Chapter 46 <Esmeralda>

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I was disgusted. I hated every inch of my body that complied to anyone who entered my room. To be honest, I had no concept of time. No amount of days to go off of or a simple clock. I just had to guess by the amount of clothes changed on each body that visited me. Going off by that alone, I must've been laying here for days. I was given stale salads, poorly made. But I ate them because I was starving. I was so use to actually eating good food that a salad served no use to the hunger that I was in. But I didn't miss the meals, I missed the person behind them.

I missed Magnus so much. Not just because I was being treated terribly, but because I just wanted to be with my soul mate again. He made me happy, genuinely happy. I felt like I could do anything I wanted and I had freedom I didn't even know I needed before. He didn't chain me to the bed unless I wanted to be chained to the bed. He gave me control, and choices. I felt nauseous too, I threw up several times until I would end up just dry heaving. They decided to just leave my arms free, I guess they thought I was just too weak now to do anything.

I was. I was completely low on energy and hungry all the time. My arms just moved to wrap around my stomach, rubbing it as my eyes scrunched up in pain. "Darling," My mother whispered in my ear. "Let me have fun with you." I shook my head, my heart beat picking up.

"No..." I whimpered. "Stop..." I slurred out, turning to look at her. She covered my mouth and moved her hands around my body which had been shed of clothing a long time ago.

"Shut up," she hissed, grabbing the syringe from the side table. "Stay still." My eyes widened and I shook my head. I can't do that, I can't go through that again. It's the worst.

"Stay fucking still," She hissed in a hushed tone. Of course I didn't listen to her. I tried to shove her body off, grabbed her wrist to prevent her from jabbing me with the needle. Her beat bun became disheveled. "You fucking bastard!" She shrieked as I knocked it from her hands. It shattered, liquid splattering all over the floor. Mother turned back to me with furious eyes and grabbed my raw throat, pressing her thumbs against my wind pipe.

"You fucking slut! I should've never gave birth to you! I should've just slit your throat the minute you breathed air!" She cried. "Alec!" She screamed with anger. My ears started to ring as I smacked her arms, flailing my own in desperation. My stomach flipped with nausea as I began to see black spots. I have someone to live for.

"No!" I choked out, using my legs to kick her off. There was a giant rush of adrenaline that helped me. I wheezed as my mother crashed into the wall of the other side of the room. My hands fell to my throat as my body violently shook along with my crazed sobs. I slowly sat up and looked at my mother who was bleeding and dazed. There were giant black marks on her exposed skin. My mother groaned, her body jerking as it struggled to heal it self to my surprise. "What....what did I do..." I whispered with raspiness. It was almost like her skin had been singed.

"You...he woke your powers didn't he," She slurred with pain, grunting as she used the wall to stand. I shook my head immediately.

"I don't know what your talking about, mother," I said quickly. It wasn't a complete lie either.

"You little brat!" She walked over to me, stumbling as she reached for me. "I'm going to slaughter you and that brat..." she hissed violently. A whimpered slipped from me and I reached to grip at the collar, tugging at it.

"Mama, please," I begged, scooting to the other side of the bed. "Please don't—"

"Claire!" My father barged in. "We've got a lot of fucking pests here. Stop wasting your damn time with him. We'll deal with it later!" He snarled, grabbing her arm. He didn't even seem to notice that she was injured as she was dragged out. I released a heavy and stressed sigh, looking at the floor. My hands slowly reached up to the collar around my neck again and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Please..." I whispered, clenching the leather tightly. "Please work....please."

Nothing. I sighed and dropped my hands, slouching on the bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. I just need to get out of here somehow. I began to look around the room before pausing. The tools laid out on the table my mother was using were just used for make up products. She decided we needed some bonding time and now my face was covered in make up. But there was a pair of scissors on in the middle of all that mess. So I quickly crawled over to the other side of the bed and stumbled towards the table, gagging as the chain stopped me a foot away. A whimper of distress echoed through the room as I tugged at the chain, trying to at least get the bed to move. I looked up and stared at the security camera. It stared back at me, obviously zooming in. The thing was almost taunting me in a cocky way.

It made me wonder who exactly was watching me behind that camera. My father said they had unwanted guests right before they rushed out. I wondered who exactly those people were as well. "Fuck it," I whispered and rugged at the chain, the bed jerking away from its spot. I looked back at the scissors and reached for them again. It was still too far for me and I felt so stupid for even trying. I looked back up and was shocked to see the tiny red light on the camera off. The camera was now faced down into a resting position. The cameras were off. I stared up at it in confusion before shaking my head and walking over to the bed quickly, using all my strength to pull the bed closer. I ran over to the table and finally grabbed the scissors. Desperately, I pulled the leather collar far from the raw and irritated skin of my neck. I worked to cut myself free, holding back frustrated tears as it seemed to take ages until it finally snapped in half, dropping to the ground with a large clunky and metallic sound.

I breathed out in bliss, rubbed my neck and sitting back down on the bed for a moment. I stared at the door and squeezed my eyes shut. I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe to see if they had any clothes. There was only a pair of sweats and a shirt that seemed to be for me. I pulled them on, wincing in slight pain, my hand placing itself over my stomach. I breathed out shakily and walked over to the door, turning the handle and jerking at the door. "C'mon, please," I whispered, giving it one last jerk.

I must've been a saint in a past life. It opened.

Love Me (ManxMan) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora