "You gonna make more babies with them? You have sex with them yet?—"

"If you don't stop harassing my nephew, I'll tell Anarchy that it was you who messed up his office the other day." Magnus smirked as Harley's tanned skin paled and he pouted, ducking his head.

"No fair..."

"Thanks." Carter sighed out and huffed. Magnus handed me a cup of water and I took it from him, taking a couple gulps to please the hunk. Magnus took the glass back from me and sat at a love seat. I smiled at him softly and rubbed my belly affectionately.

He smiled back.

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